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Final Jeopardy Question Actividades Likes/dislikes 500 DescripcionesAdjetivos Ser 100 200 300 400 500 400 300 200 100 200 300 400 500 Cultura.

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3 Final Jeopardy Question Actividades Likes/dislikes 500 DescripcionesAdjetivos Ser 100 200 300 400 500 400 300 200 100 200 300 400 500 Cultura

4 Back En español: Montar en bicicleta, andar en patineta, pasear

5 Back En español: Aprender español, escuchar música

6 Back If you are on the Cross Country team, you like to correr

7 Back People that shop at Barnes and Noble like to … Leer un libro

8 Back 2 actividades we do at breakfast, lunch, and dinner Comer, beber

9 Back you like to watch television. Te gusta mirar la televisión

10 Back I like to learn Spanish. Me gusta aprender español.

11 Back I like to play the guitar. Me gusta tocar la guitarra.

12 Back Te gusta _______ comer

13 Back Which verb means to like? gustar

14 Back Las amigas son…… young, inteligent, and hard-working Jóvenes, inteligentes, trabajadoras

15 Back Los chicos son….big + unorganized Grandes, desorganizados

16 Back La Srta. Drollinger es….give 2 adjectives that agree

17 Back Someone who lays down all the time likes to…. descansar

18 Back An artistic person likes to…. dibujar

19 Back Describe “the men” (intelligent, old) Los hombres son inteligentes y viejos.

20 Back Describe “him”. (handsome, talented) Justin es guapo y talentoso.

21 Back Describe Shrek. (ugly, fat) Shrek es feo y gordo.

22 Back What is the femenine plural form of the adjective “bueno”. buenas

23 Back What is the opposite (meaning) of the adjective “alto”. bajo

24 Back En español: The women are tall. He is serious. They (femenina) are silly. Las mujeres son altas. El es serio. Ellas son tontas.

25 Back Describe the characters in 2 complete sentences. The Care Bears are boys + girls.

26 Back What is the form of the verb ser for: 1.Las chicas 2.Ella 3.Ellos son, es, son

27 Back “The student is” in Spanish= El estudiante es…

28 Back What is the verb “to be” in Spanish? ser

29 Back What is the most common food you will see on a dinner table in México? La tortilla… it’s like a bread basket for American dinners

30 Name 3 Mexican dishes. Back Tacos, enchiladas, arroz, frijoles, Tortas, mole, etc….

31 Back In the U.S., which city has the highest percentage of Latinos living there? El Paso, Texas

32 Back When is Hispanic Heritage Month in the U.S.? 15 de septiembre- 15 de octubre

33 Back Is Mexico located North or South of the U.S. on a map? south

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