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Grace in Grove 2 Year Strategic Journal for July, 2013-March, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Grace in Grove 2 Year Strategic Journal for July, 2013-March, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Grace in Grove 2 Year Strategic Journal for July, 2013-March, 2014

2 These strategies are for what?

3 Goal for 2014-2015 Increase membership from 57 to 75 Pursue a narrowly defined & local mission to maximize our limited resources Increase our visibility to our target group, and the larger community Increase the number of new visitors Encourage giving in order to be sustainable

4 Grace’s Mission Statement G ROWING together in love and knowledge as followers of Jesus Christ, R EFLECTING on Christ's word through study and prayer, A CTING to demonstrate God's love in our community, C ELEBRATING God's goodness in worship and fellowship, E MBRACING diversity in our Christian community and experiencing the joy of Christian life.

5 Grace’s Internal Strengths Friendliness Determination to succeed Diversity Location Unique for Grove

6 Grove’s External Opportunities Helping the poor Providing a place for education / forums / social media training Being a church that’s not like the majority Appealing to 50-70 year olds moving into the area

7 5 Strategies toward our Goal Building & Ground Children’s Ministry Financial Health Marketing Mission

8 Building & Grounds Buildings & Grounds improvements focus on maintenance of existing facilities, with incremental improvements to improve perceptions.

9 1.Solicited outsiders perspective 2.Prioritized and published project list by visitor/new member perception 3.Improve building signage  Marketing 4.Will be undertaking a Building Capital Campaign with the Financial Team Surveying congregation Building & Grounds Initiatives

10 Children’s Ministry Develop a Children's Ministry for our current congregation.

11 1.Held "Facility Shower" for supplies 2.Chose curriculum 3.Recruited and initiated teacher’s aides 4.Recommended facility repairs to B&G 5.Revamped structure 6.Will be revamping structure again Children’s Ministry Initiatives

12 Financial Health Improve and innovate stewardship and financial health of Grace utilizing stewardship and techniques from others

13 1.Raised visibility of annual budget needs and progress of annual campaign 2.Consolidated accounts to Arvest 3.Created several new Restricted Funds and a separate account for Taste of Grace 4.Will be undertaking a Building Capital Campaign with the Building & Grounds Team 5.Will be soliciting donations at Grace- sponsored community events Financial Health Initiatives

14 MARKETING Develop a simple, sticky message that reminds the community what Grace is all about…and share it everywhere we can.

15 1.Improving visibility in the community a)Banners for outside the building b)Building signage c)Website d)Facebook page 2.Will be branding our mission work 3.Will be increasing the number of events to engage the community Marketing Initiatives

16 Missions Focus our resources on local mission work that aligns with interests of 50-70 year olds; our Core Church Interests; and maximizes Grace’s visibility

17 Missions Initiatives 1.Started placing Angel Cards in various locations in Grove 2.Started Taste of Grace 3.Currently considering hosting Taste of Grace weekly 4.Will be offering Adult Education classes, workshops, forums

18 Other Issues 1.Session and the Board of Deacons temporarily ceased most of benevolence giving to outside organizations and to PCUSA, and chose to funnel it into Grace’s missions. 2.Session dissolved the Board of Deacons because we lack enough people to have a Session and a Board. 3.Session created a new Congregational Care Team to do much of the work of the Board of Deacons. 4.Session approved a “Resurrection operating budget” which includes deficit spending in order that Grace will have enough money to actively pursue our goal for growth.

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