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Accomplishments After Two Years January 2015 A Bold Initiative to Enhance Higher Education and Workforce Development in Northeastern Maryland 2/24/2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Accomplishments After Two Years January 2015 A Bold Initiative to Enhance Higher Education and Workforce Development in Northeastern Maryland 2/24/2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Accomplishments After Two Years January 2015 A Bold Initiative to Enhance Higher Education and Workforce Development in Northeastern Maryland 2/24/2015 1

2 Advisory Board Assists Supports Facilitates Advises Board’s Focus: Support Development of Higher Education and Workforce Needs in Northeast Maryland Northeastern Maryland Higher Education Advisory Board Functions Board leverages current and historical collaborations among institutional members of NMHEAB 2/24/2015 2 in identifying institutions and programs University Center Director and Site Coordinators Interactions among Business, Nonprofit, Education and Government Communities In setting the missions and accomplishing the goals of Sites in Harford and Cecil Counties

3 Board Members Academia Cecil & Harford County Government Community Business & Industry Ex Officio (Non-voting) Members: University Center Director APG Garrison Commander APG Senior Mission Commander Northeastern Maryland Higher Education Advisory Board Membership 2/24/2015 3 A Leadership Team Focused on Higher Education and Workforce Needs in Northeastern Maryland

4 2/24/2015 4 Our vision is a campus based on the “Universities at Shady Grove” model

5  Have been functioning as an Advisory Board since January 2013  Excellent partnership established with the University Center (UC)  Worked closely with Maryland Delegates and testified before subcommittees to establish and revise the law ◦ Law took effect on July 1, 2012  An additional 5 educational institutions joined the board in July 2014. Educational Partners now total 13 with another joining in the fall of 2015 2/24/2015 5 Law has the potential to be a critical multiplier for the Northeastern Region’s highly skilled workforce

6 2/24/2015 6 Frostburg State University Mt St Mary’s and Hood College Morgan State University, JHU, UMBC, Towson University, Notre Dame of MD University McDaniel College St Mary’s College of MD UMCP Universities of Shady Grove Washington College St John’s College US Naval Academy Salisbury University UMES Northeastern Region (Cecil and Harford Counties) is the only region without a 4 year college and/or university campus presence

7  Assisted in the development of an Educational Partnership Agreement between APG organizations and the UC at HEAT ◦ Objective is to coordinate higher education programs and services for APG ◦ UC will act as liaison between partnering institutions and APG ◦ Establishes a known point of entry for APG higher education opportunities  Supported the development of a Cybersecurity Certificate Program and a Cybersecurity Masters Program – a key workforce development effort ◦ UMBC (Certificate) and Johns Hopkins (Masters) will offer programs at UC  Established a partnership with MHEC ◦ Regularly attend Board meetings ◦ Funded a Northeastern Maryland Higher Education Needs Assessment  Needs Assessment completed December 2014 2/24/2015 7

8  Develop a communication strategy for NMHEAB ◦ Status: As a relatively new organization, a communications strategy would educate key stakeholders on the purpose and accomplishment of the NMHEAB. Seed money would be very helpful in developing the communications strategy.  Promote utilization of the MOU agreement and newly established processes in developing the joint UC/APG Cyber Security programs. ◦ Status: Initial cohort starts Fall 2015 and focuses on government agencies and their support contractors  Explore additional funding/revenue generating opportunities for UC ◦ Status: Recent Maryland State financial cuts require increased attention on finding revenue generating opportunities 2/24/2015 8 NMHEAB is a volunteer Advisory Board executing the law with no designated funding stream

9  Northeastern Maryland (Cecil and Harford Counties) is the only region without a 4 year college and/or university campus presence in the region  NMHEAB is working very hard to fill that “void”  NMHEAB is making a positive impact on the region ◦ Brings academia, government (federal, state and local) and industry together to foster workforce development ◦ Bringing programs and courses to the Northeastern Maryland region to prepare the future workforce  Cyber Security  Logistics/Supply Chain Management  Higher Education support to the robust research and development in the Northeastern Region is a key factor for future BRAC decisions Impact will be Workforce Development 2/24/2015 9

10  Brief State Legislature and County Leadership on the NMHEAB and UC accomplishments  Engage educational institute Governmental Relations Offices  Raise visibility of the importance of this regions need for enhanced Higher Education 2/24/2015 10 Success of NMHEAB Efforts is Key to Future Regional Growth

11 Back-up Slides 11 2/24/2015

12  Voting Members  Dr. Dexter Smith, Johns Hopkins University  John Desmone, Towson University  Dr. Maurice Taylor, Morgan State University  Dr. Candace Caraco, College of Notre Dame of Maryland  Dr. Elizabeth Beise, University of Maryland College Park  Dr. Dennis Golladay, Harford Community College  Dr. Mary Bolt, Cecil College  Dr. Kenneth Lewis, Union Hospital (Vice Chair)  Brian Simmons, Sigmatech, Inc.  Lisa Webb, Cecil County OED  Dr. John Gray, Wilmington University  Dr. Joseph Hoffman, Frostburg State University  Dr. David Weir, University of Delaware  Barbara Jenkins, Central Michigan University  Jessie Yerkic, Florida Institute of Technology  Mary Morris, Harford County OED  Danny DeMarinis, Northeastern Maryland University Research Park (Secretary)  Barney Michel, Army Alliance  Karen Holt, Harford County OED and Chesapeake Science & Security Corridor  Dr. John Ferriter, Science and Technology Corporation (Chair)  Ex-Officio Members (Non-voting)  Gary Martin, US Army Communications Electronic Command  Mr. David Jimenez, US Army Test & Evaluation Command  Nancy Spence, University Center 12 2/24/2015

13  Leverage current and historical collaborations between members of NMHEAB ◦ Status: Ongoing activity  Encourage collaboration with the University Center ◦ Status: Ongoing activity with all academic partners  Maintain a consolidated inventory of local degree programs and continuing education opportunities. ◦ Status: Current inventory will need to be continually updated  Differentiate higher education and training needs of various regional sub-populations ◦ Status: Needs Assessment delineates future workforce needs  Advocate for further review of governance structure, staffing, and resources available to the University Center. ◦ Status: Topic for the future  Explore additional funding/revenue generating opportunities for the University Center ◦ Status: Recent Maryland State financial cuts require increased attention on finding revenue generating opportunities 2/24/2015 13

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