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Published byAnnabelle Ramsey Modified over 9 years ago
OLAP Over Uncertain and Imprecise Data Adapted from a talk by T.S. Jayram (IBM Almaden) with Doug Burdick (Wisconsin), Prasad Deshpande (IBM), Raghu Ramakrishnan (Wisconsin), Shivakumar Vaithyanathan (IBM) Adapted by S. Sudarshan
CA MA NY TX East West All Location Civic SierraF150Camry Truck Sedan All Automobile Dimensions in OLAP
Auto = Truck Loc = East SUM(Repair) = ? Measures, Facts, and Queries MA NY TX CA West East ALL Civic SierraF150Camry Truck Sedan ALL Automobile p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 Auto = F150 Loc = NY Repair = $200 Cell Location
Restriction on Imprecision We restrict the sets of values in an imprecise fact to either: 1. A singleton set consisting of a leaf level member of the hierarchy, or, 2. The set of all the leaf level members under some non-leaf level member of the hierarchy.
Cells and Regions A region is a vector of attribute values from an imprecise domains of each dimension of the cube. A cell is a region in which all values are leaf level members. Let reg(R) represent the set of cells in a region R.
Queries on precise data A query Q = (R, M, A) refers to a region R, a measure M, and an aggregate function A. Eg : (, Repairs, Sum) The result of the query in a precise database is obtained by applying A on the measure M of all cells in R. For the example above, the result is (P1 + P2)
Extend the OLAP model to handle data ambiguity Imprecision Uncertainty Extend the OLAP model to handle data ambiguity Imprecision Uncertainty
MA NY TX CA West East ALL Location Civic SierraF150Camry Truck Sedan ALL Automobile p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 Auto = F150 Loc = East Repair = $200 p9 p10 Imprecision p11
Representing Imprecision using Dimension Hierarchies Dimension hierarchies lead to a natural space of “partially specified” objects Sources of imprecision: incomplete data, multiple sources of data
SierraF150 Truck MA NY East p1p3 p5 p4p2 Motivating Example We propose desiderata that enable appropriate definition of query semantics for imprecise data Query: COUNT
Queries on imprecise data Consider the query region in the figure. It overlaps two imprecise facts P4 and P5. Three (naive) options for including fact in query: Contains: consider only if contained in query Overlaps: consider if overlapping query None: ignore all imprecise facts
Desideratum I: Consistency Consistency specifies the relationship between answers to related queries on a fixed data set SierraF150 Truck MA NY East p1p3 p5 p4p2
Notions of Consistency Generic idea: if query region is partitioned, and aggregate applied on each partition, then aggregate q on whole region must be consistent in some ways with aggregates qi on partitions General idea: alpha consistency for property alpha Specific forms of consistency discussed in detail in paper Sum consistency (for count/sum) Boundedness consistency (for average)
Contains option : Consistency Intuitively, consistency means that the answer to a query should be consistent with the aggregates from individual partitions of the query. Using the Contains option could give rise to inconsistent results. For example, consider the sum aggregate of the query above and that of its individual cells. With the Contains option, will the individual results add up to be the same as the collective?
Desideratum II: Faithfulness Faithfulness specifies the relationship between answers to a fixed query on related data sets Notion of result quality relative to the quality of the data input to the query. –For example, the answer computed for Q=F150,MA should be of higher quality if p3 were precisely known. SierraF150 MA NY p3 p1 p4 p2 p5 SierraF150 MA NY p3p1p4p2p5 SierraF150 MA NY p3 p1 p4 p2 p5 Data Set 1Data Set 2Data Set 3
Formal definitions of both Consistency and Faithfulness depend on the underlying aggregation operator Can we define query semantics that satisfy these desiderata? Formal definitions of both Consistency and Faithfulness depend on the underlying aggregation operator Can we define query semantics that satisfy these desiderata?
p3 p1 p4 p2 p5 MA NY SierraF150 Query Semantics Possible Worlds [Kripke63,…] SierraF150 MA NY p4 p1 p3 p5 p2 p1 p3 p4 p5 p2 p4 p1 p3 p5 p2 MA NY MA NY SierraF150SierraF150 p3 p4 p1 p5 p2 MA NY SierraF150 w1w1 w2w2 w3w3 w4w4
Possible Worlds Query Semantics Given all possible worlds together with their probabilities, queries are easily answered (using expected values) But number of possible worlds is exponential!
Allocation Allocation gives facts weighted assignments to possible completions, leading to an extended version of the data Size increase is linear in number of (completions of) imprecise facts Queries operate over this extended version Key contributions: Appropriate characterization of the large space of allocation policies Designing efficient allocation policies that take into account the correlations in the data
Storing Allocations using Extended Data Model p3 p1 p4 p2 p5 MA NY SierraF150 Truck East
Advantages of EDM No extra infrastructure required for representing imprecision Efficient algorithms for aggregate queries : SUM and COUNT : linear time algo. AVERAGE : slightly complicated algorithm running in O(m + n 3 ) for m precise facts and n imprecise facts.
Aggregating Uncertain Measures Opinion pooling: provide a consensus opinion from a set of opinions Θ. The opinions in Θ as well as the consensus opinion are represented as pdfs over a discrete domain O linear operator LinOp( Θ ) produces a consensus pdf P that is a weighted linear combination of the pdfs in Θ,
Allocation Policies For every region r in the database, we want to assign an allocation p c, r to each cell c in Reg(r), such that ∑ c Reg(r) p c, r = 1 Three ways of doing so: 1. Uniform : Assign each cell c in a region r an equal probability. p c, r = 1 / |Reg(r)|
Allocation Policies For every region r in the database, we want to assign an allocation p c, r to each cell c in Reg(r), such that ∑ c Reg(r) p c, r = 1 However, we can do better. Some cells may be naturally inclined to have more probability than others. Eg : Mumbai will clearly have more repairs than Bhopal. We can do this automatically by giving more probability to cells with higher number of precise facts. 2. Count based : where N c is the number of precise facts in cell c
Allocation Policies For every region r in the database, we want to assign an allocation p c, r to each cell c in Reg(r), such that ∑ c Reg(r) p c, r = 1 Again, we can arguably get a better result by looking at not just the count, but rather than the actual value of the measure in question. 3. Measure based : next slide.
Measure Based Allocation Assumes the following model : The given database D with imprecise facts has been generated by randomly injecting imprecision in a precise database D'. D' assigns value o to a cell c according to some unknown pdf P(o, c). If we could determine this pdf, the allocation is simply p c, r = P(c) / ∑ c' in Reg(r) P(c')
Classifying Allocation Policies Ignored Used Ignored Used Uniform EMCount Measure Correlation Dimension Correlation
Results on Query Semantics Evaluating queries over extended version of data yields expected value of the aggregation operator over all possible worlds intuitively, the correct value to compute Efficient query evaluation algorithms for SUM, COUNT consistency and faithfulness for SUM, COUNT are satisfied under appropriate conditions Dynamic programming algorithm for AVERAGE Unfortunately, consistency does not hold for AVERAGE
Alternative Semantics for AVERAGE APPROXIMATE AVERAGE E[SUM] / E[COUNT] instead of E[SUM/COUNT] simpler and more efficient satisfies consistency extends to aggregation operators for uncertain measures
Maximum Likelihood Principle A reasonable estimate for this function P can be that which maximises the probability of generating the given imprecise data set D. Example : Suppose the pdf depends only on the cells and is independent of the measure values. Thus, the pdf is a mapping : C ℝ where C is the set of cells. This pdf can be found by maximising the likelihood function : ℒ () = r D ∑ c Reg(r) (c)
EM Algorithm The Expectation Maximization algorithm provides a standard way of maximizing the likelihood, when we have some unknown variables in the observation set. Expectation step (compute data): Calculate the expected value of the unknown variables, given the current estimate of variables. Maximization step (compute generator): Calculate the distribution that maximizes the probability of the current estimated data set.
Initialization Step: Data: [4, 10, ?, ?] Initial mean value: 0 New Data: [4, 10, 0, 0] Step 1: New Mean: 3.5 New Data:[4, 10, 3.5, 3.5] Step 2: New Mean: 5.25 New Data: [4, 10, 5.25, 5.25] Step 3: New Mean: 6.125 New Data: [4, 10, 6.125, 6.125] Result: New Mean: 6.890625 EM Algorithm : Example Step 4: New Mean: 6.5625 New Data: [4, 10, 6.5625, 6.5625] Step 5: New Mean: 6.7825 New Data: [4, 10, 6.7825, 6.7825]
EM Algorithm : Application
Experiments : Allocation run time
Experiments : Query run time
Experiments : Accuracy
Uncertainty Measure value is modeled as a probability distribution function over some base domain e.g., measure Brake is a pdf over values {Yes,No} sources of uncertainty: measures extracted from text using classifiers Adapt well-known concepts from statistics to derive appropriate aggregation operators Our framework and solutions for dealing with imprecision also extend to uncertain measures
Summary Consistency and faithfulness desiderata for designing query semantics for imprecise data Allocation is the key to our framework Efficient algorithms for aggregation operators with appropriate guarantees of consistency and faithfulness Iterative algorithms for allocation policies
Correlation-based Allocation Involves defining an objective function to capture some underlying correlation structure a more stringent requirement on the allocations solving the resulting optimization problem yields the allocations EM-based iterative allocation policy interesting highlight: allocations are re-scaled iteratively by computing appropriate aggregations
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