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Excretion and Osmoregulation
Outline Introduction Comparative physiology of osmotic regulation
Mammalian kidney Evolution of the vertebrate kidney
All organisms have an excretory system of some type in order to
Manage solutes in body fluids Manage water content of the body Remove metabolic end-products Remove foreign substances
Two basic modes of excretion
Ultrafiltration- pressure filtrate of blood, withholds protein and large solutes but water and small solutes pass Active transport- against a concentration gradient. If directed away from the organism, secretion. If directed toward the organism, reabsorption.
Three functions of excretory systems
Ultrafiltration Secretion Reabsorption
Osmotic Environments Aquatic environments (71% of Earth’s surface)
Sea waters- 3.5% salts Mediterranean – 4% salts Saturated with salts- Great salt lake (NaCl)- no fish, some shrimp Dead Sea (MgCl2)
Osmoconformers and osmoregulators
Osmoconformer- change osmotic concentration of body fluids to match environment Osmoregulator- regulate composition of body fluids regardless of environment Seawater-1000 mOsM- animals risk losing water to the environment Fresh water-animals risk taking on too much water and losing salt
Two major categories of resistance to changes in osmotic environment
Stenohaline –limited tolerance to changes in osmotic composition of environment-most fish are stenohaline Euryhaline- can tolerate wide fluctuations in environmental osmotic concentrations
Marine vertebrates Elasmobranchs, hagfish, crab-eating frogs
Osmolarity of body fluids equals that of sea-water, i.e mOsM Lampreys, teleost fishes Osmolarity of body fluids is one-third that of seawater, approx. 300 mOsM.
Marine Elasmobranchs Maintain salt at one-third that of seawater, but add organic urea to body fluids-100 times greater than mammals Total body fluid osmolarity is close to seawater Produce trimethylamine oxide (TMAO)- neutralizes toxic effects of urea Shark proteins including enzymes are dependent upon urea Excess Na+ excreted by ‘rectal gland’
TMAO urea
Teleosts All teleosts maintain body salt concentration at 1/3 that of seawater Marine teleosts must drink water and get rid of excess ions from water Ion excretion (Na, Cl) is performed by gills Mg, SO4, and other divalent ions secreted by kidneys
Amphibians Risk losing ions to freshwater
Actively reabsorb Na and Cl across skin
Terrestrial vertebrates
Face dehydration from any body surface Birds and reptiles produce uric acid to conserve water Develop skin which prevents water loss
Dipodomys microps, the Kangaroo rat
Kangaroo rats Abundant in deserts Do not drink water
If given a diet of barley or oats, body weight remains the same for months Water (g) formed per gram of substrate: Starch = 0.56 Fat=1.07 Protein=0.45
Nasal turbinates Increase water reabsorption from exhaled air
Nasal turbinates reduce temperature of exhaled air More water vapor condenses on nasal epithelium during exhalation
Phylogeny of osmoregulatory and excretory organs
Contractile vacuole in Paramecium
Found only in freshwater organisms Not a true excretory organ because it does not produce an ultrafiltrate Excess water is channeled to vacuole, vacuole swells Water expelled through pore
Paramecium- contractile vacuole
Protonephridia Blind ended excretory organ
Solenocyte (1 flagella), flame cell (many flagella) Found in flatworms, rotifers May or may not produce an ultrafiltrate Since there is no circulatory system in these animals, flame cells must be located throughout the body
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Metanephridia Only in eucoelomate animals Filters fluid from coelom
Produces an ultrafiltrate
Malpighian tubules Found in insects
KCl and NaCl transported from coelomic fluid into Malpighian tubules Initial urine formed in tubules Final urine formed in rectum Produces a concentrated urine but not an ultrafiltrate
How it works K+ actively transported into M. tubule, conc. 30 times body fluid Passive Cl diffusion into M. tubule Water follows ions In hind gut, water is reabsorbed, uric acid precipitates
Direction of blood flow
Afferent arteriole Glomerulus Efferent arteriole Vasa recta Vein
Function of nephron Glomerular filtration (urea, glucose, Na, K, Cl)-no proteins Same proportion of ions, solutes and water in glomerulus as in blood plasma No blood cells filtered Filtration based upon molecular size
Function of nephron Tubular reabsorption 99.9% of water Most salts
Most reabsorption by the proximal tubules
Function of the nephron
Tubular synthesis Some amino acids are deaminated Tubular secretion Regulates blood levels of K, H+ and HCO3
Brush border in proximal convoluted tubule
Glomerular filtration
125 mL/min, about 200 L/day Affected by Net hydrostatic pressure difference between capillary and Bowman’s capsule-favors filtration Colloid osmotic pressure of blood, opposes filtration Hydraulic permeability-sieve like properties of the filtration barrier Capillary endothelium Basement membrane Bowman’s capsule
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Calculating GFR Patient injected with inulin
After a while, plasma sample drawn and inulin concentration measured in plasma Concentration of inulin measured in urine Urine volume determined Since all inulin removed, GFR equals inulin clearance
Glomerular Filtration rate
GFR = VU/P V = urine volume, mL/min U = urine inulin, g/mL P = plasma inulin, g/mL GFR, mL/min Inulin is freely filtered, not secreted, not reabsorbed
Tubular reabsorption 200 L (50 gallons) filtered, 1 L urine produced per day, 99% of water reabsorbed 99% of sodium reabsorbed Plasma glucose clearance = 0 Transport maximum for glucose = 365 mg/min
Proximal tubule Reabsorbs 67% of Na in lumen All glucose reabsorbed
Water follows passively 66-75% of filtrate reabsorbed before loop of Henle At the end of the proximal tubule, fluid is isosmotic even though Na and water reabsorbed
Concentrating mechanism
As fluid moves from proximal tubule to descending loop of Henle it is isosmotic with ECF
Descending loop of Henle
Not permebale to NaCl, urea Permeable to water
Concentrating mechanism
In descending loop, water moves out of tubule because descending loop is permeable to water
Ascending limb of the loop of Henle
No transport of NaCl in thin limb Permeable to NaCl, passive diffusion Impermeable to water, urea
Concentrating mechanism
As fluid moves up ascending limb, NaCl moves out from fluid passively in thin segment NaCl is transported out in thick segment No movement of water here as impermeable to water
Medullary thick limb Active transport of NaCl from lumen to ECF
Impermeable to water Because of NaCl transport, urine is slightly hypo-osmotic here
Distal tubule Transport of K+, H+, NH3+ into lumen
Transports Na, Cl and HCO3- out of lumen Permeable to water, water follows NaCl
Collecting duct Permeable to water. Water leaves urine for higher osmotic gradient in extracellular fluid. Permeable to urea at the distal end Permeability to water is under hormonal control be ADH
Concentrating mechanism
Only birds and mammals are able to produce a concentrated urine Only birds and mammals have a loop of Henle Desert mammals have longer loops of Henle
Active transport of NaCl out of ascending thick limb and distal tubule
Water follows osmotic gradient and leaves distal tubules and descending limb Urea becomes more concentrated- the only part of collecting duct that is permeable to urea is medullary portion Because of higher osmolarity at bottom of loop, water tends to leave descending limb of loop, therefore higher osmotic conc of tubular fluid at bottom of loop
Because of high osmotic conc of tubular fluid, NaCl follows passively out of ascending limb
End result-high osmotic concentration of urea in inner medulla interstitium is due to urea leaving collecting duct.
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