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Introduction & Overview of PBIS and School-wide PBS Lea Ann Pasquale Behavior Specialist Shawnee Mission Schools.

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1 Introduction & Overview of PBIS and School-wide PBS Lea Ann Pasquale Behavior Specialist Shawnee Mission Schools

2 “Positive Behavior Support” PBS is a broad range of systemic and individualized strategies for achieving important social and learning outcomes while preventing problem behavior “EBS” = “PBS” = “PBIS” etc. OSEP Center on PBIS

3 School-wide Positive Behavior Support SW-PBS is a systems approach to establishing the social culture & behavioral supports needed for all students in a school to achieve both social and academic success. Emphasizes data based decision making, evidence based practices, & on- going staff development & support

4 PBS is NOT...  A specific practice or curriculum…it’s a general approach that defines core elements that can be achieved through a variety of strategies.  Limited to any particular group of students…it’s for all students  New…it’s based on long history of behavioral practices & effective instructional design & strategies

5 Why look at SW-PBS?  Problem behavior is increasing  School-wide discipline systems are typically unclear and inconsistently implemented  Educators often rely on reactive and crisis management interventions to solve chronic problem behavior  Educators often lack specialized skills to address severe problem behavior  Teachers are being asked to do more with less  Students have limited opportunities to learn school- based social skills and to receive feedback on their use

6 Continuum of Behavior Problems Students with Mild/No Problem Behaviors: 0-1 ODR Students At-risk for Serious Problem Behaviors: 2-5 ODRs Students with Serious/Chronic Problem Behaviors: 6+ ODRs 80-90% 10-15% 5-7%

7 What doesn’t work? A review of over 500 studies indicate that the least effective response to violence in schools is (a) counseling, (b) psychotherapy, and (c) punishment. Exclusion is the most common response for conduct disordered youth (Lane & Murakami, 1987) Punishing problem behavior without a school-wide system of support is associated with increased (a) aggression, (b) vandalism, (c) truancy, (d) tardiness, and (e) dropouts.

8 “Train & Hope” REACT to Problem Behavior Select & ADD Practices Hire EXPERT to Train Practice Expect, but only HOPE for Implementation WAIT for New Problem

9 2001 Surgeon General’s Report on Youth Violence: Recommendations Establish “intolerant attitude toward deviance”  Break up antisocial networks…change social context  Improve parent effectiveness Increase “commitment to school”  Increase academic success  Create positive school climate Teach & encourage individual skills & competence

10 What can we do? The most effective responses educators can make include: Social skills instruction Behaviorally based interventions Academic Interventions

11 Primary Prevention: School-/Classroom- Wide Systems for All Students, Staff, & Settings Secondary Prevention: Specialized Group Systems for Students with At-Risk Behavior Tertiary Prevention: Specialized Individualized Systems for Students with High-Risk Behavior ~80% of Students ~15% ~5% CONTINUUM OF SCHOOL-WIDE INSTRUCTIONAL & POSITIVE BEHAVIOR SUPPORT

12 1-5% 5-10% 80-90% Tertiary Interventions Individual Students Assessment-based High Intensity Tertiary Interventions Individual Students Assessment-based Intense, durable procedures Secondary Interventions Some students (at-risk) High efficiency Rapid response Small Group Interventions Some Individualizing Secondary Interventions Some students (at-risk) High efficiency Rapid response Small Group Interventions Some Individualizing Universal Interventions All students Preventive, proactive Universal Interventions All settings, all students Preventive, proactive Designing School-Wide Multi-Tiered Systems for Student Success Academic SystemsBehavioral Systems

13 Benefits of School-wide PBS Significant decreases in office disciplinary referrals (ODRs), with as much as 50-60% reductions. Improvements are reported in research in areas of: teacher behavior, student behavior, school suspensions, hallway decibel levels, academic engagement, bus suspensions, vandalism, substance abuse, in-school suspensions, and short-term suspensions

14 Added Benefits of School-wide PBS Teaching-focused Builds teachers’ skills, as well as students’ social behaviors with peers and adults Creates positive school climate Positive relationships between students and educators/administrators Higher parent/family satisfaction with school Increases access to instructional hours Improvements in punctuality, attendance, adherence to school and class rules

15 SYSTEMS PRACTICES DATA Supporting Staff Behavior Supporting Decision Making Supporting Student Behavior Positive Behavior Support OUTCOMES Social Competence & Academic Achievement

16 Improving Decision-Making Problem Solution From To Problem Solving Solution Information (Data)

17 How Decisions Are Made Use data to decide on the following: Behavioral expectations (classroom and non- classroom settings) Which behaviors are managed in the classroom and which behaviors result in an office referral (T-chart of Major vs. Minor discipline referrals) Supervision procedures for non-classroom settings

18 PBIS teams CONSISTENTLY review the following (current to within 48 hours) data/graphs: “The Big 5” The average number of referrals: Per day per month By type of behavior By location By time of day By student






24 Practices - How Staff Interact with Students. Every time any adult interacts with any student, it is an instructional moment! PBIS emphasizes…  Teaching behaviors like we teach academics  Modeling and practicing expected behaviors  Acknowledging expected behaviors  Pre-correcting to ensure positive behaviors are displayed

25 School-wide Practices of PBIS Define *3-5 School-wide Expectations Teach /Precorrect *Direct Instruction *In the moment reminders Model/*adults practice what we preach Practice/*kids practice what we teach Acknowledge *Daily recognition – ex. Gotchas *Weekly/quarterly grade-level/whole school celebrations Reteach *Classroom procedure for minor problem behaviors *Office Discipline Referral for major problem behaviors

26 Systems - How Things are Done. Procedures for non-classroom settings (lunchroom, bus, bathroom, assembly, transition/hallway) Procedures for reinforcing expected behavior Procedures for responding to office discipline referrals. Procedures for meeting the needs of all students (the green triangle)

27 Elements of School-wide PBS Establish a team/faculty buy-in Establish a data-based decision-making system (SWIS) Modify discipline referral process/forms Establish expectations & rules Develop lesson plans & teach Create a reward/incentives program Refine consequences Monitor, evaluate and modify

28 What does PBS look like? SW-PBS (primary) >80% of students can tell you what is expected of them & give behavioral example b/c they have been taught, actively supervised, practiced & acknowledged Positive adult-to-student interactions exceed negative Function based behavior support is foundation for addressing problem behavior. Data & team-based action planning & implementation are operating Administrators are active participants. Full continuum of behavior support is available to all students Secondary & Tertiary Team based coordination & problem solving Local specialized behavioral capacity Function-based behavior support planning Person-centered, contextually & culturally relevant District/regional behavioral capacity Instructionally oriented Linked to SW-PBS practices & systems School-based comprehensive supports

29 Middle Schools Update Hocker Grove Overview of SW-PBS provided to faculty School-wide standards established S.O.A.R.  Safe Behavior  On Task  Act responsibly  Respect self and others Banners, posters and buttons to reinforce standards Westridge Overview of SW-PBS provided to faculty Additional in-service tying SW- PBS with Ruby Payne School-wide standards established  Safe,  Respectful  Responsible Banners in place to reinforce standards Poster contest

30 Westridge Identified major/minor offenses Revised office referral form  Utilizing yellow folder to organize & transport referrals SWIS Monthly PBS planning team meetings  Committees formed to develop lesson plans to teach Expectations and determine rewards Hocker Grove In process - identifying major/minor offenses Reinforcement activities for students exhibiting SOAR behaviors  “Sub Slips”  Class system Monthly PBS planning team meetings

31 SW-PBS = Effective Discipline Effective Leadership  Work smarter not harder  Active involvement  Clarity in direction Move Beyond Punishment  Teach, Monitor, Reward appropriate behaviors before relying on punishment

32 SW-PBS Development “Map” 2+ years of team training Annual “booster” events Coaching/facilitator support @ school & district levels Regular self-assessment & evaluation data KU and OSEP Center on PBIS for coordination & TA

33 PBS Websites

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