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Your Aerobic Treatment System is part of the Family Texas AgriLife Extension Service.

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Presentation on theme: "Your Aerobic Treatment System is part of the Family Texas AgriLife Extension Service."— Presentation transcript:

1 Your Aerobic Treatment System is part of the Family Texas AgriLife Extension Service

2 Overview  Wastewater flows to the treatment system.  All system have two loading rates.  How much water do you use (hydraulic loading)?  How much waste do you generate (organic loading)?  How activities in the home impact the treatment system.

3 Aerobic Treatment Unit with Spray Distribution

4 Microbes  Microbes Provide treatment Provide treatment Must keep them healthy Must keep them healthy WaterWater FoodFood pHpH Dissolved Oxygen - DODissolved Oxygen - DO TemperatureTemperature  Types of Microbes Anaerobic – no DO Anaerobic – no DO Aerobic – need DO Aerobic – need DO Facultative – either way Facultative – either way  Healthy microbes result in happy customers

5 What’s in Wastewater?  99.9 % water  0.1 % pollutants or constituents of concern Organics/Inorganics Organics/Inorganics Solids Solids Pathogens Pathogens Nutrients Nutrients Fats, oils, grease Fats, oils, grease Metals Metals Persistent organic chemicals Persistent organic chemicals  Hydraulic and Organic Loading Wastewater

6 Hydraulic Loading  Flow quantity Volume Volume  Flow period Daily Daily Weekly Weekly Monthly Monthly Seasonal Seasonal  Special events

7 Residential Wastewater Usage Texas 30 TAC Chapter 285

8 Estimating Hydraulic Loading  Number of bedrooms  Square footage of a facility  Water conserving devices  Special fixtures Multi-head showers Multi-head showers Garden tubs Garden tubs


10 Organic Loading  BOD – Biochemical Oxygen Demand  TSS – Total Suspended Solids  FOG – Fats, Oil and Grease  Oxygen Demand  Oxygen States

11 Organic Material  Waste from plant or animal sources Can be dissolved, a solid or a liquid Can be dissolved, a solid or a liquid Broken down and consumed by microbes (aerobes and anaerobes) Broken down and consumed by microbes (aerobes and anaerobes) As it decays, dissolved oxygen is depleted As it decays, dissolved oxygen is depleted

12 Biochemical Oxygen Demand  Biochemical oxygen demand, or BOD is the amount of oxygen used during the breakdown of organic material Take sample to commercial laboratory Take sample to commercial laboratory Measured as a five-day laboratory test Measured as a five-day laboratory test  BOD is considered an indirect measure of the organic content of a sample

13 Biochemical Oxygen Demand  Amount of oxygen consumed by microbes during decomposition of organic matter  Indicates overall organic strength of wastewater  High BOD 5 means high levels of organics  Expressed in mg/L (ppm)  Domestic wastewater ranges from 100 to 300 mg/L BOD 5

14 Oxygen Demand  The oxygen demand is the amount of oxygen required to aerobically oxidize a material Aerator delivers the oxygen to meet demand Aerator delivers the oxygen to meet demand  Organic material  Nitrogen  Other compounds  Water (low DO)

15 Oxygen States  Dissolved oxygen Free O 2 Free O 2 Oxygen that has been incorporated into water Oxygen that has been incorporated into water Many aquatic animals require it for their survival Many aquatic animals require it for their survival  Bound oxygen Attached to other compounds, NO 3 Attached to other compounds, NO 3 Anaerobic microbes break oxygen bonds Anaerobic microbes break oxygen bonds

16 Wastewater Loading Rates Goldstein and Moberg, 1973 Mass loading (lbs) = # people (4) x BOD loading (0.23 lbs/cap/day) = 0.92 lbs/day

17 Feeding the System  Water – Hydraulic load Flow volume, gpd Flow volume, gpd Flow rate, gpm or gph Flow rate, gpm or gph Appropriately sized system Appropriately sized system  Food – Organic load BOD BOD Concentration, mg/LConcentration, mg/L Mass, Pounds per dayMass, Pounds per day Appropriately sized systemAppropriately sized system  Food to Microorganism Ratio - Consistency  Other Compounds

18 Impacts on Feeding ATU by Water Use  Effects on hydraulic loading Whirlpool tubs Whirlpool tubs Water treatment devices Water treatment devices Clear water Clear water Dishwasher Dishwasher Laundry Laundry

19 Whirlpool Tubs  Use large volumes of water  Add hydraulic surges  New larger capacities can be greater than the design flow for the home

20 Clear Water Flows  Water Treatment Devices Water Softeners Water Softeners Reverse Osmosis Reverse Osmosis Other? Other?  Other Flow Condensate - AC Condensate - AC Ice Machines Ice Machines Basement drains Basement drains Footing drains Footing drains

21 Water Softeners  DIR – Demand Initiated Regeneration September 1, 2003 – date requiring - DIR September 1, 2003 – date requiring - DIR  May bypass the pretreatment component.  Connect directly to the pump tank.  Must go through a p-trap

22 Reverse Osmosis  Point of Use Under the sink Under the sink Connect to OSSF Connect to OSSF No upgrade required No upgrade required  Point of Entry Whole house system Greater volume Need to add to size of OSSF

23 Laundry - 20% of Flow Laundry - 20% of Flow  Use should be spread out  Liquid soap is recommended Use less Use less Remove risk of fillers in powders Remove risk of fillers in powders

24 Dishwasher  Adds surges of wastewater Hydraulically overload system Homeowner should space out loads  Organic load Clean/Scrape dishes

25 Impacts on Feeding ATU by Organics  Effects on organic strength (loading) Water-saving devices Water-saving devices Garbage disposal Garbage disposal Using wastewater system as a trash can. Using wastewater system as a trash can.

26 Water Conserving Fixtures  Water Saving Devices 60 gallons/person/day 60 gallons/person/day  Reduce Flow (lower hydraulic loading)  Increase strength (same organic loading unless change of habits)

27 Garbage Disposal  Increases total solids: scum, sludge  System should be pumped 1-2 years sooner than without a garbage disposal  Increases Organic Loading Organic matter had not been digested, so it will take longer to break down Organic matter had not been digested, so it will take longer to break down More water is used to wash out sink More water is used to wash out sink Smaller particles will take longer to settle Smaller particles will take longer to settle Potential for fats and oils Potential for fats and oils

28 Impacts by Feeding System  General Adverse Effects Prescription antibiotics and drugs Prescription antibiotics and drugs Bath and body oils Bath and body oils In-home businesses In-home businesses Antibacterial soap Antibacterial soap Chemicals Chemicals Cleaners Cleaners Trash and non-digestible material Trash and non-digestible material

29 Prescription Drugs and Antibiotics  Can kill microbes living in system Won’t discriminate against organisms living in the system Won’t discriminate against organisms living in the system  Additional treatment components may be necessary  Increase maintenance

30 Bath and Body Oils  Increases FOG  If usage is great, may need more maintenance

31 In-Home Businesses/Hobbies  Add stronger waste  Add chemicals  Increase flow  Examples of Businesses: Home photography developing lab Barber shops Day care Bakery Dog grooming Taxidermy Artist

32 Hand Washing Soap  Antibacterial soap affects biology of tank  Liquid soaps tend to be overused

33 CHEMICALS  All problems  Kill microbes  Upset system

34 Appliances and Cleaning Products  Look at Labels!  DANGER; Means the chemical will kill the bacteria, and its use should be minimized or eliminated  WARNING; Means limited use should have a minimal impact on the system.  CAUTION: Typically means the product will have little effect.

35 Septic System Additives  Not been proven to be beneficial to system performance  Not recommended  Break up particles that are settled at the bottom and make them suspended  Potential solids loading to downstream components

36 Cleaning Products  List commonly used brands Cleaning Cleaning Antibacterial Antibacterial  They have cumulative effects on system performance

37 Drain Cleaner  Toxic drain cleaners can impact ability to properly treat wastewater  Affect bacteria activity

38 Toilet Cleaning  Product brand  Automatic cleaners Not recommended Continual impact causes long-term problems

39 Toilet Paper  Number of rolls used per week  Results in faster sludge build up  Treated toilet paper (with lotions) prevents paper from settling  Wet wipe disposal is discouraged

40 Bathroom - 60% of Flow  Only urine, feces, soap, toilet paper and limited amounts of cleaner should be going down drain  No feminine products, prophylactics, cigarette butts, etc  No every-flush toilet bowl sanitizers or every shower cleaner

41 Feeding the System If it will hurt the system, don’t let it go down the drain!

42 Extended Absences No or low flows for an extended period of time No or low flows for an extended period of time Low or no microbial activityLow or no microbial activity Caution needs to be used upon returnCaution needs to be used upon return

43 Summary  Wastewater flows to the treatment system.  All systems have two loading rates.  How much water do you use (hydraulic loading)?  How much waste do you generate (organic loading)?  How activities in the home impact the treatment system.

44 Questions?

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