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Key Words. Investigating measures to control security risks Ao2.

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Presentation on theme: "Key Words. Investigating measures to control security risks Ao2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Key Words

2 Investigating measures to control security risks Ao2

3 Think / Pair / Share Answer the following question “What reasons would someone want to harm a website”

4 Pass

5 Merit

6 Distinction

7 Controlling Access How do we control access here at St Johns?

8 Register all users! Around 150 staff and 1500(ish) students, each have their own unique access. Stops people “borrowing” other peoples logins and gives unique accountability to actions on the network.

9 Password Access Allows unique user id’s to remain unique to the user.

10 Levels of Access Level of AccessNameJob TitleResponsibility HighG.MoranHeadteacherWhole School Medium / HighG.McIntyreSubject Learning Co-Ordinator Whole Department MediumL.Willis / L.Chambers Teachers of ICTDepartment / Pastoral Group Medium / LowN/AStudent TeacherIndividual Groups LowN/AStudentSelf Why do we have different levels of access for different people?

11 Today's Outcomes Glogster – Interactive Posters! Create one going into huge detail regarding two of these problems!

12 Pass Candidates demonstrate a basic understanding, supported with few examples, of four valid measures, covering hardware and software that a website controller could use.

13 Merit Candidates demonstrate understanding, supported with appropriate examples, of the effectiveness of six valid measures, covering hardware, software and procedures that a website controller could use.

14 Distinction Candidates demonstrate understanding, supported with a variety of well chosen examples, of the effectiveness of eight valid measures, covering hardware, software and procedures that a website controller could use.

15 Web Controller Web / Network Police

16 Hacking Nerd Good and Bad Intentions Want access to either damage or highlight shortcomings.

17 How can they be stopped

18 Website controllers have three methods of protection – Software – Hardware – Procedural

19 Software Firewalls Virus checker Virus definition Encryption (Public-key, Pretty Good Privacy, digital signatures) Anonymisers Remailers

20 Hardware Quarantine machine

21 Procedures passwords machine id activity monitoring backup procedures restore procedures

22 Today's Format A web controller can stop accessing to his website using..... – It works by – He uses it because – Its advantages are – Its problems are

23 Three Teams Software Procedures Hardware Your going to answer these questions to the class in 60 minutes!

24 Outcomes You have the choice! – An instructional video to Web Controllers advising them on how to stop this. – A series of Posters demonstrating your advise – Anything you can reccomend!

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