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NASA SLI 2010 Mulberry Grove High School Critical Design Review Measurement of UVB Radiation Absorption by Cloth Material at Different Altitudes and Measurement.

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Presentation on theme: "NASA SLI 2010 Mulberry Grove High School Critical Design Review Measurement of UVB Radiation Absorption by Cloth Material at Different Altitudes and Measurement."— Presentation transcript:

1 NASA SLI 2010 Mulberry Grove High School Critical Design Review Measurement of UVB Radiation Absorption by Cloth Material at Different Altitudes and Measurement of Vehicle Motor Tube/Case Temperatures During Launch Mulberry Grove SLI Team

2 NASA SLI 2010 Mulberry Grove High School Outline Rocket Construction and Design Payload Recovery Safety Outreach

3 NASA SLI 2010 Mulberry Grove High School Rocket Dimensions, Material Diameter:4 inches Length:109.5 inches Gross Liftoff Weight:23 lbs Material:G10 Fiberglass Mad Dog Dual Deployment Kit

4 NASA SLI 2010 Mulberry Grove High School

5 NASA SLI 2010 Mulberry Grove High School

6 NASA SLI 2010 Mulberry Grove High School Nose Cone

7 NASA SLI 2010 Mulberry Grove High School Coupler in Nose Cone

8 NASA SLI 2010 Mulberry Grove High School Epoxy of Nuts on Airframe

9 NASA SLI 2010 Mulberry Grove High School

10 NASA SLI 2010 Mulberry Grove High School

11 NASA SLI 2010 Mulberry Grove High School Avionics Bay

12 NASA SLI 2010 Mulberry Grove High School Endcap

13 NASA SLI 2010 Mulberry Grove High School

14 NASA SLI 2010 Mulberry Grove High School

15 NASA SLI 2010 Mulberry Grove High School Fin Can

16 NASA SLI 2010 Mulberry Grove High School Completed Booster Section

17 NASA SLI 2010 Mulberry Grove High School Fin Joints

18 NASA SLI 2010 Mulberry Grove High School Aero Pack Retainer

19 NASA SLI 2010 Mulberry Grove High School Center of Pressure(from nose) 88 inches Center of Gravity (from nose)68.5 inches Stability Margin 4.8 Thrust-to-Weight Ratio6.8 to 1 Rail Exit Velocity68 ft/sec Stability Analysis

20 NASA SLI 2010 Mulberry Grove High School Motor Selection Engine selected  AeroTech  K700W Diameter- 54 mm Length- 56.8 cm Burn time- 3.5 sec Total impulse - 2261Ns

21 NASA SLI 2010 Mulberry Grove High School Scale Flight When: December 29, 2009 Altitude: 2157 feet

22 NASA SLI 2010 Mulberry Grove High School Scale Flight Graph

23 NASA SLI 2010 Mulberry Grove High School Scale Flight Data

24 NASA SLI 2010 Mulberry Grove High School PAYLOAD

25 NASA SLI 2010 Mulberry Grove High School Two Experiments Temperature of Motor Tube and Motor Casing Measurement of Absorption of UVB Radiation of Cloth Payload Design

26 NASA SLI 2010 Mulberry Grove High School Payload

27 NASA SLI 2010 Mulberry Grove High School Payload

28 NASA SLI 2010 Mulberry Grove High School Temperature Experiment Purpose To measure temperature along the motor tube and motor casing during launch. Temperature data will help determine which epoxy should be used.

29 NASA SLI 2010 Mulberry Grove High School Temperature Hypothesis Our hypothesis is that the temperature along the motor casing and motor tube will be around 200 degrees F.

30 NASA SLI 2010 Mulberry Grove High School 4 SA1- RTD heat sensors Placement Sensor- 3 reading/ 1 second Data logger -1 reading/ 3 seconds Temperature Experiment Equipment

31 NASA SLI 2010 Mulberry Grove High School Thermocouple Sensors Four thermocouple sensors will be embedded into the epoxy glue joint along the fin-to-motor tube connection; one will be embedded as close to the JB Weld adhesive on the retainer. Temperature readings will be recorded during the flight to measure the heating on the motor tube epoxy.

32 NASA SLI 2010 Mulberry Grove High School Sensor Location

33 NASA SLI 2010 Mulberry Grove High School Non-reversible 3 dot labels Labels will be placed between the rocket casing and motor tube. Temperature sensitive material will turn the dots a different color when the temperature is reached. Testing was started during a November flight with a K700W motor to find the temperature range of sensors that we need.

34 NASA SLI 2010 Mulberry Grove High School UVB Experiment Purpose To measure the absorption of UVB radiation by different cloth material at different altitudes.

35 NASA SLI 2010 Mulberry Grove High School Hypothesis of UVB Experiment Our hypothesis is that the change in UV radiation will increase with altitude at a rate of 3-4 percent per 1000 feet. Also, the cloth will block the UV radiation with the white cotton blocking more than the denim because the white material will tend to reflect some of the radiation.

36 NASA SLI 2010 Mulberry Grove High School Texas Instrument CBL2 Three UVB sensors Cloth material Measurement of Absorption of UVB Radiation of Cloth Equipment

37 NASA SLI 2010 Mulberry Grove High School UVB Experiment Three sensors will be used; one control, the other two to take readings through the material. Sensors will point straight upward at the end of the payload bay and will be exposed to the atmosphere when the drogue chute is deployed. Data will be recorded and analyzed to measure the amount of UVB radiation that is absorbed by the cloth.

38 NASA SLI 2010 Mulberry Grove High School Plan for Payload Safety, Verification, and Testing The sensors will be tested in the laboratory and outside to plot the readings of the two sensors compared to the control. The experiments will be flown on a test flight in February to make sure the experiment works properly. Loggers will be tested to determine life of batteries and length of time it will record data. Software will confirm data can be recovered from experiment.

39 NASA SLI 2010 Mulberry Grove High School Dual Deployment Dual system of altimeters with black powder charges Electronic tracker Recovery System Design

40 NASA SLI 2010 Mulberry Grove High School Primary Ozark Aerospace Arts II Drogue setting: apogee Main setting:600 feet Secondary PerfectFlite MAWD Drogue setting:apogee plus 1 second Main setting:500 feet Altimeters

41 NASA SLI 2010 Mulberry Grove High School Parachutes Drogue Chute 24 inch SkyAngle Velocity of Descent: 0 ft/sec Main Chute 6 feet SkyAngle Velocity of Descent:33 ft/sec

42 NASA SLI 2010 Mulberry Grove High School Tracking The receiver is a 10-channel unit manufactured by F & L Electronics with analog tuning to within 10 hertz. HAM radio license is not required. Tested on December 29, 2009 scale launch.

43 NASA SLI 2010 Mulberry Grove High School Recovery Verification and Testing Testing Altimeter bell jar test Black powder charge test on vehicle Shear pin test Electric matches testing

44 NASA SLI 2010 Mulberry Grove High School Black Powder Test

45 NASA SLI 2010 Mulberry Grove High School Safety We followed all MSDS safety regulations and standard shop regulations. Proper safety equipment was used, including:  Safety glasses  Rubber gloves  Dust masks  Proper ventilation  Ear plugs

46 NASA SLI 2010 Mulberry Grove High School Safety Key materials used that may be dangerous: Epoxy (5:1 by weight resin to hardener ratio) Epoxy (1:1 by volume resin to hardener ratio) Fiberglass Rubbing Alcohol Super glue JB Weld

47 NASA SLI 2010 Mulberry Grove High School Outreach Goals Main points: Reach out to younger students about rocketry Teach them about the safety involved Introduce them into a new hobby Develop their interest in science and math

48 NASA SLI 2010 Mulberry Grove High School 1 st Grade Project (about 40 students) Read book Astronaut Handbook Draw Make and shoot bottle rockets 6 th Grade Project (about 30 students) Read the book The Rocket Boys Discussion of book Watch the movie October Sky Compare and contrast the book and movie 4 th -6 th Grade Project at Beckemeyer Elementary Help with construction of rockets for about 100 students Sponsor a rocket launch on the weekend to fly their rockets Educational Outreach Program

49 NASA SLI 2010 Mulberry Grove High School A view into the Outreach Program 1 st Grade Project (about 40 students) Read book Astronaut Handbook Draw Make and shoot alka-seltzer rockets

50 NASA SLI 2010 Mulberry Grove High School Outreach Program Cont. 6 th Grade Project (about 30 students) – Read the book The Rocket Boys – Discussion of book – Watch the movie October Sky – Compare and contrast the book and movie

51 NASA SLI 2010 Mulberry Grove High School Flip Book of Project (example)

52 NASA SLI 2010 Mulberry Grove High School Outreach Program Cont. 4 th -6 th Grade Project at Beckemeyer Elementary – Help with construction of rockets for about 100 students – Sponsor a rocket launch on the weekend to fly their rockets

53 NASA SLI 2010 Mulberry Grove High School First Grade Current Progress Sixth Grade Current Progress Beckemeyer Elementary Current Progress Outreach Program Progress

54 NASA SLI 2010 Mulberry Grove High School Budget and Fund Raisers The budget is manageable and realistic for this project. Fundraisers include:

55 NASA SLI 2010 Mulberry Grove High School END

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