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Annual Objective Annual Objective: I will realize my weaknesses so that I might overcome them with the help of someone or something more powerful than.

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Presentation on theme: "Annual Objective Annual Objective: I will realize my weaknesses so that I might overcome them with the help of someone or something more powerful than."— Presentation transcript:

1 Annual Objective Annual Objective: I will realize my weaknesses so that I might overcome them with the help of someone or something more powerful than myself. Treasure of Lemon Brown Unit Objective Treasure of Lemon Brown Unit Objective: I will integrate knowledge of compare & contrast into my daily interactions and conversations in order to better understand how I fit into my culture, society, and the world. Short Stories Language Objective Short Stories Language Objective: I will read aloud until I express in speech and writing with full emotion the world created in the story. As a result of reading and listening to others read the stories, I will express in speech and writing my personal reflections, questions, and opinions based on my experience with classmates and the text. I will also listen to, record and respond in speech and writing to my classmates’ thoughts and reflections.

2  You’re in luck!!!! I’ve got you so set up with this supposed blank powerpoint. You just have to create all the resources that you will handout link to or require in some other way for teaching, practice and assessment.  You may not use the resources I used in the plan itself. What you use to teach, practice and test can be inspired by my resources, but may not actually BE my resources. OK?  You will want to provide definitions of all key terms in the “warm up”, “teaching”, and ASSESSMENT pieces.  You do not have to keep the theme or look of this powerpoint as it is now. You may personalize/customize it as you see fit to. Just make sure it is easy to read, understand for ANYONE.  You have to use your own work – remember, you can use the pieces you created for the Pick 2 & Pick 5 sheets, as well as what you did for the Pair Project.  You may take all suggestions ro disregard them all and go about this however you want to.  If you include a structured lesson plan with the Powerpoint, you DOUBLE YOUR GRADE (2 A’s). NICE!!!

3  When there are 5 or more people in this room, it must remain SILENT.  Get your novels out and be reading those.  Work on HW for this or another class.  Have some alone quiet time. I dare you.

4 Read – 15 minutes SET THE TIMER !! Journal – 5 minutes  You will look for Vocabulary Words in  the assignment soon to be announced, AND  In your personal novels. Advance to the next slide at  1 st Block – 9:35  3 rd Block – 12:55  4 th Block – 3:00

5 Regular Weekly Homework Read every night for 20 minutes and Journal. Reading Logs available. Article of the Week – none required Regular Bi-Weekly Homework Vocabulary related HW & Assignments  Vocabulary Posts DUE _____ (are to be made to Mr. Moshé’s website from now on !!) Mr. Moshé’s website Mr. Moshé’s website  Posters DUE _____  Charts & Artifacts DUE _____  Vocabulary List #5 Test will be _____ Other Homework Approach Papers – 11/30/2012 Individual Extension Activities DUE (Monday) Group Project Deadlines is THIS FRIDAY 11/9/2012.

6 This could be thought of as foreshadowing in lesson plans. Whatever the core topic is about should be alluded to here in some way.

7 This could be thought of as foreshadowing in lesson plans. Whatever the core topic is about should be alluded to here in some way.

8 This could be thought of as foreshadowing in lesson plans. Whatever the core topic is about should be alluded to here in some way.

9 Activity to teach Compare/Contrast (or whatever topic you are covering)  You might like to connect this to the Warm Up, Everyday Edit….Here is a link to GOOGLE results for “Compare contrast teach”  +teach& 8&startIndex=&startPage=1&safe=active&oq=compar e+contrast++teach&gs_l=heirloom- serp.3..0i30l10.219587.221165.0.221446. 640.0j4.4.0...0.0...1c.1.OJoldf2K3Qo  Link to Powerpoint  You could search, QUIZLET, or other sites to find what you need.  Cue to give out handouts  Interactive lesson or presentation

10 Activity to practice Compare/Contrast (or whatever topic you are covering)  Here is a liink to GOOGLE results for "Compare contrast practice"  ast+practice& 8&oe=UTF- 8&startIndex=&startPage=1&safe=active ast+practice& 8&oe=UTF- 8&startIndex=&startPage=1&safe=active  You could search, QUIZLET, or other sites to find what you need.  This can be embedded at the end of your Powerpoint  This could be handouts

11 Activity to briefly assess knowledge of Compare/Contrast (or whatever topic you are covering) This must include 10 Multiple Choice questions.

12  CHOICE Menu1 Project – Very Rigorous GRADING – Professional Quality Work CHOICE Menu1 Project  CHOICE Menu2 Short Story Assignments CHOICE Menu2  The Moustache – Pair Project The Moustache – Pair Project TOOLS to help you produce the highest quality work  Kid Friendly 4 point rubric – judge your writing Kid Friendly 4 point rubric  Venn Diagram – organize your thoughts Venn Diagram organize your thoughts  Marzano Question Stems – develop questions Marzano Question Stems

13  This room must remain SILENT until I am allowed to leave.

14 This is where we go from now on if we finish the core lesson activities and need to pick up somewhere something we have not finished. Students are also always welcome to work on Individual Extension Activities for ANY piece of reading for extra credit. Diagnostic Test #? - #5 Check

15  Set up a sheet of paper with the four sections ready.  We will begin in 2 minutes.  You will get 30 minutes to complete the test.  If you finish early, read your book.

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