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Pandemic Preparedness. STOP Potential Communicable Disease Outbreaks Influenzas Hepatitis A Cholera Typhus TB Influenzas Hepatitis A Cholera Typhus TB.

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Presentation on theme: "Pandemic Preparedness. STOP Potential Communicable Disease Outbreaks Influenzas Hepatitis A Cholera Typhus TB Influenzas Hepatitis A Cholera Typhus TB."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pandemic Preparedness


3 Potential Communicable Disease Outbreaks Influenzas Hepatitis A Cholera Typhus TB Influenzas Hepatitis A Cholera Typhus TB

4 Four Outbreak Stages Four Maintenance Stage Responses  Sporadic - Stage 1  Local - Stage II  Regional - Stage III  Widespread - Stage IV Four Outbreak Stages Four Maintenance Stage Responses  Sporadic - Stage 1  Local - Stage II  Regional - Stage III  Widespread - Stage IV

5 Sporadic Definition Communicable disease is identified in isolated schools at no more than the usual rate of absenteeism due to illness. Definition Communicable disease is identified in isolated schools at no more than the usual rate of absenteeism due to illness.

6 Administration/FacultyMaintenance Watch for cluster outbreaks among students who are in a particular class, belong to a specific club or team, or who live in the same parish or geographic area. Stage 1 Maintenance Includes disinfecting desks, doorknobs, cafeteria tables. Incorporate hand washing protocols, as well as, coughing and sneezing coverage protocols. School Response

7 Local Definition Higher than normal absentee rate, communicable disease present in some schools. Definition Higher than normal absentee rate, communicable disease present in some schools.

8 School Response Administration/ Faculty Maintenance Stage IIDiocese Confer with Diocese and county Department of Health on epidemiology. Notify parents of current and future actions. Stage I maintenance but include all door knobs. Clean with 10% bleach, spray with disinfectants. Watch for reports of cluster outbreaks in Teachers & Administrators as well as students. Consider closing individual schools when student absenteeism rate is 10%.

9 Regional Definition Widespread communicable disease present in many school and absenteeism is above usual rate of illness.

10 School Response Administration/ Faculty Maintenance Stage IIIDiocese Report epidemiology numbers to Diocese and confer about closing school and the Health Dept. Notify parents of current and future actions. Stage II and all areas of possible transmission cleaned with 10% solution bleach and disinfectant. HEPA filters changed, gym cleaned and playground equipment. Consider closing individual schools at >10% absentee rate.

11 Widespread Definition Communicable disease present in virtually all schools at higher than normal absentee rate. Definition Communicable disease present in virtually all schools at higher than normal absentee rate.

12 School Response Administration Faculty Maintenance Stage IIIDiocese Report epidemiology numbers to Diocese and Health Department Stage II and all areas of possible transmission cleaned with 10% bleach solution and disinfectant. Close Schools

13 Diocesan Role The Office of Catholic Schools and Centers will be working cooperatively with each county’s Health Department in monitoring the absentee rates in our schools. We will report the absentee numbers to your county’s Health Department weekly.

14 Daily Absentee Figures We have devised a system by which each school and center can submit daily absentee numbers to our Office via the web. You are asked to submit the number of students, by grade, who are absent due to illness. This will allow us to monitor absentee rates as well as the local Health Department.

15 Working cooperatively with local Health Departments, we will have a better data to assess the breadth and severity of the outbreak. We believe it is imperative to collaborate with local agencies for the safety of our students and faculty members. This is why we are asking each of you to submit daily absentee number to the Office of Catholic Schools and Centers.

16 Role of Local Health Department The Health Department will have the “macro” view of an epidemic situation. We will rely on them to provide us with an evaluation of a situation from a larger perspective. Since our students and faculty and staff members do not live in a vacuum, the decision to close school must be based on the situation in a particular school and the surrounding area. The Health Department will have the “macro” view of an epidemic situation. We will rely on them to provide us with an evaluation of a situation from a larger perspective. Since our students and faculty and staff members do not live in a vacuum, the decision to close school must be based on the situation in a particular school and the surrounding area.

17 What next? Develop an action plan in response to each outbreak stage which clearly outlines action steps for each stage and include this plan in the school/center’s Emergency Management Plan. Communicate the Action Plan to members of your school/center community.

18 Who should be involved in Plan Development? Members of the Administration School Pastor Maintenance Personnel Representative from Faculty Representative from School Board Representative from Home/School Assn. Members of the Administration School Pastor Maintenance Personnel Representative from Faculty Representative from School Board Representative from Home/School Assn.

19 Once developed… Present the plan to the Faculty and Staff Present the plan to the parents Present the plan to students ( age appropriate presentation) Present the plan to the Faculty and Staff Present the plan to the parents Present the plan to students ( age appropriate presentation)

20 Prepare Communications 1.Write letter to parents outlining action plan. You may wish to include an abbreviated copy of the plan. 2.Prepare Instant Alert messages. 3.Prepare a letter for each outbreak stage. 1.Write letter to parents outlining action plan. You may wish to include an abbreviated copy of the plan. 2.Prepare Instant Alert messages. 3.Prepare a letter for each outbreak stage.

21 Stock up on cleaning supplies for each classroom and for the school/center in general. +++++++ Maintenance Stages should be done throughout the year whether there is an outbreak or not. Stock up on cleaning supplies for each classroom and for the school/center in general. +++++++ Maintenance Stages should be done throughout the year whether there is an outbreak or not.

22 Pray

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