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A TESTED FAITH Genesis 12-22. Leave your Home & Family Text –Gen.12:1-8 Sounds easy – “Get out of your country…so Abram departed…” But life changing decisions.

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Presentation on theme: "A TESTED FAITH Genesis 12-22. Leave your Home & Family Text –Gen.12:1-8 Sounds easy – “Get out of your country…so Abram departed…” But life changing decisions."— Presentation transcript:

1 A TESTED FAITH Genesis 12-22

2 Leave your Home & Family Text –Gen.12:1-8 Sounds easy – “Get out of your country…so Abram departed…” But life changing decisions often difficult Especially true of obedience to Christ – Luke 14:25-35 -Must disregard others -Work for & follow Christ – Jn.12:42-43

3 Honesty in All Things Text –Gen.12:10-20 Being fearful, Abram lied showing lack of faith Tests of our Honesty on regular basis – Given too much money at store – Finding something belonging to others – Work ethic when nobody is watching – Telling the truth even when unpleasant Eph.4:25; Prov.12:19; 19:5; Rev.21:8

4 Putting Others before Yourself Text –Gen.13:1-13 Risked being taken advantage of by Lot & willing to accept it Rebuke of the Corinthians -1Cor.6:7 Preferring others –Rom.12:10, 17-21 When was the last time you put others before yourself? -Phil.2:3-4 Consider end result of ex. of Christ -Phil.2:9

5 Helping others in Distress Text –Gen.14:14-16 ;18:23 Would it have been easy to find reasons not to help? – Not my problem -Have my own probs -Don’t have time – Nothing I can do -Getting what he deserves Why then did Abraham get involved? -same reason Samaritan got involved =compassion Lk10:29-f Do we understand our Christian obligation? – Mt.25:31-46

6 Doing God’s will God’s way Text –Gen.22:1-19 Did God cross the line? Was He asking too much? Was he just so gullible that he accepted anything? Not gullible, but trusting in his creator(Heb.11:17-19) How do we react to things we disagree with or don’t understand? -question things -devise ways to change things -give up 2 Sam.6:6-10 ; 2 Kgs.5:8-15 -baptism, one church, attendance, worship, marriage/divorce

7 Are you passing the tests of Faith? Is family keeping you from obeying Christ? Are you completely Honest in all things? Do you put yourself before others? Do you neglect others in their distress? Do you obey God only when it pleases you? If so, you are failing the tests of your faith!

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