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Integrating Open-Source Solutions in your Processes Barcelona – June 2011 Stefan Pries - Andrä AG Yves Savourel - ENLASO.

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Presentation on theme: "Integrating Open-Source Solutions in your Processes Barcelona – June 2011 Stefan Pries - Andrä AG Yves Savourel - ENLASO."— Presentation transcript:

1 Integrating Open-Source Solutions in your Processes Barcelona – June 2011 Stefan Pries - Andrä AG Yves Savourel - ENLASO

2 Why FOSS Should Interest You? Many Proven Solutions Open source products widely used in many domains o The LAMP stack (Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP/Perl/Python) o Lucene, Drupal, Zope, SVN, Firefox, OpenOffice, etc. Why not use the ones in the translation domain too?

3 Why FOSS Should Interest You? They are used already FOSS projects use FOSS translation tools Some LSPs do use open-source translation tools Some translators as well (and not just to translate FOSS projects)

4 Why FOSS Should Interest You? Maturity Some projects have been established for a long time User-driven improvements over the years

5 Why FOSS Should Interest You? Innovation The Bazaar model often leads to more creative and innovative solutions Example: Collaborative translation in FOSS long before it was in the "industry"

6 Why FOSS Should Interest You? Interoperability Important part of FOSS projects, because they often are meant to be used along with others FOSS projects Wide support for TMX, PO Increasing support for XLIFF, SRX Web services Documented APIs Command-line interfaces

7 Some Advantages and Drawbacks + You don't have to pay for software licenses - You still have to spend time to install and maintain things - There is no technical support + There is almost alway a users group that can help (for free) and some projects have a commercial side too - What if the main developers of the project leave? + You still have the source and possibly a community - Developers may not implement what you need + Money can be an incentive, or branching a solution

8 Let's Explore... Only active projects related to translation Not even all of them, just a selection Categories: Libraries and tools sets Translation management systems Translation editors Machine translation systems Checkers and QA tools

9 Demonstrations The best way to discover the tools is to use them. Two scenarios: 1.Integration with proprietary system 2.Integration with other open-source applications

10 Scenario 2 Archibald the PM uses Rainbow to pre-translate MIF, Word and XML files from a GlobalSight TM and send them for translation to a Transifex server. Pedro the translator uses his own Translate Toolkit TM server to provide additional leverage, then uses OmegaT, an Okapi plugin, Hunspell, LanguageTool and Apertium to finish the translation of the Transifex files. Archibald post-processes the translated documents. 9 different open-source tools

11 And Many More... Anaphraseus (translation editor in OpenOffice) Boltran (online translation editor) Bitext2Tmx (aligner) Gaupol (sub-title translation) KBabel (PO editor) Lokalize (translation editor) M4Loc (Moses integration tool) POEdit (PO editor) Open Language Tools (XLIFF editor) OpenLogos (MT system) Qt Linguist (translation editor) TinyTM (TM server) Zanata (translation management system) …Etc.

12 Summary Many different tools available for several tasks o Editing o Quality assurance o Project management o Translation assistance (Terminology, TM, MT, etc.) Open standards allow complementing existing processes with open-source solutions Entire enterprise processes based on open-source tools are possible Not a solution for everyone, but one worth exploring

13 For More Information Apertium – GlobalSight – Hunspell – LanguageTool – Moses – Okapi Framework, Rainbow & CheckMate – OmegaT – OpenTM2 – Transifex – Translate Toolkit, Pootle & Virtaal – FLOSS Manual on open translation tools:

14 Thanks! Any Questions? Credits for this presentation: Indifex provided the Transifex server access Jordi Serratosa (@jordis) did the Catalan translations Universitat d'Alacant provided the Apertium server access Welocalize provided the GlobalSight server access And many thanks to all the developers of the various open-source projects for their hard work.

15 Appendix

16 Started in…LicensePlatform / Language Remarks Translate Toolkit October 2003 GPLIndependent / Python Initial build around the Gettext facilities and PO files, Working with more formats now. Works best with software strings (vs. documentation) Integration: Python API, command- line toolset, Web service (tmserver) Okapi Framework Open- sourced in November 2005 LGPLIndependent / Java Components: filters, connectors, steps, etc. Rainbow and Tikal tools Integration: Java API, command-line tools, Rainbow functionalities available through Longhorn Web services Libraries and Tools Sets

17 Translate Toolkit

18 Okapi Framework

19 Started in…LicensePlatform / Language Remarks Pootle (Web-based server application) December 2004 GPLIndependent / Python Existed long before "crowd- sourcing" was a term. Example of use: the translation system of Launchpad, the backbone of Ubuntu translations. Transifex (Web-based server application) Summer 2007 as a GSoC project GPLIndependent / Python Mainly PO and TS files Integration with many SCMs Integration: API, Web services, command-line client. GlobalSight (Web-based server application) Open- sourced in January 2009 Apache 2.0Windows, Linux / Java Complex system, many features Integration with TDA TMs Integration: Client tool, Web service API Translation Management Systems

20 Pootle

21 Transifex

22 GlobalSight

23 Translation Editors Started in…LicensePlatform / Language Remarks OmegaT2002GPLIndependent / Java Very active community Other projects use OmegaT at their core: e.g. Boltran, Benten Integration: Plugin API, commend-line mode. Virtaal2007GPLIndependent / Python Uses Translate Toolkit OpenTM2Open- sourced in June 2010 EPLWindowsOS/2 type user-interface LISA wanted to make it a way to provide reference implementation for standards

24 OmegaT

25 Virtaal

26 OpenTM2

27 Machine Translation Systems Started in…LicensePlatform / Language Remarks Apertium2005 (OpenTrad project) GPLLinux, Windows / C++ Rule-based system Some of the language pairs: Catalan Spanish, Spanish English,, etc. Integration: Web services, command-line Moses2006 (EuroMatrix, etc.) LGPLLinux, Windows / C++ Statistical-based system Other projects are related: - Moses For Localization (M4Loc) - Moses for Mere Mortals - Do Moses Yourself CE Integration: Web services, command-line.

28 Apertium

29 Moses

30 Checkers and QA Tools Started in… LicensePlatform / Language Remarks LanguageToolMay 2004LGPLIndependent / Java Grammar and QA checker Rule based, extendable Has defaults for many languages Integration: Java API, Web services HunspellJuly 2005GPL, LGPL, MPL Independent / C++ Spell-checker Used in many other tools Integration: API POFilter2004GPLIndependent / Python Part of the Translate Toolkit Software string verification Integration: Command-line CheckMate2010LGPLIndependent / Java Part of the Okapi project Integration: Java API

31 LanguageTool

32 Hunspell

33 PO Filter

34 CheckMate

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