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Environmental Data Collection Using Autonomous Wave Gliders Qing Wang, Dick Lind, Kate Hermsdorfer Meteorology Department Kevin B. Smith, Joe Rice Physics.

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Presentation on theme: "Environmental Data Collection Using Autonomous Wave Gliders Qing Wang, Dick Lind, Kate Hermsdorfer Meteorology Department Kevin B. Smith, Joe Rice Physics."— Presentation transcript:

1 Environmental Data Collection Using Autonomous Wave Gliders Qing Wang, Dick Lind, Kate Hermsdorfer Meteorology Department Kevin B. Smith, Joe Rice Physics Department Naval Postgraduate School Selected for funding in FY14 CRUSER program

2 Physical Processes Occurring at the Air-Sea Interface Wave/Swell SST

3 Research in the Marine Boundary Layer Processes Lab, Meteorology Department (Qing Wang’s lab) Measurements and analyses of marine boundary layers - Research aircraft (flight level, dropsonde, AXBT/AXCTD) - Research vessels (in situ flux measurements, profile measurements) - Surface buoy (flux and mean) - Wave glider (new project) Key: Model parameterization assessment and development Forecast model evaluation and improvements using observational data - COAMPS atmosphere - COAMPS/NCOM coupled model (Gulf of Tehuantepec) - COAMPS/NCOM/SWAN coupled model (HiRes) Key: coupled model assessment and development

4 (From Liquid Robotics Federal Product Specification, SV3) Marine Air-Sea Flux (MASFlux) Buoy Sampling at Air-Sea Interface in Undisturbed Air Direct flux measurements Bulk flux estimates 2-D wave spectra Top water layer temperature Fixed location/drifting Limited sea conditions Bulk flux estimates 2-D wave spectra Water temperature profile Autonomous Broad sea conditions

5 1)Evaluate the adequacy of Wave Glider METOC measurements of the atmospheric and oceanic parameters in quantifying the near surface environment. Upgrade the NPS USV to METOC Plus Wave Glider instrumentation by adding wave and GPCTD sensors. Joint deployment of MASFlux buoy and NPS USV Mako in Monterey Bay Extensive data analyses on MASFlux/Mako comparison Project Objectives

6 MASFlux Project Objectives (cont’d): Flux Sampling from SHARC 2)Perform initial feasibility study on implementing turbulence measurement capability as a payload system onto the SHARC. Flux payload development Flux payload at-sea testing 2 (Adapted From Liquid Robotics Federal Product Specification, SV3) SHARC with flux payload (illustration only)

7 3)Evaluate SHARC measurements from a broader range of environmental conditions across major oceans using PacX data across the Pacific Ocean (LRI) and data currently being collected across the Atlantic Ocean by NAVOCEANO. 4)Engage Navy METOC students at the leading edge of capability and technology development as a crucial component of their education at NPS. Project Objectives (cont’d):

8 1)Evaluate the impact of SHARC measurements to coupled environmental forecast Use SHARC measurements to evaluate forecast models Assimilation of SHARC measurements in coupled forecast models Thesis students available for this work NRL collaborator identified Potential sponsors TBD 2)Various payload systems for SHARC for specific research applications NPS led Multidisciplinary University Research Initiative (MURI) proposal on EM/EO propagation (FY2015-FY2019) ----- ONR Future Plan

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