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Peripheral Circulation and Regulation

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1 Peripheral Circulation and Regulation
Introduction Arteries Veins Blood Flow Grab Bag $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 FINAL ROUND

2 Introduction: $100 Question
This type of capillary has no gaps between endothelial cells, is less permeable to large molecules and exists in muscle and nervous tissue: a. continuous capillary b. fenestrated capillary c. sinusoidal capillary ANSWER BACK TO GAME

3 Introduction: $100 Answer
This type of capillary has no gaps between endothelial cells, is less permeable to large molecules and exists in muscle and nervous tissue: a. continuous capillary b. fenestrated capillary c. sinusoidal capillary BACK TO GAME

4 Introduction: $200 Question
Smooth muscle cells that regulate blood flow from the thoroughfare channel into capillaries are called this: a. arterial capillaries b. metarterioles c. precapillary sphincters d. venous capillaries e. sinusoids ANSWER BACK TO GAME

5 Introduction: $200 Answer
Smooth muscle cells that regulate blood flow from the thoroughfare channel into capillaries are called this: a. arterial capillaries b. metarterioles c. precapillary sphincters d. venous capillaries e. sinusoids BACK TO GAME

6 Introduction: $300 Question
This is the inner layer of blood vessel walls and consists of endothelium, basement membrane, lamina propria, and an internal elastic membrane: a. tunica adventitia (externa) b. tunica intima (interna) c. tunica media d. tunica muscularis e. tunica intermedius ANSWER BACK TO GAME

7 Introduction: $300 Answer
This is the inner layer of blood vessel walls and consists of endothelium, basement membrane, lamina propria, and an internal elastic membrane: a. tunica adventitia (externa) b. tunica intima (interna) c. tunica media d. tunica muscularis e. tunica intermedius BACK TO GAME

8 Introduction: $400 Question
This blood vessel has tunica adventitia (externa) as the predominant layer: a. elastic arteries b. medium arteries c. arterioles d. venules e. large veins ANSWER BACK TO GAME

9 Introduction: $400 Answer
This blood vessel has tunica adventitia (externa) as the predominant layer: a. elastic arteries b. medium arteries c. arterioles d. venules e. large veins BACK TO GAME

10 Introduction: $500 Question
Given these blood vessels: 1. arteriole 2. capillary 3. elastic artery 4. muscular artery 5. vein 6. venule Choose the arrangement that lists the blood vessels in the order a red blood cell passes through them as it leaves the heart, travels to a tissue, and returns to the heart. a. 3,4,2,1,5,6 c. 4,3,1,2,5,6 b. 3,4,1,2,6,5 d. 4,3,2,1,6,5 ANSWER BACK TO GAME

11 Introduction: $500 Answer
Given these blood vessels: 1. arteriole 2. capillary 3. elastic artery 4. muscular artery 5. vein 6. venule Choose the arrangement that lists the blood vessels in the order a red blood cell passes through them as it leaves the heart, travels to a tissue, and returns to the heart. a. 3,4,2,1,5,6 c. 4,3,1,2,5,6 b. 3,4,1,2,6,5 d. 4,3,2,1,6,5 BACK TO GAME

12 The first branch from the aortic arch is this:
Arteries: $100 Question The first branch from the aortic arch is this: a. brachiocephalic artery b. left common carotid artery c. right common carotid artery d. left subclavian artery e. right subclavian artery ANSWER BACK TO GAME

13 The first branch from the aortic arch is this:
Arteries: $100 Answer The first branch from the aortic arch is this: a. brachiocephalic artery b. left common carotid artery c. right common carotid artery d. left subclavian artery e. right subclavian artery BACK TO GAME

14 This artery supplies blood to the stomach, liver and spleen:
Arteries: $200 Question This artery supplies blood to the stomach, liver and spleen: a. celiac trunk b. gastric c. inferior mesenteric d. posterior intercostal e. superior mesenteric ANSWER BACK TO GAME

15 This artery supplies blood to the stomach, liver and spleen:
Arteries: $200 Answer This artery supplies blood to the stomach, liver and spleen: a. celiac trunk b. gastric c. inferior mesenteric d. posterior intercostal e. superior mesenteric BACK TO GAME

16 b. carbon dioxide; oxygen c. oxygen; carbon dioxide
Arteries: $300 Question Blood going to the lungs through the pulmonary arteries contains a high concentration of ______ and a low concentration of ______. a. oxygen; hemoglobin b. carbon dioxide; oxygen c. oxygen; carbon dioxide d. carbon dioxide; hemoglobin ANSWER BACK TO GAME

17 b. carbon dioxide; oxygen c. oxygen; carbon dioxide
Arteries: $300 Answer Blood going to the lungs through the pulmonary arteries contains a high concentration of ______ and a low concentration of ______. a. oxygen; hemoglobin b. carbon dioxide; oxygen c. oxygen; carbon dioxide d. carbon dioxide; hemoglobin BACK TO GAME

18 a. hepatic portal system
Arteries: $400 Question The left and right internal carotid arteries and the left and right vertebral arteries all contribute to this: a. hepatic portal system b. circle of Willis (cerebral arterial circle) c. coronary circulation d. celiac trunk ANSWER BACK TO GAME

19 a. hepatic portal system
Arteries: $400 Answer The left and right internal carotid arteries and the left and right vertebral arteries all contribute to this: a. hepatic portal system b. circle of Willis (cerebral arterial circle) c. coronary circulation d. celiac trunk BACK TO GAME

20 a. right radial; right brachial
Arteries: $500 Question If a blood clot formed in the artery named on the left, blood would not enter this artery named on the right: a. right radial; right brachial b. left common carotid; left internal carotid c. left femoral; left internal iliac d. common hepatic; celiac ANSWER BACK TO GAME

21 a. right radial; right brachial
Arteries: $500 Answer If a blood clot formed in the artery named on the left, blood would not enter this artery named on the right: a. right radial; right brachial b. left common carotid; left internal carotid c. left femoral; left internal iliac d. common hepatic; celiac BACK TO GAME

22 d. hepatic portal system
Veins: $100 Question Blood from the arms, shoulders, and head passes through this vessel in order to return blood to the heart: a. inferior vena cava b. superior vena cava c. celiac trunk d. hepatic portal system ANSWER BACK TO GAME

23 d. hepatic portal system
Veins: $100 Answer Blood from the arms, shoulders, and head passes through this vessel in order to return blood to the heart: a. inferior vena cava b. superior vena cava c. celiac trunk d. hepatic portal system BACK TO GAME

24 The intercostal veins drain blood from this:
Veins: $200 Question The intercostal veins drain blood from this: a. spleen, pancreas, and stomach b. muscles of the neck c. muscles of the lower back d. spaces between the ribs ANSWER BACK TO GAME

25 The intercostal veins drain blood from this:
Veins: $200 Answer The intercostal veins drain blood from this: a. spleen, pancreas, and stomach b. muscles of the neck c. muscles of the lower back d. spaces between the ribs BACK TO GAME

26 The hepatic portal vein is formed by the junction of these vessels:
Veins: $300 Question The hepatic portal vein is formed by the junction of these vessels: a. internal and external iliac veins b. hepatic veins c. superior mesenteric and splenic veins d. subclavian and internal jugular veins ANSWER BACK TO GAME

27 The hepatic portal vein is formed by the junction of these vessels:
Veins: $300 Answer The hepatic portal vein is formed by the junction of these vessels: a. internal and external iliac veins b. hepatic veins c. superior mesenteric and splenic veins d. subclavian and internal jugular veins BACK TO GAME

28 Veins: $400 Question This vein is frequently used as a site for drawing blood from a patient: a. brachial vein b. axillary vein c. median cubital vein d. radial vein e. basilic vein ANSWER BACK TO GAME

29 Veins: $400 Answer This vein is frequently used as a site for drawing blood from a patient: a. brachial vein b. axillary vein c. median cubital vein d. radial vein e. basilic vein BACK TO GAME

30 Veins: $500 Question Given these veins: 1. left gonadal (ovarian) vein 2. inferior vena cava 3. left renal vein 4. superior mesenteric vein Choose the veins, in order, that an erythrocyte passes through traveling from the left ovary to the heart. a. 1,2,3,4 c. 1,4,2 b. 1,3,2 d. 1,3,4,2 ANSWER BACK TO GAME

31 Veins: $500 Answer Given these veins: 1. left gonadal (ovarian) vein 2. inferior vena cava 3. left renal vein 4. superior mesenteric vein Choose the veins, in order, that an erythrocyte passes through traveling from the left ovary to the heart. a. 1,2,3,4 c. 1,4,2 b. 1,3,2 d. 1,3,4,2 BACK TO GAME

32 b. listen for the turbulent blood flow in the artery
Blood Flow: $100 Question When taking blood pressure by the auscultatory method, the stethoscope is used for this: a. measure the pressure of the blood pushing against the wall of the artery b. listen for the turbulent blood flow in the artery c. measure the speed at which the blood is flowing through the artery d. measure the pressure of air in the cuff ANSWER BACK TO GAME

33 b. listen for the turbulent blood flow in the artery
Blood Flow: $100 Answer When taking blood pressure by the auscultatory method, the stethoscope is used for this: a. measure the pressure of the blood pushing against the wall of the artery b. listen for the turbulent blood flow in the artery c. measure the speed at which the blood is flowing through the artery d. measure the pressure of air in the cuff BACK TO GAME

34 b. radius of the blood vessel c. length of the blood vessel
Blood Flow: $200 Question If each of these factors is doubled, this one has the greatest influence on blood flow: a. blood viscosity b. radius of the blood vessel c. length of the blood vessel d. pressure gradient ANSWER BACK TO GAME

35 b. radius of the blood vessel c. length of the blood vessel
Blood Flow: $200 Answer If each of these factors is doubled, this one has the greatest influence on blood flow: a. blood viscosity b. radius of the blood vessel c. length of the blood vessel d. pressure gradient BACK TO GAME

36 This statement best describes vascular compliance:
Blood Flow: $300 Question This statement best describes vascular compliance: a. is greater in arteries than in veins b. results in veins being blood storage areas c. is the pressure at which blood vessels collapse d. is caused by an increase in viscosity of the blood ANSWER BACK TO GAME

37 This statement best describes vascular compliance:
Blood Flow: $300 Answer This statement best describes vascular compliance: a. is greater in arteries than in veins b. results in veins being blood storage areas c. is the pressure at which blood vessels collapse d. is caused by an increase in viscosity of the blood BACK TO GAME

38 Blood Flow: $400 Question If a person has a systolic pressure of 100mm Hg and a diastolic pressure of 70mm Hg, this is the pulse pressure: a. 170mm Hg b. 85mm Hg c. 30mm Hg d. 25mm Hg e. 20mm Hg ANSWER BACK TO GAME

39 Blood Flow: $400 Answer If a person has a systolic pressure of 100mm Hg and a diastolic pressure of 70mm Hg, this is the pulse pressure: a. 170mm Hg b. 85mm Hg c. 30mm Hg d. 25mm Hg e. 20mm Hg BACK TO GAME

40 This statement compares the blood flow of the vena cava to the aorta:
Blood Flow: $500 Question This statement compares the blood flow of the vena cava to the aorta: a. resistance to blood flow in the venae cavae is low because of their large diameter b. blood flow through them is about equal because there are two venae cavae and only one aorta c. velocity of blood flow is faster in the aorta d. all are true ANSWER BACK TO GAME

41 This statement compares the blood flow of the vena cava to the aorta:
Blood Flow: $500 Answer This statement compares the blood flow of the vena cava to the aorta: a. resistance to blood flow in the venae cavae is low because of their large diameter b. blood flow through them is about equal because there are two venae cavae and only one aorta c. velocity of blood flow is faster in the aorta d. all are true BACK TO GAME

42 Friction between the blood and vessel walls has this effect:
Grab Bag: $100 Question Friction between the blood and vessel walls has this effect: a. decreases blood pressure b. causes peripheral resistance c. increases blood flow d. increases as blood viscosity decreases ANSWER BACK TO GAME

43 Friction between the blood and vessel walls has this effect:
Grab Bag: $100 Answer Friction between the blood and vessel walls has this effect: a. decreases blood pressure b. causes peripheral resistance c. increases blood flow d. increases as blood viscosity decreases BACK TO GAME

44 Venous return would be increased by this: a. dilation of the veins
Grab Bag: $200 Question Venous return would be increased by this: a. dilation of the veins b. loss of the venous valves c. increased skeletal muscle activity d. decreased respiratory rate ANSWER BACK TO GAME

45 Venous return would be increased by this: a. dilation of the veins
Grab Bag: $200 Answer Venous return would be increased by this: a. dilation of the veins b. loss of the venous valves c. increased skeletal muscle activity d. decreased respiratory rate BACK TO GAME

46 The colloid osmotic pressure of the blood is caused by this:
Grab Bag: $300 Question The colloid osmotic pressure of the blood is caused by this: a. contraction of the heart ventricles b. the presence of proteins in the plasma c. the presence of sodium in the plasma d. the presence of water in the plasma ANSWER BACK TO GAME

47 The colloid osmotic pressure of the blood is caused by this:
Grab Bag: $300 Answer The colloid osmotic pressure of the blood is caused by this: a. contraction of the heart ventricles b. the presence of proteins in the plasma c. the presence of sodium in the plasma d. the presence of water in the plasma BACK TO GAME

48 a. increasing the heart rate
Grab Bag: $400 Question If blood pressure is elevated, the cardiovascular centers would compensate in this manner: a. increasing the heart rate b. sending sympathetic signals to the myocardial cells c. increasing cardiac output d. causing vasodilation ANSWER BACK TO GAME

49 a. increasing the heart rate
Grab Bag: $400 Answer If blood pressure is elevated, the cardiovascular centers would compensate in this manner: a. increasing the heart rate b. sending sympathetic signals to the myocardial cells c. increasing cardiac output d. causing vasodilation BACK TO GAME

50 Grab Bag: $500 Question Given these blood vessels: 1. inferior mesenteric vein 2. superior mesenteric vein 3. hepatic portal vein 4. hepatic vein Choose the arrangement that lists the vessels in order going from the small intestine to the inferior vena cava. a. 1,3,4 c. 2,3,4 b. 1,4,3 d. 2,4,3 ANSWER BACK TO GAME

51 Grab Bag: $500 Answer Given these blood vessels: 1. inferior mesenteric vein 2. superior mesenteric vein 3. hepatic portal vein 4. hepatic vein Choose the arrangement that lists the vessels in order going from the small intestine to the inferior vena cava. a. 1,3,4 c. 2,3,4 b. 1,4,3 d. 2,4,3 BACK TO GAME

52 a. vasoconstriction in the viscera
FINAL ROUND Question During exercise the blood flow through skeletal muscle may increase up to 20-fold. The cardiac output does not increase that much because of this: a. vasoconstriction in the viscera b. temporary vasoconstriction of the skin c. vasodilation of skeletal muscle blood vessels d. both a and b e. all of the above ANSWER BACK TO GAME

53 a. vasoconstriction in the viscera
FINAL ROUND Answer During exercise the blood flow through skeletal muscle may increase up to 20-fold. The cardiac output does not increase that much because of this: a. vasoconstriction in the viscera b. temporary vasoconstriction of the skin c. vasodilation of skeletal muscle blood vessels d. both a and b e. all of the above BACK TO GAME

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