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Ten things that all men should know about their prostate Dr. Elmo Rodríguez Sosa, MD Director Health Ministries East Puerto Rico Conference Of Seventy-day.

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Presentation on theme: "Ten things that all men should know about their prostate Dr. Elmo Rodríguez Sosa, MD Director Health Ministries East Puerto Rico Conference Of Seventy-day."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ten things that all men should know about their prostate Dr. Elmo Rodríguez Sosa, MD Director Health Ministries East Puerto Rico Conference Of Seventy-day Adventists

2 Advances for Total Health A gland that produces seminal liquid which mixes with the sperm to produce semen. What is the prostate?

3 What is the shape of the prostate? It has the shape of a walnut which is located under the bladder and the root of the penis and anus. In older men it grows from the shape of a walnut until it reaches the size of a plum.

4 How do I know if my prostate is healthy? Observe the thickness of the urinary flow Number of times you get up to urinate Dripping before and after you urinate Testicular pain Erection disorder Pain at ejaculation Pain when you urinate Blood in the urine

5 The age factor Usually it affects men older than 50 years of age but the majority of cases are diagnosed from 70-74 years of age.

6 It is a substance that is produced almost exclusively by certain cells within the prostate gland. It is secreted by the prostate into the semen to liquefy the semen prior to ejaculation, a small portion escapes to the blood stream where it is measured in nanograms per milliliter (ng/ml) What is PSA?

7 Three of every four men has their PSA elevated without having Prostate CA. The higher it is, the posibility is greater for Prostate CA.

8 Eat more Selenium - broccoli, Brazilean nut, asparagus, whole wheat rice and onions

9 Could there be a genetic relation? If your father, grandfather, uncle or brother had developed Prostate CA the risk is greater.

10 Eat more Vitamine E - wheatgerm, nuts, sesame seed, avocado

11 Eat more Lycopene - tomato, watermelon

12 Eat more Zinc – pumpkin seed, wheatgerm, sesame seed and vegetables.

13 Expose yourself more Vitamine D - Sun

14 Eat less Saturated fats : Meats

15 Eat less Saturated fats: Margarine

16 Eat less Saturated fats: Cheese

17 Eat less Saturated fats: Eggs

18 Eat less Processed foods

19 Eat less Saturated fats: Butter

20 Eat less Saturated fat: Fried foods

21 Eat less Salt

22 Drink lots of Water

23 Eat abondantly Foods with polyphenols

24 Revitalize Boost your immune system

25 “The greater number, however, suffer because of their own wrong course of action. They disregard the principles of health by their habits of eating, drinking, dressing, and working. Their transgression of nature's laws produces the sure result; and when sickness comes upon them, many do not credit their suffering to the true cause, but murmur against God because of their afflictions. But God is not responsible for the suffering that follows disregard of natural law. ” The Ministry of Healing, page 234 For meditation

26 “Worship the Lord your God, and His blessings wil be on your food and water. I will take away all disease from among you”. Exodus 23:25 To remember

27 Thanks for your attention !

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