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DGVT Prague / 18 - 19.5. 2009 Social partnership in VET in the Czech Republic Miroslav Procházka

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2 DGVT Prague / 18 - 19.5. 2009 Social partnership in VET in the Czech Republic Miroslav Procházka

3 DGVT Praha / 18 - 19.5. 2009 Sociální partnerství v odborném v zdělávání v České republice Miroslav Procházka

4 DGVT Prague / 18 - 19.5. 2009 Social partnership in VET in the Czech Republic Miroslav Procházka

5 DGVT Prague / 18 - 19.5. 2009  CZ PRES priorities:  I. Strategic programme beyond 2010  II. PARTNERSHIP between schools and employers/enterprises (in the broad sense): openess of schools  III. Development of HE – quality and openness (Bologna process)  Partnership between Education and Training Institutions and Employers in the Context of Lifelong Learning, Prague April 6-7, 2009  Conclusions …on enhancing partnerships between education and training institutions and employers in the context of lifelong learning (přijato Radou 12/5/09)

6 DGVT Prague / 18 - 19.5. 2009  VET objectives: to prepare graduates for the labour market, for personal and civil life, for lifelong learning  Generally: to meet needs of the society (both employers and individuals)  Schools (educational institutions) and employers co-operation is a key factor of VET development

7 DGVT Prague / 18 - 19.5. 2009 System changes in VET  Conceptual framework: learning outcomes  Key factors: Partnership (both system and implementation level), Quality  Mobility: need of transparency and comparability of qualifications  Changes in a whole line profession– qualification – education – examination

8 DGVT Prague / 18 - 19.5. 2009 Learning outcomes Partnership QualityComparability National system of occupations, National qualification framework, Sector councils Act No.179 on VerificationandRecognition… Act No.179 on Verification and Recognition … Changes of curricula: RVP, ŠVP, Fields of study Changes of assessment: Maturita, New final exam, Autoevaluation Transformation of a school role (UNIV) European qualification framework, Europass ECVET, European Quality Assurance Reference Framework Teachers training (IQ INDUSTRY)

9 DGVT Prague / 18 - 19.5. 2009 It is obvious:  It is not possible to implement system changes in VET without operational partnership between schools and employers at the implementation level

10 DGVT Prague / 18 - 19.5. 2009  L3 Strategy (adopted by government including the implementation plan)  Action program for VET support (adopted by government)  Project Partnership and Quality :  Objective: …to create environment supporting a mutual co-operation between schools and employers Outcomes:  Study: co-operation between schools and enterprises in IVET and CVET, co-operation and its impact on quality, ECVET, European activities and initiatives, VET Guide  Database of good practice examples

11 DGVT Prague / 18 - 19.5. 2009 IVET  The most important (motivation objectives):  to make pupils familiar with real working environment  to motivate pupils to be interested in a profession and to assert themselves in a profession  Small importance (disregard?):  to match curriculum with employers´ needs  Instrument supporting maximum of objectives:  vocational practice and training in firms  Employers´ lack of interest in co-operation with schools is regarded by schools as the most often reason obstructing success in this field. (+) (-)

12 DGVT Prague / 18 - 19.5. 2009 CVET  Implemented cca at ¾ (77 %) of schools  Fields of co-operation:  definiton of educational needs and outcomes, specification of curricula, assurance of lectors or selection of further education methods  assistance in organization, material provision and organizing complete courses „made-to-measure“  co-operation in educational outcomes verification (and validation of prior learning)  Important: providing CVET leads to higher quality of teachers´work, better exploitation of their potential, effective use of school equipment

13 DGVT Prague / 18 - 19.5. 2009 Instruction:  Important: co-operation between schools and employers is regarded as important by all important participants  Lack of employers´ interest: schools reffer to employers´ resistance (lack of interest) toward this co- operation  Insufficient legal environment: employers ask certain legal environment setup and specification of costs compensation

14 DGVT Prague / 18 - 19.5. 2009 Conclusion:  Interlacing of all 3 levels: consistency and synergy  Support of the implementation level:  Legal environment  Motivation  Networking  Examples of good practice

15 Thanks for your attention


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