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Presentation on theme: "SUBMARINE UNMANNED AERIAL VEHICLE SYSTEM"— Presentation transcript:

SUBMARINE UNMANNED AERIAL VEHICLE SYSTEM. . .PAST, PRESENT & FUTURE EFFORTS Presented to the National Defense Industrial Association 2002 Joint Undersea Warfare Technology Spring Conference San Diego, CA. Steve Weinstein/William McGannon PMS 4351X (202) 19-21 March 2002

2 NEW ISR PARADIGM “As we change investment priorities, we have to begin shifting the balance in our arsenal between manned and unmanned capabilities, between short and long-range systems, stealthy and non-stealthy systems, between shooters and sensors, and between vulnerable and hardened systems.” Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld - 31 January 2002 “Unmanned systems are now on the threshold of delivering on the promise of transforming our military, and likely, our society.” Secretary of the Navy Gordon England - 31 July 2001 We need to get the surrogate (unmanned) vehicles and sensors off the ship, over the land, over the mountains, far inland, reporting back to and networking with the submarine to establish dominant knowledge. ADM Frank L. “Skip” Bowman, Director, Naval Reactors - November 2001 “Clandestine ISRT in denied areas, extended by off-board sensors is of high value.” Submarine UAV Workshop, COMSUBLANT Rep - June 2000

3 Provide extended range clandestine ISRT in denied areas - Supporting
WHY SUBMARINE UAVS? Provide extended range clandestine ISRT in denied areas - Supporting Tactical Reconnaissance Support for SOF Battlespace Awareness Tactical ISR and Targeting Provide a covert and on demand ISRT capability missing from the DoD ISRT architecture A low risk, high payoff in gaining access during initial strike phase of any conflict Submarine ISRT today is “Unique”, but “Not Dominant” Need to get Offboard to Achieve Dominance

4 At-Sea Demonstrations
SUCCESS STORIES At-Sea Demonstrations USS CHICAGO & Predator Demo USS ASHEVILLE & Sea Ferret Demo Successfully simulated organic and inorganic UAV operations & SOF support USS JEFFERSON CITY & Dakota FBE – I Demo Lessons learned

Submarine UAV Workshop - Summer 2000 Missions/CONOPS defined Submarine UAV Survey - Fall 2001 Favorable Fleet response for organic capability

6 NEAR TERM INITIATIVES CONOPS - Completed & in review process Submarine and UAV MAA - March ‘02 DEVRON FIVE MNS - April ‘02 Payloads and Sensors demo - FY03/04 Submarine UAV modeling and war gaming -Ongoing

7 Considered the First Step Prior to Demonstrating a Capability
SUB UAV SYS CONOPS Based on Fleet inputs & MAA results Organic & Inorganic UAV operations UAV System performance attributes Mission priorities Payload priorities Considered the First Step Prior to Demonstrating a Capability

8 ISR end-to-end study & demonstration
PAYLOADS & SENSORS Encapsulation technology to successfully launch weapons and sensors from submarines ISR end-to-end study & demonstration Flexible Payload Module/Broaching Universal Buoyant Launcher UAV encapsulated system Data processing & integration Near term SSGN payloads study Transformational P&S investment options BUBL Two other capabilities are required to launch the SUAV from submerged submarines. The Flexible Payload Module (FPM) is the storage feature that enables the submarine to carry a wide variety of sensors and payloads external to the pressure hull. The non-marinized SUAV is encapsulated in the Stealthy Affordable Capsule System (SACS). SACS is stowed in the FPM until released by the submarine. In the case of the SUAV, SACS rises buoyantly to the surface, a sensor in the capsule detects broach, the SACS end-cap is blown away, and the SUAV booster ignites to clear the water and build vertical speed. At the proper moment, the SUAV wings are extended from alongside its long slender body to the horizontal position, the flight control software tilts the SUAV over to the horizontal flight position and once in stable flight, the SUAV turns and climbs to the pre-planned altitude to begin its mission.

9 Universal Modular Mast Non-encapsulated canister air-to- air concept
EXTERNAL LAUNCHER SYS Universal Modular Mast Non-encapsulated canister air-to air concept UAV launched at PD or surfaced Custom upper stage mast for UMM Houses up to four UAVs Positioning/reload mechanism Industry Team Including General Dynamics Kollmorgen Aerovironment Lockheed Martin

10 UAV & Payload Controlled by Sub BLOS C2 & Limited Sensor Data
ORGANIC UAV CONOPS SOF RDT UAV & Payload Controlled by Sub HDR Antenna TCS Level 5 BLOS C2 & Limited Sensor Data LOS Ku-Band TCDL C2 & Sensor Data

11 UAV & Payload Control Turnover to Sub
INORGANIC UAV CONOPS Long Range Tactical UAV BLOS C2 & Sensor Data Ku-Band TCDL C2 Data BLOS C2 & Sensor Data LOS Ku-Band TCDL C2 & Sensor Data UAV & Payload Control Turnover to Sub UAV GCS TCS Level 5 C2 & Sensor Data JTF Commander TCS Level 4 SOF RDT HDR Antenna

External Countermeasure Launchers Universal Modular Mast Internal 3-Inch Countermeasure Launchers Missile Tubes Trash Disposal Unit Torpedo Tubes

13 Collect Knowledge WG & Airborne WMD Sensors WG
SUBMARINE UAV SYSTEM ACQUISITION ROADMAP Mid Term 04 05 06 03 02 01 09-14 Far Term FY Near Term 07 08 Market Research - ISRT Sensor & SUAV Development - Leverage S&T/R&D Efforts UAV Survey SUAV Master Plan SUAV Sys MAA Draft MNS Validated MNS Draft ORD Validated ORD Draft CONOPs Final CONOPS Sys. Threat Assessment Collect Knowledge WG & Airborne WMD Sensors WG UUV & UAV ISR Sensors IPT, UAV Data Link & Control IPT, & SUAV IPT Define UAV System Rqrts Indep. Tech. Assessment ISR Sensor and UAV System Demo Affordability Assessment Comms and UAV System Demo Indep Cost & Manpwr Est. POM 04 Rqrts MS A MS B Analysis of Multi Concepts AOA T&E Eval Strategy Acq. Strategy SUAV System Acquisition Program Of Record FBE-J FBE-K TEMP SUBTECH Payloads & Sensors ISR Demonstrations NEPA Sch Navy UAV Master Plan Updates

14 Provides a national ISRT capability
Summary - Sub UAV Provides a national ISRT capability Extends the submarine’s existing sensors to achieve dominant knowledge Efforts are currently underway to initiate program Challenge to our Industry partners Demonstrate an affordable small submarine launched high endurance UAV capability with lightweight payloads


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