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Chapter 3 Protists and Fungi

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1 Chapter 3 Protists and Fungi
Section 1 Protists

2 Section 1 – Protists Objectives
After this lesson, you should be able to: Describe the characteristics of animal like, funguslike, and plantlike protists

3 Section 1 Protists Vocab
1. protozoan An animal-like protist.

4 2. pseudopod A “false foot” or temporary bulge of the cell membrane used for feeding and movement in some protozoans.

5 3. contractile vacuole The cell structure that collects extra water from the cytoplasm and then expels it from the cell.

6 4. cilia The hairlike projections on the outside of cells that move in a wavelike manner.

7 5. symbiosis A close relationship between two organisms in which at least one of the organisms benefits.

8 6. mutualism A type of symbiosis in which both partners benefit from living together.

9 spore A tiny cell that is able to grow into a new organism.

10 8. alga A plantlike protist.

11 9. pigment A chemical that produces color.

12 Notes 1. Three Groups of Protists: A B Protozoans with Pseudopods C
Protozoans with Cilia Protozoans with Flagella

13 2. _________________________ move and feed by forming
Sarcodines (a group of protozoans) 2. _________________________ move and feed by forming ________________. pseudopods

14 3. A __________________________ is an animal like protist that uses
____________________ to move. Ciliates cilia

15 4. ______________________ are parasites that feed on cells and
_________________ of their hosts. Sporozoans Body fluids

16 5. Like fungi, funguslike protists are _______________________, have _____________, and use ____________________ to ____________________. Unlike fungus they are able to _____________________. heterotrophs Cell walls spores reproduce move

17 6. Three types of Funguslike protists:
A. B. C. Water Molds Downy Mildews Slime Molds

18 7. _________________________ is a
seaweed 7. _________________________ is a common plant like protist found at the beach.

19 8. The one characteristic that all algae share is that they are all
_____________________________. autotrophs

20 9. Three uses of diatoms: A. B. Polishing agents C.
C. Polishing agents once added to toothpaste In swimming pool filters

21 10. ______________________, which is extracted from _______ algae is used in products such as ________________________. Carrageenan red Ice creams and hair conditioners

22 11. Brown algae is used in products such as _____________ and
__________________. puddings Salad dressings

23 Chapter 3 Protists and Fungi
Section 2: Algal Blooms

24 Section 2 – Algal Blooms Objectives
After this lesson, you should be able to: Describe how red tides occur and explain why they are dangerous Explain how the rapid growth of algae affects ponds in a lake.

25 Section 2 Algal Blooms Vocab
1. algal bloom The rapid growth of a population of algae.

26 2. red tide An algal bloom that occurs in salt water.

27 3. eutrophication The buildup over time of nutrients in freshwater lakes and ponds that leads to an increase in the growth of algae.

28 Notes 1. ____________________ and __________________ are two types of
algae that bloom in red tides. Dinoflagellates diatoms

29 2. Explain why red tides are dangerous.
The toxins that the algae produces may lead to serious illness or death to the organisms that consume the algae.

30 3. Two natural and human activities that increase the rate of eutrophication are:
B. Fertilizers spread on fields that can make their way to nearby lakes and ponds Poorly designed or aging septic tanks can leak their contents in the soil

31 Chapter 3 Protists and Fungi
Section 3 Fungi

32 Section 3 – Fungi Objectives
After this lesson, you should be able to: Name the characteristics that all fungi share Describe how fungi obtain food List the roles fungi play in the living world Describe the ways that fungi reproduce

33 Section 3 Fungi Vocab 1. hypha One of many branching, threadlike tubes that make up the body of a fungus.

34 2. fruiting body The reproductive hypha of a fungus.

35 3. budding A form of asexual reproduction of yeast in which a new yeast cell grows out of the body of a parent.

36 4. lichen The combination of a fungus and either an alga or an autotrophic bacterium that live together in a mutualistic relationship.

37 Notes 1. Three characteristics of fungi A. They are eukaryotes B. C.
Use spores to reproduce They are heterotrophs

38 2. Explain how fungi obtain their food:
* First, the fungus grows hyphae into a food source. * Then digestive chemicals ooze from the tips of the hyphae into the food. *The digestive chemicals break down the food into small substances that can be absorbed by the hyphae

39 3. The four groups of fungi: *
Threadlike Fungi Sac Fungi Club Fungi Imperfect Fungi

40 4. Three ways fungi help us:
B. C. Environmental recycling - decomposers Food . Example – yeast cells use the sugar in the dough for food and produce carbon dioxide Fights some diseases . Example: fungus Penicillin produces a substance that kills the bacteria growing near it.

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