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Conversational Behaviors of Individuals with HL Audiological Rehabilitation.

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2 Conversational Behaviors of Individuals with HL Audiological Rehabilitation

3 Improving Effective Communication Improves Quality of Life!!

4 Factors for Successful Communication n Effectiveness of their listening device n Lipreading skills n Amount of residual hearing n Good use of communication strategies

5 Conversation n There are many reasons why we engage in conversations n There are implicit rules of conversation that should be followed n Communication with a person who has a HL may involve modified or adapted rules of conversation –These modifications may lead to interruptions, increased conversational effort and misunderstandings

6 Rules of Conversation n Agree to share one another’s interest n Share the responsibility of talking n Participate in choosing and developing the topic n Turn taking n Keep true to the topic n Provide information without being verbose

7 Rules of Conversation - Modified n Disruption of turn taking n Speaking style n Topic shifts n Modified topic selection n Clarifications n Violation of social etiquette

8 Communication Strategies nFnFnFnFacilitative Strategies nRnRnRnRepair Strategies nMnMnMnMaladaptive Strategies

9 Factors That Influence Reception of a Spoken Message n The Talker –Delivery with appropriate speaking behaviors n The Message –Use of simple, repetitive short sentences n The Environment –Quiet, well-lit areas with a good view of the speaker n The Listener –Appropriate use of amplification, attention to the speaker and a good emotional state

10 Facilitative Strategies n Strategies that influence the Talker –Instructional Strategies n Strategies that influence the Message –Message-Tailoring Strategies

11 Facilitative Strategies, cont’d n Strategies that influence the Environment –Constructive Strategy n Strategies that influence the Listener –Adaptive Strategy –Attending Strategy –Anticipatory Strategy

12 Receptive Repair Strategies n Repeat repair strategy n Request for information repair strategy n Key word repair strategy n Elaborate repair strategy n Extended repair strategy n Specific vs Non-specific repair strategies

13 Maladaptive Strategies n Dominating the Conversation n Bluffing n Withdrawal n Becoming increasingly anxious

14 Stages in Repairing a Communication Breakdown n Stage 1 –Detection of a communication breakdown n Stage 2 –Dealing with a communication breakdown n Repair Strategy n Bluff n Disregard Utterance

15 Conversational Styles n Passive –Withdraws from conversations and interactions rather than attempting repair strategies n Aggressive –Blames others for the misunderstanding n Assertive –Takes responsibility for the communication difficulties in a way that is considerate of communication partner Non-Interactive Dominating Interactive

16 Research: Specific Vs. Nonspecific Repair Strategies n Which repair strategies are used most commonly? n What happens after a repair strategy is used? n What is the drawback to using nonspecific repair strategies? n Which strategy will most likely lead to understanding of a message?

17 Research: Who Uses Repair Strategies? n Familiar Vs. Unfamiliar Partners n What are the attitudes of those who use communication strategies? n Who is least likely to use repair strategies? –Lower levels of education –Sudden HL –Receive minimal benefit from HA

18 What Are the Important Components of an AR Program? n Practice in using specific repair strategies n Practice using communication strategies with familiar and unfamiliar persons n Increase the amount of training for persons with sudden hearing loss and those who are receiving minimal benefit from listening devices

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