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IEEE 802.15.14 (May 2003) Low-Rate WPAN Low-Power.

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1 IEEE 802.15.14 (May 2003) Low-Rate WPAN Low-Power




5 An IEEE 802.15.4 WPAN Devices: FFD: Full-Functional Device. 3 modes =[PAN Coordinator, Coordinator, Device] 49 primitives (14 PHY+ 35 MAC) (1/3 of Bluetooth) RFD: Reduced-Functional Device simple devices; e.g. Light switch, infrared sensor 38 primitives



8 Beacon payload (optional): for higher layers to include info on the beacon. GTS fields and Pending address fields: max number of GTS assigned and max number of pending addresses (the coordinator has pending data to be delivered to those addresses) is 7.

9 BO: Beacon Order SO: Superframe Order BI = aBaseSuperFrameDuration*2^BO symbols SD = aBaseSuperFrameDuration *2^SO symbols


11 THUS, Every beacon specifies the duration of the superframe, the duration of active frame, for whom the GTSs are, who has data pending on the coordinator, is the coordinator accepting new devices ?, etc..... for further info, see the standard specification from IEEE



14 Peer to Peer communication: unslotted CSMA/CA, peers always receiving or peers synchronized (outside standard scope)

15 ACK are sent right just after the Data and do not need CSMA/CA Beacons are sent at the beginning of the superframe w/o using CSMA/CA Data is sent using slotted/unslotted CSMA/CA

16 IEEE 802.15.4 Frames/packets Max payload= 102 to 118 bytes (max PHR=127) (TinyOS data packets are usually 29 bytes) FCS (CRC) for frame to detect bit errors Frame Control : 16 bits which indicate type, is ack required?, is security enabled?, source and destination address types... is it intraPAN communication? For further details see in the standard

17 IEEE 802.15.4 Frames/packets


19 NETWORK LAYER Topologies supported

20 Self configuring and self healing: association and orphaning NETWORK LAYER

21 Security capabilities: 1.- No security 2.- ACL 3.- Frame Integrity 3.- Symmetric Key Encryption 4.- Sequential Freshness

22 MicaZ subset of IEEE 802.15.4 no Beacon-Enabled no PAN starting/mantaining no GTS... Thus, DSSS, unslotted CSMA/CA ? Future directions of TinyOS and Mica motes?

23 REFERENCES Information, figures and slides were gathered from: 1.Jianliang Zheng and Myung J. Lee, “Will IEEE 802.15.4 Make Ubiquitous Networking a Reality?: A Discussion on a Potential Low Power, Low Bit Rate Standard”, IEEE Communications Magazine, Vol. 42 No. 6, June 2004. 2.“802.15.4”, IEEE Std 802.15.4™-2003, IEEE Standards, October 2003. 3.Jon Adams, The ZigBee Alliance, “Meet the ZigBee standard”, Sensors Magazine, vol. 20, no. 6, June 2003. 4.William C. Craig, CDC-P810, Communications Design conference, April 2004. and may be subjected to copyright issues.

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