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Assignment 3: Team Led Class Discussion and Collaborative Annotated Bibliography.

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1 Assignment 3: Team Led Class Discussion and Collaborative Annotated Bibliography

2 Reading Selections (must relate to the course theme) Each team will select 8-10 additional readings Topics of articles: Literacy Dance and/or the DALN Types of articles: Historical Biographical Contemporary Methodological. The only requirement is that the readings relate to the themes of the course.

3 Choosing texts Appropriateness What is the relevance of the information? Primary vs. secondary Background (general) or specialized Credibility Credentials of the author, publisher, site, and/or publishing company Is the information in conversation with similar texts you have read? Balance Are there biases presented? Does the author provide enough evidence? Timeliness When was the text written/published?

4 Reading with your project in mind Check the source of the text (affiliated organizations) Read the preface, abstract, or introduction to gain a general understanding Review table of contents or the headings Allow for more attention to “parts that relate specifically to your topic” Include the key points that are applicable to your needs, while still representing the author’s purpose.

5 Class Discussion Choose one reading selection to share with the class (also included on the annotated bibliography) Discuss the main points of the reading and how it relates to the course and class research project(s) Identify questions and/or plan activities about the central issues in the reading selection Approximate facilitation time: 30 minutes Due dates: Nov. 5 Teams 1 & 2

6 Annotated Bibliography One collaboratively-prepared bibliography Each team member  2 annotations = 12 annotations Due dates: Oct. 29 Draft of two individual annotations Nov. 5 Teams’ Collaborative Annotated Bibliography

7 What is an annotated bibliography? 1-2 single spaced paragraphs Descriptive: summarizes the content of an entry (without comment or evaluation) (Norton Field Guide) Should capture the essence of a text in a short paragraph Evaluative: offers an assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of a text and/or how the piece may work within a project (Moss, “Assignment 3”; Norton Field Guide) “A reader who has not read the texts in your bibliography should be able to read each annotation and know whether the source will be relevant to his or her research” (Moss, “Assignment 3”).

8 Steps to writing an annotated bibliography Begin with the bibliographic information Using MLA or APA guidelines Include a concise description of the text Ensure that the information is not only accurate, but also clear to someone who has not read the original document Consider the relevance of a text when evaluating it’s content Keep it consistent If you use one pattern (format or style), use it throughout the annotated bibliography

9 Ideas to consider when writing an annotated bibliography Purpose Depth and Breadth of research Access for others Credibility of sources Audience Who is your audience? What is the take-away? Stance Role negotiation between describer and evaluator POV used to assess a source

10 Example of an MLA Annotated Bibliography Entry Source: Purdue OWL (

11 Example of an MLA Annotated Bibliography Entry Source: Purdue OWL ( Summary Evaluation Reflection

12 Example of an APA Annotated Bibliography Entry Source: Purdue OWL (

13 Example of an APA Annotated Bibliography Entry Source: Purdue OWL ( Summary Evaluation

14 Evaluative Criteria a full, correct MLA or APA citation for each annotation (be consistent); a well-written but concise summary of each selection; a clear evaluative statement of the strengths and weaknesses of the selection; and a carefully composed and edited prose that reflects the stylistic “moves” for annotations and that is free of misspellings, typos, and grammatical miscues.

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