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Word Lesson 3 Helpful Word Features © 2012 M and K Solutions, LLC -- All Rights Reserved.

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Presentation on theme: "Word Lesson 3 Helpful Word Features © 2012 M and K Solutions, LLC -- All Rights Reserved."— Presentation transcript:

1 Word Lesson 3 Helpful Word Features © 2012 M and K Solutions, LLC -- All Rights Reserved

2 Word Lesson 3 Terms √Automatic Word Features√ Word Processing Terminology AutoComplete Formatting AutoCorrect Hyphenation AutoFormat as You Type Superscript Symbol Other Word Features Thesaurus Insert Date and Time Spelling and Grammar Checker Red wavy line Green wavy line

3 AutoCorrect  AutoCorrect corrects capitalization, typing, spelling and grammatical errors.  For example, it changes “adn” which you typed to “and.” I actually typed “and” but it AutoCorrected to “and” when I pressed the space bar!

4 AutoCorrect  AutoCorrect works automatically. All you really have to know is the term AutoCorrect.  It works because of the default settings in Word Options. Experts sometimes want to edit one of the features of AutoCorrect. They can do that by using the Word Options.

5 AutoFormat  AutoFormat automatically formats text. For example, it changes  1/2 to ½  1st to 1 st  with  It happens automatically as you type. The options can be set to fit the user’s needs.

6 Formatting  Formatting means to change the look of text.  Quick Styles are built-in formats for both text and paragraphs

7 AutoComplete  AutoComplete suggests the completed word when you key the first four or more letters.

8 Insert Date and Time  The Insert Date and Time function is used to add a date to your document.  Choose the format that is correct for your document.  6/19/2011 is fine for many documents  June 19, 2011 is the correct format for letters.  Update Automatically should be chosen only when you want the date to change every time you open the document.

9 Spelling Checker  Spelling and Grammar Checker is used to check the spelling and grammar of an entire document.  Red wavy line--A red wavy line indicates a spelling error.  Just right click on the word and the menu with your options will pop up.

10 Spelling  Are all the words indicated as misspelled by the spell checker actually misspelled?  Most of the words are actually misspelled but not all.  Word compares the words that you type to its dictionary.  Words that are not in the dictionary are flagged as misspelled.  Names, locations, and words from other languages could be spelled correctly but not in the dictionary and, therefore, marked as spelling errors.

11 Grammar Checker  The Grammar Checker is used to check the spelling and grammar of an entire document.  Green wavy line--A green wavy line indicates a grammar error.  A good memory aid is to remember that both grammar and green start with G.

12 Grammar Checker  Just right click on the word and the menu with your options will pop up.  You should use the Grammar Checker to help you find your grammar mistakes.  Grammar rules are much more complicated than spelling.  Usually the grammar suggestions are correct and you should accept them.  You should use good judgment and only accept the suggestion if Word is correct.

13 Thesaurus  The Thesaurus tool allows you to improve your writing using variety and interest in the wording of your documents.  You can use it to find synonyms or antonyms.  Synonyms are words that mean the same thing.  Antonyms are words that mean the opposite thing.

14 Thesaurus  Just right click on the word and select Synonyms.  To access the full Thesaurus, select Thesaurus…

15 Inserting Symbols  The Symbol option should be used to add characters and symbols not found on the keyboard.    ©  ®  ™  Ñ  é

16 Inserting Symbols  Select Symbol from the Insert tab.  For symbols that you use frequently, you can learn the Shortcut key.

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