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Scavenger Hunt Tracey Chiodo First Grade Orange Grove Charter Elementary School.

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Presentation on theme: "Scavenger Hunt Tracey Chiodo First Grade Orange Grove Charter Elementary School."— Presentation transcript:

1 Scavenger Hunt Tracey Chiodo First Grade Orange Grove Charter Elementary School

2 Eric Carle Who is Eric Carle? Come along and you will find out!

3 Eric Carle is a famous author and illustrator. Click on this link and see the first book he illustrated. He became very famous after he wrote and illustrated this book. What is the title of this book? Hint: It is a book that was made in the year 1969.

4 Eric Carle uses a special technique when he is creating his illustrations. What is this important technique called? He uses this method when he makes his pictures. It is something you can do too! Watch this video now and be ready to tell how he is using this method.

5 Eric Carle is an artist and he uses a special place to create these illustrations. What is this important place called? Describe this place to your neighbor using as many details as possible.

6 Eric Carle illustrated pictures for a book we have read several times called Brown Bear Brown Bear What Do You SEE ? Can you sequence or place the characters in the correct order as they appeared in the book? Hint: What animal came first, second, third, etc… Here are the choices to remind you: yellow duck, red bird, blue horse, black sheep, white dog, brown bear, green frog, goldfish, teacher, purple cat, children. Check your answers by clicking on this link as Eric Carle reads this book to you. Were you correct??

7 EARLY FINISHERS Eric Carle had a dream of creating a very special place for children, grownups, teachers and people who enjoy children’s books. He created this place in Amehurst Massachusettes. Click on this link to discover and interact in this special place. Listen to this interview of Eric Carle talking about the book Brown Bear Brown Bear What Do You See? He illustrated for Bill Martin Jr. See if you can use your paper to draw out the important things you hear during this important discussion.

8 Your Important Assignment: Now it is your chance to remember the important things you have learned about Eric Carle. Use the colored pencils, tissue paper, markers and glue and create a picture of your own. After you create your picture write a friendly letter to Eric Carle. Remember to include the important elements: date, introduction, body, and closing. Click on this link to sign Eric Carle’s guestbook and then find the address to mail your letter.

9 Teacher Page: ELA Standards: 1-1.5 Generate a retelling that identifies the characters and the setting in a story and relates the important events in sequential order 1-2.9Read independently for extended periods of time to gain information. 1-2.5Understand that headings, subheadings, and print styles (for example, italics, bold, larger type) provide information to the reader.

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