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Societal Issues Week 3. Advantages of Computer Technology uReaches of technology allow more people/businesses to move to small cities and still profit.

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Presentation on theme: "Societal Issues Week 3. Advantages of Computer Technology uReaches of technology allow more people/businesses to move to small cities and still profit."— Presentation transcript:

1 Societal Issues Week 3

2 Advantages of Computer Technology uReaches of technology allow more people/businesses to move to small cities and still profit uNet can “conquer distance” - education, entertainment, information uPeople anywhere can communicate uCommunication can be anonymous to avoid embarrassment

3 Negative Effects uOn-line shopping - Hurts local community vibrancy uIsolation- Reduce face to face gathering uGreater stress uDownplays importance of community uAddiction to cyberspace

4 Other causes of declining social relationships uModern transportation and communications u encourage increased mobility uChanges in family patterns u later marriage, more divorce, working mothers uTelevision uLess free time to spend with family

5 Workplace Vs. Time uHow has the workspace changed over time? uWhat has changed and why?

6 Changes in the Workplace Location Over Time uFarming uIndustry uWhat about the Nature of work?

7 Why do we work? uSurvival uNeeds uCareer uSocial development uSense of accomplishment

8 Information have and have nots: the Access Issue uAccess to information may give some people a large advantage over those without access uSocial and economic division - leads to violence and political disruption uHuman costs - joblessness, wasted potential, and poverty

9 Principals of Universal Access uEveryone must have a place to go to gain access uHardware and software easy to use u fits the needs of all users - disabled uSimple training in effective use of tools uPricing must be affordable for everyone uAccess to full range of features

10 Solutions uReduction of prices will lead to spread of technology to all social classes uSpread of “rental” facilities u like washing machines and copy machines uTraining needs decrease due to common user interfaces, GUI uDonations/recycle

11 Methods to obtain universal access uForce reduced rates for poor uGovernment subsidies, paid by taxes uTax information providers uTax e-mail and communication providers uGovernment programs to pay for computers in public areas

12 Criticisms uOther technologies have not caused big problems between classes u education crucial for success of individual uMandatory taxes - inequitable, inefficient, and unnecessary uLow access rates can be budgeted if a valued priority in life - like TV, driving

13 Loss of Skills and Judgement uComputer technology encourages certain uses because it makes things easier u IE: Spell checker u Concentration on features instead of underlying knowledge u Encourages mental laziness

14 Writing, Thinking, and Memory I have a spelling checker. It came with my PC. It plainly marks four my revue, Miss steaks aye can knot sea. Eye ran this poem threw it, I’m sure your pleased too no. It’s letter perfect in it’s weigh, My checker tolled me sew.

15 Loss of Job Skills uDependence upon computer technology to perform work functions u Drawing or drafting u Dictation u Auto-pilot on aircraft uDeskilling of Labor? uLoss of Jobs?

16 Political Freedom uGovernment Control u Increases government's ability to amass information - monitor movements u Restricts uses that contribute to freedom u Aids desirable law enforcement u Enforce oppressive or stupid laws u Carry out illegal activities against people

17 Political Freedom Continued... uGovernment Control u Protect and increase their own power u Ban uses of technology such as encryption u Some countries use censorship and ban transmission Audio

18 Neo-Luddites uPeople who oppose all technological progress uViews are tied to a particular way of life for people uBurned factories in response to industrial revolution

19 Specific Criticisms - Computers... uCause massive unemployment and deskilling of jobs uManufacture needs uCause social inequity and disintegration uSeparate humans from nature uDestroy the environment uAre dehumanizing - lead to isolation

20 Specific Criticisms - Computers... uBenefit big business uBenefit government uUsed in schools will thwart development of social skills, human values, intellectual skills uDo little to solve real human problems

21 Intelligent Machines uThe “Forbin” Project uTerminator example uBattlestar “G”

22 Social Computing uFacebook uTwitter uTexting u SMS u Legal issues

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