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Implementation of WFD in Hungary - rivers Zoltán Simonffy Hungarian Academy of Sciences Research Group for Water Management Zoltán Simonffy Hungarian Academy.

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Presentation on theme: "Implementation of WFD in Hungary - rivers Zoltán Simonffy Hungarian Academy of Sciences Research Group for Water Management Zoltán Simonffy Hungarian Academy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Implementation of WFD in Hungary - rivers Zoltán Simonffy Hungarian Academy of Sciences Research Group for Water Management Zoltán Simonffy Hungarian Academy of Sciences Research Group for Water Management

2 Content: 1.Typology system in Hungary 2.Identification of River Water Bodies 3.Identification of Hyromorphological risks

3 1. Typology for rivers in Hungary

4 Structure of the typology Geology (hydrogeochemistry) Topography (slope of groundsurface) Geology (Substratum of the river bed) Size of the catchment area  Chemical composition  Sediments and river morphology System B is accepted

5 Topography ( landscape, elevation, slope) Geology - hydrogeochemistry  sub-ecoregions Geology - substratum  aquatic landscapes Size of the catchment  B - typology Structure of the typology

6 Topography Releváns morfológiai jellemzők

7 Topography > 800 m200 – 800 m < 200 m

8 Topography (sub-ecoregion) Releváns morfológiai jellemzők Plains Mountains Hills

9 Geochemical characteristics Calcerous: karstic rocks loess calcerous soils Organic: peat Silicious: acidic rocks acidic soils BUT: Ionic composition of water: Everywhere calcerous type in the hilly and flat regions

10 Substratum of the river bed coarse medium fine

11 Aquatic landscapes  Sediments and river morphology

12 Sub-ecoregions, geology Size of the catch. Organic (peaty) regions small medium coarsesmall,mountainous regions, calcerous mountainous regions, siliciouscoarsesmall, medium, hilly regions, calcerouscoarsesmall medium large very large medium - finesmall, medium, large plains, calcerouscoarse small medium large, very large, medium - finesmall, small slope medium, small slope medium, large, very large, River types

13 Location of types

14 2. Identification of river Water Bodies

15 Natural River Water Bodies Merging neighbouring, short river sections following the typology classification Merging related river sections having <100km2 catchment area Division of water bodies by important mouths (or country border): Danube, Tisza, Körös River sections having <10km2 catchment area are not water bodies except if it is recharged by a spring, or it has local importance. Result: 875 natural River Water Bodies

16 Artificial River Water Bodies Definition: "Artificial water body means a body of surface water created by human activity”. (creating a new water body from previously dry land, e.g. a canal) Selection of canals by considering their ecological importance (discrete expert judgements) Result: 151 Artificial Water Bodies

17 Artificial River Water Bodies Artificial water courses Artificial Water Bodies

18 3. Identification of Hydromorphological Risk

19 METHODOLOGY FOR ASSESSMENT OF RISK RELATED TO HYDROMORPHOLOGICAL ALTERATIONS Rapid ecological survey in selected river sections (65) (different types and different alteration) Criteria for significant alterations obvious: not good status uncertain: possibly not good status Ecological status based on biological data Database of human pressures Designation of significantly altered river sections ( two main groups according to criteria) Water bodies at risk: > 50 % is altered considering only obvious effects Estimation of the modified hydromorphological parameters Water bodies possibly at risk: > 50 % is altered considering all significant alterations Water bodies not at risk: if non of the above criteria applies to the water body

20 DETAILED CRITERIA FOR RESERVOIRS IN MOUNTAINS AND HILLS Reservoir itself: obvious impact Changes in cathegory  obvious impact Downstream impact, if no bypass, MLF is below the type-specific value, frequency of drying is doubled, obvious impact Upstream impact if no continuty: impact isuncertain (Slope 10 cm, v< 0,6 m/s) impact is uncertain, because it depends on species (migration?) Impacted river section: where the downstream catchment is biger than 50 times the surface of reservoir (excluding catchment of other reservoirs!)

21 CRITERIA FOR ASSESSMENT OF HYDROMORPH. RISK IN RIVERS HUMAN ACTIVITY AND ALTERATION HMRHMR? Dams and reservoirs river section influenced by storage in mount.& hilly areas downstream section of dam in mount.&hilly areas, no continuity, diminished MLF river section influenced by storage in lowland, level >1m above groundsurface downstream section of dam in lowland, no continuity, diminished MLF upstream section of dam, no continuity (sensitive species??) Impoundment impounded section in mount.& hilly areas, bank-full stage impounded section in hilly areas, lower stage lowland, large rivers, impounded section other lowland rivers, impounded section downstream section of weir, if water regime significantly impacted upstream section of weir, no continuity (sensitive species??) Dikes and dumps ratio of width of floodplain and lowflow river bed < 5 in hills, < 10 in lowland not appropriate land use in floodplain

22 significant artificial inflow HUMAN ACTIVITY AND ALTERATION HMRHMR? River regulation ratio of width of high and lowflow river bed < 5 in hills or < 10 in lowland alignment of highflow river bed is not appropriate not appropriate flow conditions and river bed status not appropriate substratum not appropriate riperian zonation riperian zonation is partly missing Dredging overdredging of river bed dredging of unnecessary frequency or length Bank protection (pavement) pavement > 20 % of highflow river bed, or > 40 % of lowflow river bed pavement between 20 - 40 % of lowflow river bed Water abstraction and deviation frequent water scarcity in summer due to abstraction significant deviation for hydropower generation other deviation CRITERIA FOR ASSESSMENT OF HYDROMORPH. RISK IN RIVERS

23 Total (50%) Obvious criteria: 15 ( 7.5) Uncertain criteria: 12 ( 6.0) 27 (13.5) AN EXAMPLE FOR DEFINING HYDROMORPHOLOGICAL RISK For Water Body No 1 Obvious impacts: 10 Uncertain impact: 4 14 For Water Body No 2 Obvious impacts: 5 Uncertain impact: 10 15 For Water Body No 3 Obvious impacts: 5 Uncertain impact: 7 12 WB is at risk WB is possibly at risk WB is not at risk


25 GROUP OF RIVER WATER BODIES FROM HYDROMORPHOLOGICAL POINT OF VIEW All river water bodies: 875 db, 18 488 km 236 db (23%), 4594 km (25%) Good hydromorphological conditions already 297 db (34%), 6425 km (35%) 347 db (40%), 7796 km (42%) Hydromorphological risk (no good status without measures) Possibly at risk (hydromorphological impact is uncertain) 231 db (26%), 4257 km (23%)

26 METHODOLOGY FOR FURTHER ASSESSMENT OF HYDROMORPHOLOGICAL RISK Criteria for significant alterations obvious: no good status ( checking ) uncertain: possibly no good status ( clarification ) Survey of ecological status (ECOSURV, 400 sites) Evaluation of the results (cluster analysis and filters according to hydromorphological impacts Database of human pressures Estimation of the modified hydromorphological parameters Still uncertain Repeating designation procedure Checking water bodies at risk Focusing on water bodies possibly at risk - either in good status - or at risk

27 Thank you for your attention!

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