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Chap.14 植物繁殖和發展 Life Science 2010 鄭先祐 (Ayo) 製作 chap.14 Plant reproduction2 Reproduction and Life cycles in various plants s Alternation of generations.

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Presentation on theme: "Chap.14 植物繁殖和發展 Life Science 2010 鄭先祐 (Ayo) 製作 chap.14 Plant reproduction2 Reproduction and Life cycles in various plants s Alternation of generations."— Presentation transcript:


2 Chap.14 植物繁殖和發展 Life Science 2010 鄭先祐 (Ayo) 製作

3 chap.14 Plant reproduction2 Reproduction and Life cycles in various plants s Alternation of generations ( 世代交替 ) s gametophyte → gametes → sporophyte (2N) s green algae ( 綠藻 ) (Fig. 14.1) s moss 苔蘚類 (Fig. 14.2) s Fern 蕨類 (Fig. 14.3) s pine tree 松樹 (Fig. 14.4) s flowering plant 顯花植物 (Fig. 14.5)

4 chap.14 Plant reproduction3 單套 有性繁殖 Fig. 14.1 Life cycle of Ulothrix, a green alga

5 chap.14 Plant reproduction4 Fig. 14.1 Life cycle of Ulothrix, a green alga

6 chap.14 Plant reproduction5 配子體 孢子體 配子體 Fig. 14-2 the moss life cycle.

7 chap.14 Plant reproduction6 配子體 孢子體 Fig. 14.3 the Fern

8 chap.14 Plant reproduction7 隨風授粉 Fig. 14.4 pine tree

9 chap.14 Plant reproduction8 雄蕊 雌蕊 8 個 細胞 只剩 一個 Fig. 14.5 flower

10 chap.14 Plant reproduction9 Fig. 14.6 a pollen

11 chap.14 Plant reproduction10 Essay 14.1 The coevolution of pollen and insects s The insects taking food from one flower after the next, became vehicles for pollen transport. s As time passed, some flowers developed an increasing dependency on the visit of pollen-bearing insects. s In time, plants began to compete for the attention of insects.

12 chap.14 Plant reproduction11 昆虫與花朵的共同演化

13 chap.14 Plant reproduction12

14 chap.14 Plant reproduction13 Essay 14.2 make me a flower s Arabis holboilli, 通常是 開 blue flowers 。 s 但偶而的會長出如同黃 色的花朵 ( 如圖 ) 。 s 這種花,其實並不是花。 s 是 rust fungus( 真菌 ) 的寄 生, take over the plant's genetic machinery.

15 chap.14 Plant reproduction14 Essay 14.2 make it yellow s Rust fungus 接掌基因控制,使其快速增 長葉片,且是黃色的葉片,形成如同黃 花的葉片。 s 其上有真菌的生殖器官,產生孢子。 s 且有蜜汁吸引昆虫,來沾粘孢子。

16 chap.14 Plant reproduction15 Fig. 14-7 Embryonic development 子葉種皮

17 chap.14 Plant reproduction16 Fig. 14-8 單子葉和雙子葉的比較 雙子葉單子葉 平行葉脈 網狀葉脈 只有一個子葉 有兩片子葉 是 3 的倍數是 5 的倍數

18 chap.14 Plant reproduction17 Fig. 14.9 根部構造 增生區

19 chap.14 Plant reproduction18 Fig. 14.10 primary and secondary growth in the stem 樹皮 篩管

20 chap.14 Plant reproduction19 Fig. 14.10 primary and secondary growth in the stem

21 chap.14 Plant reproduction20 Fig. 14.11 (a) sclerenchyma 厚壁細胞 (b) collenchyma (c) parenchyma 薄壁細胞

22 chap.14 Plant reproduction21 植物 荷爾蒙 (hormones) s Table 14.1 Plant hormones s Auxins : control elongation s Gibberellins : stimulate cell division and elongation, aid in pollen germination s Cytokinins : react with auxins to produce growth

23 chap.14 Plant reproduction22 Fig. 14.12 In this classic experiment, the tip was cut from an oat seedling and placed on an agar cube that absorbed any fluids that might seep from the tip. Then the block was placed off center on a decapitated seedling. 有 agar 的地方,生長較 快。

24 chap.14 Plant reproduction23 Fig. 14.14 Gibberellins have a dramatic effect on stem growth, as seen in these plants.

25 chap.14 Plant reproduction24 Fig. 14.13 Agent Orange was sprayed over the jungles of Vietnam ( 越南 ) to defoliate trees and make trails more visible. It was later implicated in a host of severe health problems among veterans exposed to it.

26 chap.14 Plant reproduction25  問題與討論! Ayo NUTN website:

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