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THE COELOMYCETES PROF. SYED QAISER ABBAS Ex-Chairman Department of Botany GC University, Faisalabad.

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Presentation on theme: "THE COELOMYCETES PROF. SYED QAISER ABBAS Ex-Chairman Department of Botany GC University, Faisalabad."— Presentation transcript:

1 THE COELOMYCETES PROF. SYED QAISER ABBAS Ex-Chairman Department of Botany GC University, Faisalabad

2 THE COELOMYCETES Fungi imperfecti or (Deuteromycotina)
having conidia and conidiogenous cells in cavity lined by: fungal tissues; host tissues fungal tissues host tissues both The most important group causing diseases in; Plants; Animals; and human beings.

3 THE COELOMYCETES Fungi of Cosmopolitan Distribution
well known plant pathogens with wide host range Macrophomina phaseolina, Lasiodiplodia undulata (=L. theobronae) Ascochyta pisi

4 Taxonomy in Historical Perspective
Grove (1919) Initial Treatment; Phyllosticta, Phomopsis and Phloeospora Grove (1935, 1937) All fungi forming conidia in a cavity lined by fungal or fungal and host or only host tissues. Sutton (1962, 1963) Application the concept of conidiogenesis for taxonomic treatment of Hyphomycetes of Hughes (1953) to Coelomycetes Kendrick (1979a, 1979b) Refined taxonomic treatment based on the concept of conidiogenesis

5 Taxonomy in Historical Perspective
Alexopoulos & Mims (1979) kingdom Myceteae Gymnomycota Mastigomycota Amastigomycota: Achlorophyllous; absorptive nutrition; generally without flagella; cells have spindle fiber which functions during nuclear division instead of a centriole. Amastigomycota sub-Division Zygomycotina; sub-Division Ascomycotina; sub-Division Basidiomycotina; sub-Division Deutromycotina.

6 Taxonomy in Historical Perspective
Division Deuteromycotina (an artificial taxon) One class Deuteromycetes Subclass Hyphomycetidae Subclass Aganomycetidae: Subclass Coelomycetidae order Sphaeropsidales (Having pycnidial condiomata) order Melanconiales (having acervular condiomata) Sutton (1977, 1980) Coelomycetes order Melanconiales (Having acervular condiomata) order Pycnothyriales (Having pycnothyrium conidiomata)

7 Class Deuteromycetes -Form-subclass: Coelomycetidae (Coelomycetes)
Form-order: Sphaeropsidales (pycnidial) Form-family: Sphaeropsidaceae Form-family: Nectrioidaceae Form-family: Leptostromataceae Form-family: Discellaceae Form-order: Pycnothyriales (Pycnothyrium) Form-family Pycnothyriacea From-order: Melanconiales (acervulus) Form-family: Melanconiaceae

8 Class Deuteromycetes Form-subclass: Hyphomycetidae (Hyphomycetes)
Form-order: Moniliales Form-family: Moniliaceae (Hyaline conidia and conidiophore) Form-family: Dematiaceae (Coloured conidia and conidiophore) Form-family: Tuberculariaceae (Sporodochium) Form-family: Stilbellaceae (Synemma) Form-order: Agonomycetales (Mycelia Sterilia)

9 CONIDIOMATAL STRUCTURES (Six variants morphological types)
Phoma-type (Conidiomata Pycnidial, dark colored, leathery to carbonaceous, stromatic or non-stromatic pycnidia generally with a circular ostiole) Zythia (Nectria)-type (Conidiomata Pycnidial as in Phoma-type, but light colored, and sometimes waxy) Leptostroma-type (Conidiomata shield-shaped) Discella-type (Conidiomata more or less cup shaped) Pycnothyrial Type (Conidiomata pycnothyrium) Eustomata Type (Conidiomata Eustomatic, Multilocular of complex structure of different shapes)

10 Current fungal Classification
(Before 1969, ) Three kingdom system concepts Prokaryotae Animalia Plantae Five kingdom system by Whittaker (1969) Monera Protista Fungi

11 Current Status Dick 1995: (Using Genetic engineering and by rDNA finger printing methods) Monera Protista Fungi Animalia plantae kingdom Straminipila

12 • Current Status Alexopoulos et al (1995) Protista Monera Animalia
Phylum Plasmodiophoromycota, Phylum Dictyostleiomycota Phylum Acrasiomycota Phylum Myxomycota Monera Animalia plantae kingdom Fungi Phylum Chytridiomycota Phylum zygomycota Phylum Ascomycota Phylum Basidiomycota

13 Current Status Alexopoulos et al (1995) Stramenopila. Phylum Oomycota
Phylum Hyphochytridiomycota Phylum Laburinthulomycota Diatoms Brown algae

14 Recent Position of Deuteromycetes
Alexopoulos et al (1995) Second class members among “Perfect” sexually reproducing organism (Ascomycota). Not sub divided this artificial class into sub classes or in orders. Hawksworth et al (1995) All asexually reproducing fungi as Mitosporic fungi and also not divided into orders and families.

15 will be discussed in practical session
Thanks for now the rest will be discussed in practical session

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