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Florida Distance Learning Consortium Cathy Alfano Central Florida Community College June 14, 2007 Teaching and Learning with Digital Resources.

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Presentation on theme: "Florida Distance Learning Consortium Cathy Alfano Central Florida Community College June 14, 2007 Teaching and Learning with Digital Resources."— Presentation transcript:

1 Florida Distance Learning Consortium Cathy Alfano Central Florida Community College June 14, 2007 Teaching and Learning with Digital Resources

2 Florida Distance Learning Consortium Welcome Introductions:  Cathy Alfano, Project Manager, The Orange Grove  Faculty presenters Wendi Dew, Valencia CC Karen Koory, Daytona Beach CC  Attendees Informal, open, and participatory session Questions are encouraged!

3 Florida Distance Learning Consortium Workshop Agenda What is The Orange Grove digital repository? How to use The Orange Grove (hands-on practice) Digital content showcase and discussion  Karen Koory, Daytona Beach CC  Wendi Dew, Valencia CC Questions and answers

4 Florida Distance Learning Consortium What is The Orange Grove? A digital storehouse that enables:  A single online access point for high-quality, reusable classroom or online learning resources and professional development resources for educators  Collaboration and knowledge transfer among the academic research community  Discovery of and access to Florida’s instructional content investment  Efficiency of development efforts create resources once, and re-use many times re-purpose existing resources

5 Florida Distance Learning Consortium The Orange Grove Diagram

6 Florida Distance Learning Consortium What types of resources can be found in The Orange Grove? Tutorials/ lessons Exercises Simulations Syllabi/ lesson plans Images/ graphs Audios/ videos/ animations Presentations/ slideshows Questionnaires/ surveys Documents URLs

7 Florida Distance Learning Consortium

8 What makes it all possible? Metadata Metadata: "data about data”  Descriptive information  Similar to a record in a library’s electronic catalog Why is metadata important?  Allows targeted searching and discovery of resources  Provides sufficient information for searchers to determine if a resource meets their needs (e.g., grade level or course number)

9 Florida Distance Learning Consortium Practice with The Orange Grove Logging in Searching for content  General  Advanced  Custom Saved searchesRSS feeds  Federated Using repository content  Linking  Downloading

10 Florida Distance Learning Consortium Logging into The Orange Grove Login at:

11 Florida Distance Learning Consortium Searching Basic Search  Text box above Search menu  Returns results on all items containing your search term Collection Search  Allows you to search for items of a specific collection or collections  Public Resource & Florida-Only Collections are good choices  Can search within results

12 Florida Distance Learning Consortium Searching Advanced Search  Can search by audience type, classification source, or learning type Save searches or Search with Results Federated Search  Can search multiple repositories simultaneously  Displays 200 results per repository

13 Florida Distance Learning Consortium Using Repository Content Linking:  Locate the resource details  Select “View more details” (details=metadata=descriptive information)  Review the metadata, including copyright  In the “Links to Resources” section, right click to copy the link location  Paste links into a document, PPT, or web page  Students do NOT need a repository account to access the resource

14 Florida Distance Learning Consortium Using Repository Content Many resources can be downloaded  Locate the resource  Select “View more details”  In the “Links to Resources” section, to open the resource  Save a copy of the resource Note: if you download a resource, you lose the ability to link to new versions of the resource

15 Florida Distance Learning Consortium Contributing Resources Select the Contribute link in the left frame  Follow the instructions to provide requested information  Required fields are marked with an *  ONLY when all required fields are completed, will the Submit option appear  You can save a draft of your resource to finish work on it at a later time

16 Florida Distance Learning Consortium Unexplored features! Items we haven’t discussed:  Contributing – information in handouts  Use of the Assembler authoring tool to create PDF documents and web pages Online tutorials now available at:  How to create RSS feeds for your searches  Best practices for contributing to the repository – an online tutorial will be released later this summer

17 Florida Distance Learning Consortium How to Get Involved Request a FREE Orange Grove account Use digital resources in your teaching Share your digital resources Tell your colleagues about The Orange Grove Serve as a subject matter reviewer Participate in an Orange Grove Task Force

18 Florida Distance Learning Consortium How to Get Involved Participate in an Orange Grove Task Force to help “grow” the repository  Funding  Marketing  Populating the Repository  Faculty Awards and Recognition  Developing a Community  Quality Assurance  Professional Development

19 Florida Distance Learning Consortium Questions and Answers Announcements – The repository is now licensed for access to any faculty member that requests access. No restrictions!

20 Florida Distance Learning Consortium Digital Content Showcase Karen Koory, Daytona Beach CC  Transitioning traditional paper chemistry exercises to the web Wendi Dew, Valencia CC

21 Florida Distance Learning Consortium Why teach with digital content? Student learning gains Student expectations Teach and use critical thinking skills  locating, summarizing and evaluating information Create engaging learning (e.g., instructional games) Offer an expanded pool of resources to your students Workplace expectations of information literacy Other ideas?

22 Florida Distance Learning Consortium Strategies for Using Digital Content Best practice: Use content that:  Is relevant to course objective(s) WIIFM?  Actively engages students  Provides “authentic” or challenging (e.g., games) environments to apply knowledge or skills If you want students to use digital resources, require, reward or recognize their use

23 Florida Distance Learning Consortium Strategies for using digital content Active Learning  Learners use virtual and/or real manipulative materials Constructive Learning  Students construct their own understanding, building on what they know (create models, identify solutions) Authentic Learning  Performing real world tasks and using primary sources to help learners connect with the world around them

24 Florida Distance Learning Consortium Strategies for using digital content Cooperative Learning  Students work in groups with specific tasks or roles assigned Intentional/Reflective Learning  Students generate their own questions and explain their problem solving strategies Drill and practice

25 Florida Distance Learning Consortium Group Discussion Small group discussions  How can you use digital content to enrich teaching and learning in your field? Share ideas with larger group

26 Florida Distance Learning Consortium More Questions and Answers What other questions do you have??

27 Florida Distance Learning Consortium Thank you! Susie Henderson: Cathy Alfano: Websites:

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