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Metalogix – Confidential Professional Archive Manager for SharePoint.

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Presentation on theme: "Metalogix – Confidential Professional Archive Manager for SharePoint."— Presentation transcript:

1 Metalogix – Confidential Professional Archive Manager for SharePoint

2 Improved system performance with the reduction of the SharePoint production database Online access to archived documents directly from the MOSS application Automatic disaster recovery and shorter backup times for the MOSS environment e-Discovery compliance through archiving to centralised storage media Search for documents in the archive from inside and outside the SharePoint portal Benefits

3 Archiving Methods Manual or server-based automated control of the SharePoint document libraries onto Professional Archive Manager for SharePoint archive. Configurable archiving criteria Automatic deletion of document library data from the archive and/or automatic replacement of the archived document with an HTML link

4 Automated archiving with time based policy require the following criteria: Start date of the archiving process End date of the archiving process Archiving intervals Maximum time period of every archiving process Scheduled Archiving

5 Additional criteria for archiving documents: Archive by document type; *.doc, *.pdf… Archive by document size Archive documents last accessed on x or older than y Archive from specific folder Filters

6 All edited documents are kept as individual versions in the archive and removed from the MOSS application. Only the HTML link is left behind. All versions are made available to the user if a document is retrieved from the archive. Versioning

7 Document Library Form Library Translation Management Library Report Library Data Connection Library Announcements Contacts Discussion Board Calendar Tasks Project Tasks Issue Tracking Supported MS SharePoint Features

8 Office SharePoint Portal PAM Scheduler Checked documents that are to be archived Single Instance check and new version is created if necessary, before handing over to the HSM Archive. PAM metadata is generated and HTML archive link created Replacement of the MOSS documents with the HTML links. PAM-HSM Archive Compression and Encoding Documents stored using the set archiving parameters Once archived, the documents is returned. 5 3 4 1 2 Scheduled Process

9 PAM-HSM Archive Single Instance Storage: Single Instance Storage (SIS) avoids the unnecessary storing of identical documents. Using MD5 and bit-wise document comparison. HSM Multiple Saving: For parallel archiving onto two separate storage media devices. Encoding and Compression: Method RC4, Method zlib in the gzip Format. Lifecycle Management: Move, edit, delete archived documents through retention policy or manually by the administrator. Compliance Management: Improved compliancy through set retention policies and centralized storage media. Summary

10 Supported Environments MS SharePoint Portal 2003/2007 Windows 2003/2008, 64-bit version Windows 2000/2003/2008, 32-bit versions Windows Storage Server 2003, 32-bit and 64-bit versions

11 Metalogix - Confidential11 Professional Archive Manager for SharePoint Try your free 30-day trial Metalogix E-Mail: URL:

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