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DruDrumming up the troops Each of us can make a difference, but together we can make change.

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Presentation on theme: "DruDrumming up the troops Each of us can make a difference, but together we can make change."— Presentation transcript:

1 DruDrumming up the troops Each of us can make a difference, but together we can make change

2 What stops people? Lack of confidence Living busy lives Don’t believe their contribution will make a difference Don’t know about the opportunity

3 Inspire Be real Use clear messaging Be open and welcoming Ditch personal glory Be constructive Involve people

4 Recruitment: Where to start? Off line: Local MH services and groups Local MH trust Local cafe’s Local community centres Local job centres Don’t forget groups that are already active like parent groups, local trade unions, political parties!

5 Recruitment: Where to start? Online Social media Local and/or national online networks and forums

6 Sharing details Once you have built up your group of campaigners you may have a lot contact details and you will need to make sure you do not share details inappropriately. Ask up front if they would like their details shared with others in the groups, let them know they can change their mind later if they wish. If you are emailing a group of people BCC them in so you do not share email addresses with everyone. If someone asks for contact details for someone else in the group do not give them out. The person could share their details with you which you can pass on to the person they want to contact. Create online groups so people do not have to share personal contact info such as email or telephone numbers if they do not wish to.

7 Meeting up Cafes Community Centres Libraries Parks

8 Developing a group Get core allies Delegate tasks Make time for having fun

9 Different interests We have all got something to give... Involved at different levels Online and offline actions Appreciate diverse contributions

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