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Sediment Movement after Dam Removal

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Presentation on theme: "Sediment Movement after Dam Removal"— Presentation transcript:

1 Sediment Movement after Dam Removal
Blair Greimann Ph.D. P.E. Technical Service Center, Sedimentation and River Hydraulics Group, Denver, Colorado Prepared for EWRI Conference in Williamsburg, VA July 2005

2 Outline Reservoir Erosion Downstream Deposition Lake Powell Processes
Tools Needs Downstream Deposition

3 Predicting Physical Processes
Reservoir Erosion Current analysis methods Needs Downstream Transport

4 Physical Processes -Reservoir Erosion
Natural Erosion Alternative: Stage A. Reservoir sedimentation Stage B. Dam removal Stage C. Incision Stage D. Widening Stage E. Formation of floodplain Stage F. Dynamic stability From Doyle et al. 2003

5 Physical Processes -Reservoir Erosion
Natural Erosion Alternative: Stage A. Reservoir sedimentation Stage I. Incision Stage II. Widening Stage III. Secondary incision Stage IV. Channel formation From Wooster 2005

6 Reservoir Erosion - Incision

7 Reservoir Erosion - Lake Powell Bank Failure

8 Reservoir Erosion -Matilija Dam
6 million yd3 of reservoir sediment Infrequent storms transport practically all the sediment Some of the largest sediment supplies in country

9 Reservoir Erosion -Matilija Dam
Temporary Channel

10 Reservoir Erosion -Matilija Dam
Temporary Stabilization Structures: will be gradually removed starting at the dam and moving upstream What material should be used for stabilization? How fast should they be removed?

11 Reservoir Erosion Analysis Methods
Conceptual Models Laboratory studies Example: Field scale model of Elwha dam at St. Anthony Falls Field scale drawdown tests Example: Glines Canyon Drawdown Empirical models 1-D sediment models Examples: HEC-6T, GSTAR-1D, DREAM 2-D sediment models Being developed – plan to test on Elwha physical model experiments

12 Reservoir Erosion Analysis: Field Scale Test
Glines Canyon Dam March 1994 April

13 Reservoir Erosion Analysis: Physical Models
Reclamation is using results from physical model to design the incremental removal of Elwha and Glines Canyon Dam Reclamation Science and Technology Program is funding additional analysis of data in 2005 Physical models of other removals are being proposed Chris Bromley, St. Anthony Falls Laboratory

14 Reservoir Erosion Analysis: Physical Models
Practical Questions: What is relationship between rate of drawdown and volume of sediment removed? What is the impact of armoring on rate of sediment erosion? How does this process scale to the field? How stable are the remaining sediments? Are the volume of sediments removed and stability of remaining sediments sensitive to initial channel position?

15 Reservoir Erosion Analysis: 1D models
Most 1-D models require estimation of erosion width. HEC-6T, GSTAR-1D : Erosion Width = aQb DREAM: Erosion width is constant Wong et al. 2005: Initial erosion width is specified, then calculated based upon an assumed shear stress distribution CONCEPTS: Erosion width is uncertain, bank erosion is modeled but hydraulics are 1D

16 Reservoir Erosion Analysis: 1D models
Comparison between GSTAR-1D and laboratory data of Cantelli et al. 2004

17 Reservoir Erosion Analysis: 1D models
Comparison between GSTAR-1D and laboratory data of Cantelli et al Widths

18 Reservoir Erosion Analysis: 1D models
Comparison between GSTAR-1D and laboratory data of Cantelli et al – Discharge

19 Reservoir Erosion Analysis: 1D models
Conclusions for 1D models in reservoir: 1D models can give reasonable predictions of initial incision process in non-cohesive sediment if the correct erosion width is specified Bank failure and erosion processes are not well represented in 1D models. Channel formation within reservoir is not modeled

20 Reservoir Erosion Analysis: 2D models
Under development: Need robust 2D model for Temporary Stabilization alternatives Can temporary stabilization structures be made to fail at given storms? What happens when structures are gradually removed?

21 Downstream Transport Analysis Methods
Analytical sediment wave model 1-D sediment models: HEC6, HEC-6T, GSTAR-1D, DREAM, CONCEPTS, others….

22 Downstream Transport: Sediment Wave Model
Need qualitative understanding of sediment movement before more complicated models are applied

23 Downstream Transport: Sediment Wave Model
ud = sediment wave advection velocity Gd* = transport capacity of accumulation G0* = transport capacity of bed hd = depth of accumulation l = porosity Kd = Dispersion coefficient S0 = slope of downstream bed b = power of velocity in sediment transport equation

24 Downstream Transport: Sediment Wave Model
Key Assumptions: Uniform Flow Fraction of sediment accumulation in bed is proportional to the deposition thickness pd = fraction of sediment accumulation in bed zb = deposition thickness hd = maximum depth of sediment accumulation

25 Downstream Transport: Sediment Wave Model
Experiments performed at St Anthony Falls Laboratory, Cui et al. (2004), Analytical model captures magnitude and timing of maximum deposition

26 Downstream Transport: Sediment Wave Model
Experimental data from John Wooster

27 Downstream Transport: Sediment Wave Model

28 Downstream Transport: Sediment Wave Model

29 Downstream Transport: Sediment Wave Model

30 Downstream Transport: Sediment Wave Model

31 Downstream Transport: Sediment Wave Model

32 Downstream Transport: Sediment Wave Model

33 Downstream Transport: Sediment Wave Model

34 Downstream Transport: Sediment Wave Model

35 Downstream Transport: Sediment Wave Model

36 Downstream Transport: Sediment Wave Model
Practical Questions: Does sediment wave model apply at field scales? How does deposition peak affect flood peak? Are flood stages significantly affected?

37 Downstream Transport: 1-D models
GSTAR-1D was used to simulate movement of sediment accumulation downstream

38 Downstream Transport: 1-D models
Practical Questions: How are pool-riffle sequences affected? How quickly do they recover? How do we model changes to morphology, such as meandering to braided transitions? Can the mixing of fines and coarse particles be modeled accurately? How does deposition peak affect flood peak? Are flood stages significantly affected? How is uncertainty in estimates calculated? How is flood mitigation appropriated?

39 Summary Dam Removal may or may not require accurate tools to predict sediment impacts Many areas of possible improvement: Quick assessment techniques Multidimensional hydraulic and sediment transport models of bank erosion in reservoirs Transport of fines in gravel bed rivers Sediment transport through pools

40 Sediment Movement after Dam Removal
Blair Greimann Ph.D. P.E. Technical Service Center, Sedimentation and River Hydraulics Group, Denver, Colorado Prepared for National Center For Earth-Surface Dynamics, Minneapolis, MN, November 2004

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