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Steven Manly University of Rochester NuInt ‘02, Irvine, CA 15 December 2002 Possibilities for an Off-Axis Near Detector at NUMI.

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Presentation on theme: "Steven Manly University of Rochester NuInt ‘02, Irvine, CA 15 December 2002 Possibilities for an Off-Axis Near Detector at NUMI."— Presentation transcript:

1 Steven Manly University of Rochester NuInt ‘02, Irvine, CA 15 December 2002 Possibilities for an Off-Axis Near Detector at NUMI

2 15 December 2002Steven Manly2 Precision P(   e ) Life is not so simple QEDIS

3 15 December 2002Steven Manly3

4 15 December 2002Steven Manly4  Understand neutrino and anti-neutrino cross-sections (both inclusive and exclusive - differential) for E = 1.5-3.0 GeV  Look at nuclear dependence of same  Possibly a useful near experiment for a NUMI far off axis experiment to do oscillations and maybe CP violation Goals of this experiment Useful for the JHF, MINOS programs as well! Valuable service for next generation oscillation expts. Physics is compelling! Gives FNAL relevance in the post-LHC, lingering ILC indecisiveness or German ILC world!

5 15 December 2002Steven Manly5 Goals of this experiment  Understand neutrino and anti-neutrino cross-sections (both inclusive and exclusive - differential) for E = 1.5-3.0 GeV  Look at nuclear dependence of same  Possibly a useful near experiment for a NUMI far off axis experiment to do oscillations and maybe CP violation Physics of this is interesting too! Quark-hadron duality (Bodek, Jeschonnek, session 3) measure  s (Horowitz, session I) Compare e and scattering (Wood, session 5)

6 15 December 2002Steven Manly6 Physics Goals of Detector Require…  Identification and separation of exclusive final states –Quasi-elastic  n  – p, e n  e – p –Single  0,  ± final states –Muon and electron energy measurement  Detection of NC and CC reactions –NC reconstruction from beam E constraint  Different Nuclei in Target –Nuclear physics and cross-section studies benefit –Iron, Water, Hydrocarbons all far detector candidates

7 15 December 2002Steven Manly7 Goals + practicality  define experiment  NUMI off-axis beam - (beam exists, can tune energy, energy is appropriate for cross-section studies of interest)  Near detector (high statistics per ton)  Fully active medium (want to see recoil p)

8 15 December 2002Steven Manly8 Beam and location  Off-axis beam exploits kinematics of meson decay to produce narrow band beam  Beam spectrum determined by meson count and angle

9 15 December 2002Steven Manly9 Off-Axis Beams  Illustration at NUMI near detector site –Peak energy shifts lower –Width decreases –High energy tail suppressed –Rate significantly decreased  Mimics far detector flux at some angle… On Axis 5m 10m 20m On Axis 5m 10m 20m NUMI Near On and Off-Axis Beams (beam sim. courtesy M. Messier) NUMI LE Configuration NUMI ME

10 15 December 2002Steven Manly10 NUMI vs. other locations/expts  NUMI Near On-Axis –Flux comparison (see next slide). –Pros and cons of wideband beam. –High E tail feed-down into NC.  JHFnu –Will run 2008 at earliest. Designed flux is comparable. –280m fine-grained near detector for this physics is planned. Overlap between NUMI and JHF proponents. Overlap between NUMI and JHF proponents.

11 15 December 2002Steven Manly11 Off-Axis vs On-Axis Near Flux  Advantages on-axis –Higher rate. Access to broadband beam. Better measurements of CC processes Better measurements of CC processes  Advantages off-axis –Narrowband beam Reconstruction of NC processes Reconstruction of NC processes –Small corrections to measurement of backgrounds off-axis Far 0.7° OA OA Near (LE) Near (LE) Near (ME) Beam Far off-axis Near off-axis Near on-axis Unit ev/kton-yr ev/kg-yr  (no osc.) 69.5 68.9 34.6 e + e 0.34 0.57 NC 9.9 11.7 115.5

12 15 December 2002Steven Manly12 Alternate Sites  K2K “SciBar” Detector –Similar detector –Lower rates by about an order of magnitude – ~1.2 GeV K2K SciBar Event Rates ~20K Events/10 tons fid. (courtesy C. McGrew) NUMI Near Off-Axis Event Rates/ton

13 15 December 2002Steven Manly13  BooNE –Running now! – ~0.9 GeV –Rates comparable –No hall  CERN to GS –No hall –high energy beam NUMI vs. other locations/expts

14 15 December 2002Steven Manly14 Possible Sites  Possible locations within the NUMI TBM drifts. No new tunneling required… –Thanks to Rob Plunkett for navigational assistance!

15 15 December 2002Steven Manly15 Site 1: 5-10 meters Off-Axis  Located in near hall access tunnel –Wide, with personnel access to near hall –Flat floor, easy access to shaft Relatively easy to bring utilities to site Relatively easy to bring utilities to site Shaft Near Hall Absorber 10m 5m Ditch 4.5m 6m

16 15 December 2002Steven Manly16 Site 1: 5-10 meters Off-Axis  Can move detector. ~2-3+ GeV –5m gives ~2.8 GeV; can go higher but spectrum is broad –Ditch at upstream end makes getting 15m off-axis (1.5 GeV) more difficult Shaft Near Hall Absorber 5 m10 m

17 15 December 2002Steven Manly17 Site 1: Interaction Rates Shaft Near Hall Absorber LE+, 10m ME+, 10m ME+, 5m LE+, 5m

18 15 December 2002Steven Manly18 Site 2: 15 meters Off-Axis  Located just upstream of shaft –Wide. Sloped floor (9%). –Close to shaft and utility source – ~1.5 GeV Shaft Near Hall Absorber Near (LE)

19 15 December 2002Steven Manly19 Site 2: Interaction Rates Shaft Near Hall Absorber LE+, 15m ME+, 15m

20 15 December 2002Steven Manly20 Kinematic region

21 15 December 2002Steven Manly21 Site 3: 5-15 meters Off-Axis  Upstream of absorber –Wide, unfinished tunnel. Sloped floor (9% grade).  Not an attractive site –Far from shaft and utility source –Interferes with absorber utitilies? Radiation? – ~1.5-3+ GeV Shaft Near Hall Absorber 15m

22 15 December 2002Steven Manly22 Site 3: Interaction Rates Shaft Near Hall Absorber LE+, 15m LE+, 13m ME+, 13m LE+, 9m ME+, 9m ME+, 11m LE+, 11m ME+, 15m

23 15 December 2002Steven Manly23 Site Summary  Appropriate sites exist in the NUMI TBM tunnels –Energy Range ~1.5-3+ GeV –Details… occupancy after NUMI installation (early 05?) occupancy after NUMI installation (early 05?) NUMI maintenance, operations conflicts? NUMI maintenance, operations conflicts? utilities and outfitting utilities and outfitting movable detector to vary angle and therefore energy movable detector to vary angle and therefore energy –It appears possible to avoid new excavation

24 15 December 2002Steven Manly24 Conceptual NUMI Near Detector Active/passive frame around target Modular design Construct above ground piecewiseConstruct above ground piecewise Can add detector or target material as another layerCan add detector or target material as another layer Conceptual Active scintillator strip target

25 15 December 2002Steven Manly25 Conceptual NUMI Near Detector Conceptual Active scintillator strip target Fully active Plastic scintillator (2x2 cm strips) 2 ton fiducial volume

26 15 December 2002Steven Manly26 Conceptual NUMI Near Detector Conceptual Active scintillator strip target Several interaction lengths for  /  separation Several radiation lengths for photon conversion and electron id

27 15 December 2002Steven Manly27 Conceptual NUMI Near Detector Conceptual Active scintillator strip target Investigating the possibility of introducing layers of water-based scintillator with fiber readout

28 15 December 2002Steven Manly28 Conceptual NUMI Near Detector Conceptual Active scintillator strip target Can introduce other materials or detectors in layers

29 15 December 2002Steven Manly29 Conceptual NUMI Near Detector Active scintillator strip target Active/passive frame around target Modular design Construct above ground piecewiseConstruct above ground piecewise Can add detector or target material as another layerCan add detector or target material as another layer Active/passive frame around target

30 15 December 2002Steven Manly30 Conceptual NUMI Near Detector Active/passive frame around target Active/passive frame ~contains the events and can act as a veto

31 15 December 2002Steven Manly31 Conceptual NUMI Near Detector Active/passive veto in front of target Adds some material dependence

32 15 December 2002Steven Manly32 Conceptual NUMI Near Detector Active/passive absorber behind target for  /hadron discrimination plus magnet for  charge determination

33 15 December 2002Steven Manly33 Conceptual NUMI Near Detector Active/passive frame around target Modular design Construct above ground piecewiseConstruct above ground piecewise Can add detector or target material as another layerCan add detector or target material as another layer Active scintillator strip target Modular design Construct above ground piecewiseConstruct above ground piecewise Can add detector or target material as another layerCan add detector or target material as another layer

34 15 December 2002Steven Manly34 Detector Capabilities  Small fiducial volume OK –2 tons is sufficient to get 100K events at 2 GeV  Observe recoil protons –Important for n  – p, n  – p  0, etc.   0,  – reconstruction –Adds a lot of mass. Muon charge for bar mode needs power.  Embedded Materials and Detectors –E.g., RPC layers in plastic. R&D initially, then backgrounds –Sampling layers of thin material for nuclear targets Done in past: SOUDAN2, K2K SciFi Done in past: SOUDAN2, K2K SciFi –Oxygen Rich Targets: H 2 O-based scint? Acrylic? –Same sites could be used for other detector R&D tests

35 15 December 2002Steven Manly35 Summary  Off-Axis Near Detector for –Neutrino Cross-section physics –Neutrino Oscillation “Engineering”  Narrow band beam  Highly active, modular detector –Based on scintillating plastic strips  Candidate sites exist without new excavation  Significant work needed before proposal –Detector Design, Cost, Site Prep., MINOS Cohabitation –Demonstration of Cross-Section Measurements under real conditions (finite beam width, resolutions, etc.)

36 15 December 2002Steven Manly36

37 15 December 2002Steven Manly37 Those Expressing Interest… R. Ent, S. Wood Jefferson Lab E. Christy, C. Keppel, I. Niculescu Hampton University and Jefferson Lab A. Bodek, H. Budd, P. de Barbaro, G. Ginther, S. Manly, K. McFarland *, W. Sakumoto, P. Slattery, M. Zielinski University of Rochester * scientific contact

38 15 December 2002Steven Manly38 Site 1: 5-10 meters Off-Axis  Simple More simple to move detector. ~2-3+ GeV –5m gives ~2.8 GeV; can go higher but spectrum is broad –Ditch at upstream end makes getting 15m off-axis (1.5 GeV) more difficult Shaft Near Hall Absorber Far 0.7° OA Near (LE) 10m Far 0.7° OA Near (LE) 5m

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