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Torrance Sparrow Model of Reflectance + Oren Nayar Model of Reflectance.

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Presentation on theme: "Torrance Sparrow Model of Reflectance + Oren Nayar Model of Reflectance."— Presentation transcript:

1 Torrance Sparrow Model of Reflectance + Oren Nayar Model of Reflectance

2 Torrance-Sparrow Model – Main Points Physically Based Model for Surface Reflection. Based on Geometric Optics. Explains off-specular lobe (wider highlights). Works for only rough surfaces. For very smooth surfaces, electromagnetic nature of light must be used Beckmann-Spizzichinno model. Beyond the scope of this course.

3 Modeling Rough Surfaces - Microfacets Roughness simulated by Symmetric V-groves at Microscopic level. Distribution on the slopes of the V-grove faces are modeled. Each microfacet assumed to behave like a perfect mirror.

4 Coordinate System needed to derive T-S model

5 Torrance-Sparrow or Cook-Torrance BRDF Physically based model of a reflecting surface. Assumes a surface is a collection of planar microscopic facets, microfacets. Each microfacet is a perfectly smooth reflector. D describes the distribution of microfacet orientations. G describes the masking and shadowing effects between the microfacets. F term is a Fresnel reflection term related to material’s index of refraction.

6 Torrance-Sparrow or Cook-Torrance BRDF Microfacet Distribution Function Statistical model of the microfacet variation in the halfway-vector H direction Based on a Beckman distribution function Consistent with the surface variations of rough surfaces β - the angle between N and H m - the root-mean-square slope of the microfacets

7 Beckman’s Distribution: Torrance-Sparrow or Cook-Torrance BRDF

8 Geometric Attenuation Factor: The geometric attenuation factor G accounts for microfacet shadowing. The factor G is in the range from 0 (total shadowing) to 1 (no shadowing). There are many different ways that an incoming beam of light can interact with the surface locally. The entire beam can simply reflect, shown here.

9 Torrance-Sparrow or Cook-Torrance BRDF Geometric Attenuation Factor: A portion of the outgoing beam can be blocked. This is called masking.

10 Torrance-Sparrow or Cook-Torrance BRDF Geometric Attenuation Factor: A portion of the incoming beam can be blocked. This is called shadowing.

11 Torrance-Sparrow or Cook-Torrance BRDF Geometric Attenuation Factor: In each case, the geometric configurations can be analyzed to compute the percentage of light that actually escapes from the surface.

12 Geometric Attenuation Factor

13 Torrance-Sparrow or Cook-Torrance BRDF Fresnel Factor: The Fresnel effect is wavelength dependent. It behavior is determined by the index-of-refraction of the material (taken as a complex value to allow for attenuation). This effect explains the variation in colors seen in specular regions particular on metals (conductors). It also explains why most surfaces approximate mirror reflectors when the light strikes them at a grazing angle.



16 Coordinate System needed to derive T-S model

17 Components of Surface Reflection – Moving Light Source

18 Components of Surface Reflection – Moving Camera

19 Split off-specular Reflections in Woven Surfaces

20 Next Class – Rough Diffuse Surfaces Same Analysis of Roughness for Diffuse Objects – Oren Nayar Model

21 Dror, Adelson, Wilsky

22 Diffuse Reflections from Rough Surfaces

23 Diffuse Reflection and Lambertian BRDF - Recap viewing direction surface element normal incident direction Lambertian BRDF is simply a constant : albedo Surface appears equally bright from ALL directions! (independent of ) Surface Radiance : Commonly used in Vision and Graphics! source intensity source intensity I

24 Diffuse Reflection and Lambertian BRDF - Recap Radiance decreases with increase in angle between surface normal and source

25 Rendered Sphere with Lambertian BRDF Edges are dark (N.S = 0) when lit head-on See shading effects clearly.

26 Why does the Full Moon have a flat appearance? The moon appears matte (or diffuse) But still, edges of the moon look bright (not close to zero).

27 Why does the Full Moon have a flat appearance? Lambertian Spheres and Moon Photos illuminated similarly

28 Surface Roughness Causes Flat Appearance Actual VaseLambertian Vase

29 Surface Roughness Causes Flat Appearance – More Examples

30 Surface Roughness Causes Flat Appearance Increasing surface roughness Lambertian model Valid for only SMOOTH MATTE surfaces. Bad for ROUGH MATTE surfaces.

31 Blurred Highlights and Surface Roughness - RECAP Roughness

32 Oren-Nayar Model – Main Points Physically Based Model for Diffuse Reflection. Based on Geometric Optics. Explains view dependent appearance in Matte Surfaces Take into account partial interreflections. Roughness represented like in Torrance-Sparrow Model Lambertian model is simply an extreme case with roughness equal to zero.

33 Modeling Rough Surfaces - Microfacets Roughness simulated by Symmetric V-groves at Microscopic level. Distribution on the slopes of the V-grove faces are modeled. Each microfacet assumed to behave like a perfect Lambertian surface.

34 View Dependence of Matte Surfaces - Key Observation Overall brightness increases as the angle between the source and viewing direction decreases. WHY? Pixels have finite areas. As the viewing direction changes, different mixes between dark and bright are added up to give pixel brightness.

35 Torrance-Sparrow BRDF – Different Factors (RECAP) Fresnel term: allows for wavelength dependency Geometric Attenuation: reduces the output based on the amount of shadowing or masking that occurs. Distribution: distribution function determines what percentage of microfacets are oriented to reflect in the viewer direction. How much of the macroscopic surface is visible to the light source How much of the macroscopic surface is visible to the viewer

36 Slope Distribution Model Model the distribution of slopes as Gaussian. Mean is Zero, Variance represents ROUGHNESS.

37 Geometric Attenuation Factor No interreflections taken into account in above function. Derivation found in 1967 JOSA paper (read if interested).

38 Torrance-Sparrow BRDF – Different Factors (RECAP) Fresnel term: allows for wavelength dependency Geometric Attenuation: reduces the output based on the amount of shadowing or masking that occurs. Distribution: distribution function determines what percentage of microfacets are oriented to reflect in the viewer direction. How much of the macroscopic surface is visible to the light source How much of the macroscopic surface is visible to the viewer

39 Oren-Nayar Model – Different Factors Fresnel term: allows for wavelength dependency Geometric Attenuation: reduces the output based on the amount of shadowing or masking that occurs. Distribution: distribution function determines what percentage of microfacets are oriented to reflect in the viewer direction. How much of the macroscopic surface is visible to the light source How much of the macroscopic surface is visible to the viewer

40 Oren-Nayar Model – Different Factors Fresnel term: allows for wavelength dependency Geometric Attenuation: reduces the output based on the amount of shadowing or masking that occurs. Distribution: distribution function determines what fraction of the surface area do the facets of the same orientation cover? How much of the macroscopic surface is visible to the light source How much of the macroscopic surface is visible to the viewer

41 Oren-Nayar Model – Different Factors (contd.) Take into account two light bounces (reflections). Hard to solve analytically, so they find a functional approximation.

42 Oren-Nayar Model – Final Expression Lambertian model is simply an extreme case with roughness equal to zero.

43 Comparison to Ground Truth

44 Real Objects Renderings

45 Summary of Surfaces and BRDFs Smooth Rough Diffuse Specular Mirror BRDF Torrance-Sparrow BRDF Lambertian BRDF Oren-Nayar BRDF No view dependence Models view dependence Delta Function Speck of reflection Broader Highlights Off-specular lobe Many surfaces may be rough and show both diffuse and surface reflection.

46 Summary of Surfaces and BRDFs Smooth Rough Diffuse Specular Mirror BRDF Torrance-Sparrow BRDF Lambertian BRDF Oren-Nayar BRDF No view dependence Models view dependence Delta Function Speck of reflection Broader Highlights Off-specular lobe Many surfaces may be rough and show both diffuse and surface reflection.

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