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Chapter 20 Protists Student Notes.

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1 Chapter 20 Protists Student Notes

2 20-1 The Kingdom Protista Objective Explain what a protist is

3 Homework Define each vocabulary word in a complete sentence Write out each key concept.

4 Food for Thought What do you do when you get hungry? You probably go in search of food. Different organisms have different ways of obtaining the nutrients they need to live.

5 1. How does an animal obtain food?
2. How does a plant obtain food? 3. Predict how a microorganism described as “plantlike” might behave.

6 20–1 The Kingdom Protista A. What Is a Protist? B. Evolution of Protists C. Classification of Protists

7 A. What Is a Protist?

8 B. Evolution of Protists
Protista - Greek for “the very first” First eukaryotic organism on earth

9 C. Classification of Protists
Due to diversity of group

10 Heterotrophs plantlike protists funguslike protista

11 Concept Map Protists are classified by Animallike Funguslike Plantlike
which include which which which Parasites Take in food from the environment Produce food by photosynthesis Obtain food by external digestion Decomposers

12 Homework for 20-1 All 5 questions on page 496 Page 523: answer questions # 1, 11, 26 Each question in at least 3 complete sentences.

13 Homework for 20-1

14 20-2 Animallike Protists: Protozoans
Objective Describe the major phyla of animallike protists. Explain how animallike protists harm other living things.

15 20-2 Homework Write out all key concepts. Define each vocabulary word in at least one complete sentence.

16 On the Move Think about the last time you watched a puppy at play, a fish in an aquarium, or a squirrel in the park. They don’t stay still for long - how do they get where they are going?

17 1. List five different ways in which animals can move from place to place.
2. What structures do these animals have that enable them to move? 3. What structures might a microorganism need in order to move?

18 20–2 Animal-like Protists: Protozoans
A. Zooflagellates B. Sarcodines C. Ciliates D. Sporozoans E. Animal-like Protists and Disease F. Ecology of Animal-like Protists

19 A. Zooflagellates

20 many live in lakes and streams

21 Most reproduce asexually - binary fission

22 B. Sarcodines pseudopods

23 amebas -


25 Foraminifers

26 Heliozoan - group means “sun animal”

27 Figure 20-4 An Amoeba Contractile vacuole Pseudopods Nucleus
Food vacuole Nucleus Contractile vacuole Pseudopods

28 Figure 20-5 A Ciliate Trichocysts Oral groove Lysosomes Gullet
Anal pore Gullet Oral groove Trichocysts Lysosomes Food vacuoles Contractile vacuole Micronucleus Macronucleus Cilia

29 C. Ciliates phylum Ciliophora named for cilia

30 1. Internal Anatomy best know ciliated - genus Paramecium

31 two types of nuclei macronucleus – micronucleus –

32 2. Conjugation

33 Conjugation Macronucleus Micronucleus

34 Conjugation Macronucleus Micronucleus

35 Conjugation Macronucleus Micronucleus

36 Conjugation Macronucleus Micronucleus

37 D. Sporozoans move independently parasitic

38 E. Animal- like Protists and Disease
1. Malaria 2. Other Protistan Diseases

39 Ecology of Animal- like Protists
What is role of Trichonympha?

40 Figure 20-7 The Life Cycle of Plasmodium
Section 20-2 Mosquito bites human, injecting saliva that contains Plasmodium sporozoites Plasmodium undergoes several stages of development in mosquito’s body Plasmodium sporozoites Sporozoites infect liver cells Anopheles mosquito bites infected human and picks up Plasmodium cells Liver Infected liver cells burst, releasing Plasmodium cells that infect red blood cells Infected red blood cells burst, releasing Plasmodium cells; some can infect other red blood cells, and others can infect mosquitoes Plasmodium cells Red blood cells

41 20–2 Homework Answer all 5 questions on page 503 Page 523 questions #2-4, 12-14, 20 Answer each question in at least 3 complete sentences.

42 20–2 Homework

43 20–3 Plantlike Protists: Unicellular Algae
Objective Describe the function of chlorophyll and accessory pigments in algae Describe the major phyla of unicellular algae Summarize the ecological roles of unicellular algae

44 20–3 Homework Write all key concepts. Define each vocabulary word in a complete sentence.

45 What’s in a Name? Pyrrophyta and Chrysophyta

46 1. Using a dictionary, look up the prefixes pyrro- and chryso-, as well as the root -phyta. What do these terms mean? 2. Use the information you found in the dictionary to find out the meaning of Pyrrophyta and Chrysophyta. 3. Based on the meaning of their names, what characteristics might the protists in each of these phyla have?

47 20–3 Homework Define each vocabulary words in at least one complete sentence. Write out all key concepts.

48 20–3 Plantlike Protists: Unicellular Algae
A. Chlorophyll and Accessory Pigments B. Euglenophytes C. Dinoflagellates D. Chrysophytes E. Diatoms F. Ecology of Unicellular Algae

49 A. Chlorophyll and Accessory Pigments

50 Contain sensory pigments

51 B. Euglenophytes closely related to animallike flagellates

52 C. Dinoflagellates half are photosynthetic

53 D. Chrysophytes yellow-green and golden-brown algae’s

54 E. Diatoms phylum Bacillariophyta

55 F. Ecology of Unicellular Algae

56 phytoplankon small photosynthetic organism

57 1. Symbiotic Algae unicellular algae that form relationship with other organisms

58 dinoflagellates feed on the waste products of coral animals

59 2. Algae Blooms many protists absorb organic material directly for food

60 alga blooms many protists absorb organic material directly

61 Euglena Section 20-3 Chloroplast Carbohydrate storage bodies Gullet
Pellicle Contractile vacuole Flagella Eyespot Nucleus

62 1. Why do you think Sargassum and other similar protists are called seaweed?
2.Compare and contrast Sargassum to another type of brown algae you have read about in this chapter. 3. How are they different?

63 20–3 Homework Answer all question on page 509 Page 523 questions #5-6, 15-17, 21 Answer all question in at least 3 complete sentences.

64 20–3 Homework

65 20–4 Plantlike Protists: Red, Brown, Green Algae
Objective Describe the major phyla of multicellular algae Explain how multicellular algae reproduce Identify some human uses of algae

66 20–4 Homework Define each vocabulary word in at least one complete sentence. Write out all key concepts.

67 20–4 Plantlike Protists: Red, Brown, and Green Algae
A. Red Algae B. Brown Algae C. Green Algae D. Reproduction in Green Algae E. Human Uses of Algae

68 A. Red Algae phylum Rhodophyta meaning “red plant”

69 Important marine alga

70 B. Brown Algae phylum Phaeophyto - “dusky plants”

71 most marine -

72 largest is giant kelp - can grow > 60 meters
most common Fucus or rockweed

73 C. Green Algae phylum Chlorophyta --> “green plant”

74 ancestor of both living alga and mosses

75 1. Unicellular Green Algae
2. Colonial Green Algae 3. Multicellular Green Algae

76 E. Human Uses of Algae

77 Rich in vitamin C and iron

78 Ulva Life Cycle MITOSIS MEIOSIS Zygote Gametes fuse Sporophyte Spores
FERTILIZATION Gametes Female gametophyte MITOSIS Diploid Haploid Male gametophyte

79 Figure 20-17 The Life Cycle of Chlamydomonas
Zoospores Release of haploid cells MEIOSIS Zygote Mature cell Pairing of plus and minus gametes Haploid Diploid

80 A Protist Problem Some protists can harm living things by causing diseases. Imagine that you live on an island where the main source of food for the inhabitants is a single type of plant. Protists have caused the majority of the crop of that plant to become diseased and inedible.

81 Predict the effect the disease will likely have on the following:
1. food supply 2. lives of the inhabitants 3. island ecosystem 4. island economy

82 Homework 20-4 Answer all 5 question on page 515 Page 523 questions #7-8, 18-19 Answer all question in at least 3 complete sentences.

83 20-5 Funguslike Protists Objective Compare and contrast funguslike protists and fungi Describe slim molds and water molds. Summarize the ecological roles of funguslike protists

84 20-5 Homework Define each vocabulary words in at least one complete sentence. Write out all key concepts.

85 20–5 Fungus-like Protists
heterotrophs -

86 A. Slime Molds found in damp places rich in organic matter

87 1. Cellular Slime Molds - reproduce rapidly

88 2. Acellular Slime Molds begin life cycle as ameba-like cells

89 B. Water Molds phylum oomycota

90 C. Ecology of Fungus-like Protists
both slime and water molds are important as recycler of organic matter

91 D. Water Molds and the Potato Famine

92 Meiosis occurs within antheridium and oogonium.
The Life Cycle of a Water Mold Section 20-5 Antheridium Spores (2N) Nuclei (N) Oogonium Sexual fusion SEXUAL REPRODUCTION Mycelium (2N) Flagellated spores Germination and mitosis Zoosporangium ASEXUAL REPRODUCTION Hypha Meiosis occurs within antheridium and oogonium. Diploid Haploid

93 Figure 20-22 The Life Cycle of a Cellular Slime Mold
Section 20-5 Fruiting body Emerging amoebas MEIOSIS Spores Aggregated amoebas Zygote FERTILIZATION Haploid (N) Diploid (2N) Migrating colony

94 Figure 20-23 The Life Cycle of an Acellular Slime Mold
Section 20-5 MEIOSIS FERTILIZATION Germinating spore Zygote Spores Mature sporangium Feeding plasmodium Young sporangium Mature plasmodium Haploid (N) Diploid (2N)

95 Homework 20-5 All 5 question on page 520 Page 523 question #9-10, 23-25 Answer all questions in at least 3 complete sentences.

96 Homework 20-5

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