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Half The Sky Prudence Lemokouno.

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Presentation on theme: "Half The Sky Prudence Lemokouno."— Presentation transcript:

1 Half The Sky Prudence Lemokouno

2 Prudence Lemokouno Who was Prudence? The Significance of Her Suffering
Major factors of her death What can we do? Conclusion

3 Who was Prudence? Prudence was a pregnant, twenty four year old mother of three living in Cameroon. After complications during labor, an uneducated midwife ruptured Prudence’s uterus. After facing many hardships, Prudence was taken to a hospital where she faced further inadequate treatment ultimately leading to her death.

4 The Significance of Her Suffering
Prudence’s story enlightens the world to the hardships that poor women face in uneducated society. In these poor societies, greed unfortunately drives the actions of many people, which in this case leads to the avoidable death of Prudence.

5 Major factors of her death
Lack of education Lack of rural health systems due to the poverty of society Disregard for women

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