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Presentation on theme: "Project Report on: EDUCATION FOR CHILDREN WITH DISABILITIES."— Presentation transcript:


2 Summary:  Challenge Your Disability Initiative (CYDI) projected that through the provision of education and skills to children with disabilities, the number of street beggars will reduce and “drop-outs.”This should impact positively on the wellbeing of PWDs.  The lives of PWDs is marked by poverty, marginalization, denial and stigma. Other structural factors include: caste, gender, religion, disregard etc. Disability and PWDs are seen as objects of charity and welfare, NOT as Rights issue. Their experiences and coping mechanism differs.

3  The project will educate 100 Children with disabilities in Bauchi, Bauchi State – Nigeria by providing each child with school fees, school packs, school uniforms, 1 meal (lunch) a day, transporting children to and from school, occasional payment of medical bills.  Education will boost the self-esteem, build confidence and protect the child with disability from stigma as they school along side/together with children without disabilities. It will also provide equal opportunities for employment business with others.  Project period: June – December 2011 Summary continued

4  The average person with disabilities lives in urban slums and in poverty. The situation is even worse with those in the rural settings.  Many of the children are either abused or abandoned. The degree is regrettably higher among children with or have parents with disabilities.

5 Impact/Quotes:  “I never thought I could go to school. Thanks to CYDI.”  “Although I have opportunities to make friends within my environments, my coming to school has broaden my experience, coping skills and horizon.”  As the Head-teacher, “I am coming into active contact within a school environment with special needs children. I now appreciate them more.”

6 Quotes continued  “My challenges are the steps on the building not school mates.”  Yes, I learn every day when I see my mates who lives with disabilities. They are bright and bold.”  “I observed that, the children with disabilities have great minds and talents and takes risks more than I can imagine.”  “Disability should not hinder me from pursuing education if the support continues.”

7 Milestone:  CYDI streamlined 15 children with disabilities into a model public school with a population of over 2200 children excluding nursery and high school students.  CYDI to enroll 45 children with disabilities, orphans and vulnerable children into primary 1; and mainstream 28 others into a public school. 2011/12 school session resumes at permanent site by September 2011.  Provided over 120 children with: uniforms, school pack, school fees, lunch, etc.  Other school children interact freely with the children with disabilities thereby breaking the myths and stigma attached to disabilities.

8 Story of a beneficiary  Mohammed Sani is 9 years old in primary 2. He is the 3 rd child among 5. He is physically challenged (paralysis of left leg), possibly post –poliomyelitis. Mohammed said “my two elder siblings attends school.” He wasn’t in school till CYDI visited their home. “My parents did not consider enrolling me into a school.” Moh’d, as a child with disability has an uncertain future before this intervention. “I am so happy to be in school like my elder ones and other children like me.” Mohammed expressed gratitude for the gesture extended to and for all the assistance (school pack, uniforms, books, fees, transport etc.).” His desire is to see all children with or without disabilities in school.”  Nothing should hinder me from pursuing education if the support continues.


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