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State Regents Meeting January 31, 2013. Adults with Bachelor’s Degree or Higher (2011) Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2011 American Community Survey. 84%

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1 State Regents Meeting January 31, 2013

2 Adults with Bachelor’s Degree or Higher (2011) Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2011 American Community Survey. 84% of national average.

3 Bachelor Degree Attainment by Age 24, by Family Income, 2011 Source: Postsecondary Education OPPORTUNITY, Number 245, November 2012, <$33k $33-63k $63-105k >$105k

4 OKPromise High School Enrollment (By High School Graduation Year) $ 32,000 $50,000 $ 24,000 As of 12-20-12

5 Estimated Percent of Oklahoma Families with Total Income Under $50,000 Source: US Census Bureau, 2000 Census, American Community Survey-2001-2011

6 Oklahoma Public School Students Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch Source: Office of Accountability, Profiles State Reports, 2007-2011

7 Inflation Impact on $50,000 Income Limit $50,000 in 2012 equivalent to about $37,600 in year 2000 dollars* $50,000 in year 2000 dollars equivalent to about $66,500 in year 2012 dollars* *based on national consumer price index; 33% rate of inflation from 2000 to 2012

8 High School Requirement Completion Rates $32,000 $50,000 As of 12-20-12

9 High School Students Completing OKPromise Requirements (by Grad Year) $32,000 $50,000 $24,000 As of 1-2-13

10 Ethnicity – 2012 HS Completers

11 2012 OKPromise Champions BMoss & Wapanucka10 AWright City15 2ANortheast Academy - OKC28 3ADove Science Academy - OKC35 4ASanta Fe South – OKC70 5ADel City59 6AUnion - Tulsa128

12 2012 OKPromise State Champions 6A-Union-Tulsa (128) 2A-Northeast Academy-OKC (28) 3A-Dove Science Academy-OKC (35) 4A-Santa Fe South- OKC (70) 5A-Del City (59) B-Wapanucka (10) A-Wright City (15) B-Moss (10)

13 Union Public Schools Students Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch Source: Office of Accountability, Profiles District Reports, 2000-2011

14 Oklahoma City Public Schools Hispanic Student Population Source: Office of Accountability, Profiles District Reports, 2000-2011

15 2012 Gates Millennium Scholars It appears that about 37 of 53 (70%) Gates Foundation Millennium Scholars named in Oklahoma in 2012 are OKPromise students.* *Tulsa World article, 7/2/12

16 Gender Trends OKPromise High School Grads, 2002-2012 OK H.S. Seniors: 49% Female, 51% Male Female Male

17 Geographic Distribution Trends OKPromise High School Grads, 2004-2012 “Urban” is defined as the 5 most populous counties – Oklahoma, Tulsa, Cleveland Canadian, and Comanche.

18 High School GPA’s

19 2012 ACT Composite Scores

20 2012 ACT Testers By Income* *Self-reported on ACT test application

21 2012 Average ACT Scores By Income* *Self-reported on ACT test application

22 College-Going Rates Compared to All Oklahoma HS Graduates

23 College Remediation Rates

24 Full-Time College Enrollment First-time entering students enrolled in 12 hours or more per fall or spring semester

25 College Freshman – GPA of at least 2.0 Percentages calculated based on students with GPA reported to UDS.

26 College Freshman to Sophomore Persistence Rates

27 Degree Completion Rates (through 2011-12)

28 Employment of College Graduates in Oklahoma (after 1 year, April 2010 – June 2011)

29 Scholarship Recipients As of 1-2-13

30 Factors Impacting Future Enrollment and Cost of Oklahoma’s Promise Shrinking pool of potential applicants ($50,000 limit unchanged since 2000) New statutory 2 nd family income check for 2012 high school graduates New statutory college GPA and “Satisfactory Academic Progress” requirements beginning in fall 2012

31 Average Annual Award

32 Average Scholarship by Tier

33 Scholarship Expenditures (In $ millions, by fiscal year) As of 11-14-12 Projected Actual

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