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City of Radcliff Preparing for Weather Emergencies.

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Presentation on theme: "City of Radcliff Preparing for Weather Emergencies."— Presentation transcript:

1 City of Radcliff Preparing for Weather Emergencies

2 Goals  This program has been developed to remind you of the actions you should take during severe weather. This includes: Building emergency planning and preparedness Personal preparedness Specific actions to take in severe weather emergencies

3 Is your workplace or Your Home at Risk? Tornadoes Thunderstorms Flash Floods

4 Hazards of Weather Emergencies Injuries and fatalities Buildings (work and/or home) could be damaged Impassable bridges and roads Damaged power lines Utility failures

5 Hazards of Weather Emergencies (cont.) Broken windows Water damage Outside items blown or washed away People trapped Lightning strikes resulting in fires Interruption of operations Building/Roadway flooding

6 Emergency Action Plan Notification Procedures for reporting emergencies Evacuation routes, weather safe havens and emergency procedures Accounting for employees Rescue and medical duties Evacuating unsafe/damaged buildings Returning to “normal” operations

7 Outdoor Warning Sirens Operated by Siren activation indicates that you should go into a building and seek more information from media or other source Sirens tested

8 NOAA Weather Radios Radio provides a verbal message of the type of emergency and action to take. Radio also provides indicator lights for persons with hearing disabilities Mostly broadcasts weather emergencies, but can be used for other emergencies as well Tested weekly at varying times

9 Word of Mouth Employees should make other faculty, staff, students and visitors aware of any weather watches and/or warnings. Employees should direct these individuals to take appropriate actions

10 Emergency Actions Ensure that other employees in your area are aware of the severe weather Stay indoors and away from glass doors and windows Go to a secure designated shelter, refuge area or safe haven Take steps to protect yourself, your fellow employees and students and minimize damage

11 Evacuation Procedures Recognize evacuation signal and listen for instructions Shut down equipment, close windows and doors Go to the nearest safe exit Participate in drills and provide feedback

12 Your Family Emergency Plan Develop and practice your plan Determine evacuation routes and assembly areas Determine safe rooms for weather emergencies Know how to turn off your electricity, water and gas List family emergency phone numbers Understand outdoor sirens, own a weather radio Take First-aid and fire extinguisher training

13 Radio and flashlight Water and dry or canned food Blankets and clothes First-aid kit, medicine Soap, toothpaste, toilet paper, etc. Map, phone numbers, other documents Cash Home Disaster Supply Kit

14 Watch or Warning A watch means conditions are favorable for the severe weather event in or near the watch area A warning means the severe weather event is imminent or occurring in the warned area

15 Tornados When a tornado watch or warning is issued: Seek basement/storm cellar (these are the 2 safest places during a tornado Get into a solid building Stay away from doors and windows – Go to the center of building If outside, lie flat in ditch and cover your head with hands

16 Tornados (cont) Go to the center of building If outside, lie flat in ditch and cover your head with hands

17 When a flood “warning” is issued: Bring in outside items, move furniture upstairs Evacuate the flood zone Move to higher ground away from rivers, streams Do not attempt to drive across flooded roads If trapped, go to higher floor and wait for rescue Floodwater = Danger

18 Severe Thunderstorms Lightning, heavy rain, flash flood, hail Lightning always accompanies thunderstorms If a severe thunderstorm warning is issued: Go inside a sturdy building or car Stay away from windows, faucets, electrical items If outside, crouch on the ground in a low place (do not lie flat on ground during thunderstorm)

19 Storm Shelter locations for City buildings City Hall - Basement Police Department – Lower level Fire Station #1 – City storm shelter Fire Station #2 – Pantry area Public Works – Hope building lower level Colvin Community Center – downstairs bathrooms

20 Summary Know the hazards of weather emergencies Understand your Building Emergency Action Plan Develop a family emergency plan Make a disaster supply kit Take steps to prepare at work and at home for emergencies

21 Click Here to Take the Test

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