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Parity bit generator Project Presentation Instructor: Dr.Roman Stemprok Submitted by Srujana Aramalla.

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Presentation on theme: "Parity bit generator Project Presentation Instructor: Dr.Roman Stemprok Submitted by Srujana Aramalla."— Presentation transcript:

1 Parity bit generator Project Presentation Instructor: Dr.Roman Stemprok Submitted by Srujana Aramalla

2 Basic circuit diagram

3 Inverter layout Inverter consists of 1 p-MOSFET and 1 n-MOSFET

4 .SPC file for inverter

5 .CIR file for inverter

6 PSPICE simulation of inverter

7 Transmission gate layout

8 .CIR file for transmission gate

9 PSPICE simulation of transmission gate

10 XOR gate layout This gate consists of 2 inverters and 2 transmission gates. Each transmission gate has 1 PMOSFET and 1 NMOSFET.

11 .SPC file for XOR gate

12 .CIR file for XOR gate

13 PSPICE simulation of XOR gate

14 Layout of the 3 bit even parity bit generator in L-EDIT

15 Extraction file for complete layout * Circuit Extracted by Tanner Research's L-Edit V5.13 / Extract V2.06 ; * TDB File C:\PARITY, Cell Cell0, Extract Definition File C:\MORBN20.ext ; C17 119 0 31.291FF C18 112 0 31.291FF C19 105 0 31.291FF C20 99 0 31.291FF C37 123 0 30.303FF C38 122 0 30.303FF C39 121 0 30.303FF C40 120 0 30.303FF C41 118 0 14.065FF C42 116 0 44.08FF C43 115 0 27.057FF C44 113 0 163.473FF C45 111 0 14.065FF C46 109 0 48.372FF C47 108 0 27.057FF C48 106 0 20.996FF C49 104 0 14.065FF C50 102 0 60.668FF C51 101 0 27.057FF C52 98 0 14.065FF C53 96 0 27.057FF C54 94 0 20.996FF M1 119 109 118 4 PMOS L=2U W=14U M2 113 109 116 7 PMOS L=2U W=13U M3 115 118 116 11 PMOS L=2U W=13U M4 119 113 115 15 PMOS L=2U W=14U M5 112 102 111 19 PMOS L=2U W=14U M6 106 102 109 22 PMOS L=2U W=13U M7 108 111 109 26 PMOS L=2U W=13U M8 112 106 108 30 PMOS L=2U W=14U M9 105 106 104 33 PMOS L=2U W=14U M10 113 106 102 36 PMOS L=2U W=13U M11 101 104 102 40 PMOS L=2U W=13U M12 105 113 101 44 PMOS L=2U W=14U M13 99 47 98 48 PMOS L=2U W=14U M14 94 47 113 51 PMOS L=2U W=13U

16 Extraction file for complete layout (contd…) M15 96 98 113 55 PMOS L=2U W=13U M16 99 94 96 59 PMOS L=2U W=14U M57 123 109 118 93 NMOS L=2U W=13U M58 115 109 116 93 NMOS L=2U W=13U M59 113 118 116 93 NMOS L=2U W=13U M60 123 113 115 93 NMOS L=2U W=13U M61 122 102 111 93 NMOS L=2U W=13U M62 108 102 109 93 NMOS L=2U W=13U M63 106 111 109 93 NMOS L=2U W=13U M64 122 106 108 93 NMOS L=2U W=13U M65 121 106 104 93 NMOS L=2U W=13U M66 101 106 102 93 NMOS L=2U W=13U M67 113 104 102 93 NMOS L=2U W=13U M68 121 113 101 93 NMOS L=2U W=13U M69 120 47 98 93 NMOS L=2U W=13U M70 96 47 113 93 NMOS L=2U W=13U M71 94 98 113 93 NMOS L=2U W=13U M72 120 94 96 93 NMOS L=2U W=13U.MODEL NMOS NMOS LEVEL=2 LD=0.250000U TOX=417.000008E-10 + NSUB=6.108619E+14 VTO=0.825008 KP=4.919000E-05 GAMMA=0.172 + PHI=0.6 UO=594 UEXP=6.682275E-02 UCRIT=5000 + DELTA=5.08308 VMAX=65547.3 XJ=0.250000U LAMBDA=6.636197E-03 + NFS=1.98E+11 NEFF=1 NSS=1.000000E+10 TPG=1.000000 + RSH=32.740000 CGDO=3.105345E-10 CGSO=3.105345E-10 CGBO=3.848530E-10 + CJ=9.494900E-05 MJ=0.847099 CJSW=4.410100E-10 MJSW=0.334060 PB=0.800000.MODEL PMOS PMOS LEVEL=2 LD=0.227236U TOX=417.000008E-10 + NSUB=1.056124E+16 VTO=-0.937048 KP=1.731000E-05 GAMMA=0.715 + PHI=0.6 UO=209 UEXP=0.233831 UCRIT=47509.9 + DELTA=1.07179 VMAX=100000 XJ=0.250000U LAMBDA=4.391428E-02 + NFS=3.27E+11 NEFF=1.001 NSS=1.000000E+10 TPG=-1.000000 + RSH=72.960000 CGDO=2.822585E-10 CGSO=2.822585E-10 CGBO=5.292375E-10 + CJ=3.224200E-04 MJ=0.584956 CJSW=2.979100E-10 MJSW=0.310807 PB=0.800000.TRAN 2ns 20ns.PROBE.END

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