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QuickBooks Customer DynaTraQ Dynamic Tracking of Sales Values Versus Annual Plan and Adjusted Forecast.

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Presentation on theme: "QuickBooks Customer DynaTraQ Dynamic Tracking of Sales Values Versus Annual Plan and Adjusted Forecast."— Presentation transcript:

1 QuickBooks Customer DynaTraQ Dynamic Tracking of Sales Values Versus Annual Plan and Adjusted Forecast

2 How do YOU improve sales in these challenging times?

3 Define and Track DEFINE expectations in an annual forecast. TRACK actual results against that forecast, since understanding where you have been can help you get to where you expect to go. $uccessful $ales Managers

4 QuickBooks Companies New Dynamic Power DEFINE & TRACK & INCREASE SALES Take Action Steps that lead to increased sales— DISCOVER exceptional performing items and sales reps—capitalize by duplicating causal factors IDENTIFY under-performing items and sales reps—take corrective actions! Sales Managers in companies using QuickBooks can now Be PROACTIVE not Reactive

5 Track sales data dynamically Unlock the treasure of sales data stored in QuickBooks Know yesterday’s results today before calling your Sales Reps Current data: Power in Marketing The Sales Manager’s key to success

6 Enhance decision-making capabilities of sales management Transform sales values into business intelligence. Check current status—are you on track to meet forecast expectations? Now with DynaTraQ Multi-level Reporting Capability

7 Increase Profitability Efficiency and Effectiveness Condition: Daily update of sales activity values increases---

8 Key Variance Values Comparisons Actual versus Annual Plan This Year Actual versus Last Year Actual Actual versus Adjusted Forecast

9 Knowledge Is Power Multiple Dimensions k  By Item/By Item Group  By Sales Rep/By Sales Region  By Customer/By Customer Group  By Vendor/By Vendor Group By Year—2008 2009 2010 By Quarter—Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 By Month—J F M A M J J A S O N D

10 It works for YOU How it Works  Extraction of QuickBooks data automatically  Generation of Annual Plan as percent of previous year  Modification of Adjusted Forecast that combines actual year-to-date values with Annual Plan for remainder of year or adjustments made based on changing conditions

11 Recommendation Based on Customized Formulas DynaTraQ Purchase Order Guide Utilizes: Quantity On Hand Inventory + Quantity On Purchase Orders - Quantity On Sales Orders - Adjusted Quantity Forecast To calculate recommended purchase orders based on customized methodology. Utilize the Adjusted Forecast to increase Inventory management effectiveness

12 Decision Time Respond quickly Now is the Time k

13 Keith Wilhoit 8116 Fairmount Ave Downers Grove IL 60516 Phone 630-926-6868

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