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Alt.Aperturer 0 (m)FWHM(")  0 (")  0 (sec) 4 kmCFHT 3.8m0.180.730.0036 35 km2.4 m~2500.048~600~5 35km10 m~2500.012~600~5 h (km)P (mbars)T (K)  (gm m.

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Presentation on theme: "Alt.Aperturer 0 (m)FWHM(")  0 (")  0 (sec) 4 kmCFHT 3.8m0.180.730.0036 35 km2.4 m~2500.048~600~5 35km10 m~2500.012~600~5 h (km)P (mbars)T (K)  (gm m."— Presentation transcript:

1 Alt.Aperturer 0 (m)FWHM(")  0 (")  0 (sec) 4 kmCFHT 3.8m0.180.730.0036 35 km2.4 m~2500.048~600~5 35km10 m~2500.012~600~5 h (km)P (mbars)T (K)  (gm m -3 ) H 2 O Vapor (gm m -3 ) 46802539370.68 354.72227.40.00011 Why A Long-Duration Balloon? Image Quality Comparison Atmospheric Parameters Comparison Data from Ford et al. 2000 HAWK Hierarchical Assembly through Wide-field Kinematics Presented by Chuck Joseph 26-March-06

2 Novel HAWK Telescope Optical Design Primary mirror 1.8 m diameter f/2.7 (from MMT) Secondary mirror 35 cm diameter (Used slightly off axis) 0.5° x 1.5° field of regard 2.2 arcmin IFOV Tertiary mirror 0.5 m x 1.1 m off axis asphere (long direction is out of the page) Focal plane f/27 system 4.2 arcsec/mm plate scale (2k x 2k x 16 µm CCD shown here) Steering mirror 10 cm flat 5° x 15° range of motion at exit pupil Pickoff mirror 30 x 64 cm flat near intermediate focus System is fully steerable over 0.5° x 1.5° using only tip/tilt of a 10 cm flat mirror Design by CoI Jim Burge

3 Nominally designed so that rms wavefront error RMSWE is limited to 20 nm. Low imaging distortion (4% max at corners of field) Excellent performance across the field 0.000 0.050 -X Field (degrees) 0.75 RMS Wave Front Error in Waves HAWK

4 ---The Big Bang -- - (15 Billion Yrs Ago. z > 100) From the Early Universe (11 Billion Yrs Ago; z ~ 1.5) Galaxies were less well organized Galaxy Evolution To be observed by HAWK Proposed HAWK LDB Mission A consistent picture of the evolution of the Universe from the Big Bang to the present is emerging. Some data, however, suggest galaxies may not fit this model! The Unobserved Realm To Be Explored by JWST First Star Formation First Galaxy Structures Payload to be designed & built at Rutgers U. Merging Galaxies HAWK Hierarchical Assembly through Wide-field Kinematics

5 HDF HDF Redshift Catalog Graphics Credit: Fanning Software Consulting Distance (Mpc x 10 5 ) 1.2 0.7 Mission Objectives:  Study all motions in a 10 Mpc 3 Volume!  Determine luminous + dark matter content as a function of internal radius and redshift.  Measure empirically how galaxies evolve from an early epoch. (Model independent.) HAWK will pick up 100 x more than HST! HAWK Hierarchical Assembly through Wide-field Kinematics

6 Emission Map z = 1.35 Emission Map z = 0.75 Emission Map z = 0.35 Velocity Map z = 1.35 Velocity Map z = 0.75 Velocity Map z = 0.35 Observing Galaxies as a Function of Z Rotation Curves Figure D-3 Mission Science HAWK Balloon Mission Objective: Measure luminous and dark matter in galaxies e263g14

7 Imaging Spectroscopy HAWK LDB Balloon -- Can’t do Imaging Spectroscopy with Large Ground-based Telescopes with AO PSF Comparisons Bottom: 10 m good seeing Top: 10 m with AO HAWK FOV FOV on a 10 m with AO HDF North Ground-IR have Bad Thermal Backgrounds! With AO Good Seeing Without AO HAWK spatial resolution = 0.07 

8 KITE Kinematical Imaging Trailblazer Experiment Swallow-tail Kite by D.A. Rintoul, USGS 25% QE – Solar Blind (50% Possible) c/f MAMA 10% c/f WFPC2 system efficiency 0.25% 5.6x of GALEX with 0.75 m telescope Weight: 4 kg (2 kg Possible) c/f MAMA: 10 kg Near-UV EBCCD Electron-Bombarded CCD

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