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Board of County Commissioners November 8, 2011. Recommendation Project Background and Location Traffic Analysis Comparison of Alternatives Public Meeting.

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Presentation on theme: "Board of County Commissioners November 8, 2011. Recommendation Project Background and Location Traffic Analysis Comparison of Alternatives Public Meeting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Board of County Commissioners November 8, 2011

2 Recommendation Project Background and Location Traffic Analysis Comparison of Alternatives Public Meeting Recommendation

3 Direct staff to proceed with the design of a signal with left turn lanes at the intersection of SW 8 th Avenue at SW 91 st Street and proceed with the bid phase when design is complete

4 2005 Tower Road Network Study Examined intersection capacities on Tower Road and surrounding network Analysis based on Comprehensive Plan Policy 1.1.4 which adopts LOS D for motor vehicles as the minimum standard for collector and arterial roads Recommended intersection modifications on Tower Road and at six other locations on the network SW 8 th Avenue at SW 91 st Street included in the six network modifications Design and construction funded with $500,000 of Impact Fees

5 Alachua County Mobility Plan Adopted in April 2011 Places emphasis on an interconnected roadway network Extends SW 8 th Avenue to SW 143 rd Street and to SW 20 th Avenue to serve as an east-west alternative to Newberry Road

6 8 th Avenue Extension 8 th Avenue Connector 8 th Avenue and 91 st Street Intersection Improvements I-75 Overpass Widening Tower Road From Archer Road to 8 th Avenue

7 SW 8 th Avenue SW 91 st Street Scenic Road Protection Area




11 Based on Florida Department of Transportation Roundabout Guide Evaluates intersection in seven categories Community enhancement Traffic calming Safety improvement All-way stop control alternative Low volume signal alternative Medium volume signal alternative Special conditions

12 Evaluation of contraindications (emergency response, right-of-way, etc.) Results of roundabout justification Roundabout justified as safety improvement, AWSC alternative and low volume signal alternative Determined two possible contraindications Emergency response route Limited right-of-way All contraindicating factors can be mitigated

13 Compared five alternatives Existing stop control Traffic signal with left turn lanes


15 Compared five alternatives Existing stop control Traffic signal with left turn lanes Single lane roundabout with full right turn slip lane


17 Compared five alternatives Existing stop control Traffic signal with left turn lanes Single lane roundabout with full right turn slip lane Single lane roundabout with modified slip lane


19 Compared five alternatives Existing stop control Traffic signal with left turn lanes Single lane roundabout with full right turn slip lane Single lane roundabout with modified slip lane Single lane roundabout without slip lane


21 Compared five alternatives Existing stop control Traffic signal with left turn lanes Single lane roundabout with full right turn slip lane Single lane roundabout with modified slip lane Single lane roundabout without slip lane Compared alternatives in four areas Operational efficiency Environmental impacts Safety Costs

22 Performed capacity analysis based on Comprehensive Plan Policy 1.1.4 Based on Highway Capacity Manual methodolgies Analyzed all options during the AM and PM peak hours in the current year and design year Reviewed anticipated capacity of SW 24 th Avenue at 91 st Street roundabout vs. actual



25 Evaluated three areas of environmental impacts Potential tree impacts Stormwater runoff Gasoline consumption












37 Safety benefits of signals Potential to reduce head-on, angle and left turn crashes Positive direction to motorists, bicyclists and pedestrians Alerts visually-impaired pedestrians Safety benefits of roundabouts Lower speeds through intersection Provides pedestrian refuge Reduces conflict points Safety benefits decrease as more lanes are added


39 Evaluated total life-cycle costs taking into account: Right-of-way acquisition Design Construction Operation and maintenance

40 Existing Right-of-way

41 Proposed Right-of-way

42 Existing Right-of-way Proposed Right-of-way

43 Existing Right-of-way Proposed Right-of-way



46 * Assumes steel mast arm construction


48 Held on August 18, 2011 Noticed through e-mail, mailouts, press release Over 60 people in attendance Received written comments from 26 individuals Primary concerns included Preserving scenic quality of 91 st Street Increased runoff Costs Right-of-way aquisition Split preference between keeping AWSC and roundabout

49 Direct staff to proceed with the design of a signal with left turn lanes at the intersection of SW 8 th Avenue at SW 91 st Street and proceed with the bid phase when design is complete


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