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Structure and Function

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1 Structure and Function
Cell Membranes Structure and Function

2 Animal Cell Membrane

3 Semi-permeable Membranes
Lipid membranes are semi-permeable, also called selectively permeable Water moves across the membrane freely Ions (charged particles) do not move across the membrane freely Many large molecules do not move across the membrane freely

4 Passive Transport Diffusion – the movement of substances from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration Osmosis – the movement of water from an area of higher water content to an area of lower water content

5 Active Transport The movement of a substance against the concentration gradient (from lower concentration to higher concentration Active transport requires the use of energy

6 Membrane proteins play an important role in passive and active transport

7 Very large molecules may be taken in by endocytosis

8 Exocytosis secretes substances

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