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1 WATERSHED FLOOD MAPS Apalachee Bay – St. Marks River.

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Presentation on theme: "1 WATERSHED FLOOD MAPS Apalachee Bay – St. Marks River."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 WATERSHED FLOOD MAPS Apalachee Bay – St. Marks River

2 2 APALACHEE BAY – ST. MARKS RIVER WATERSHED AERIAL Base map for the development of flood maps Helps understand the water resource WATERSHED FLOOD MAPS

3 3 POPULATION 2010 Census Total Basin Population 353,476 WATERSHED FLOOD MAPS MAP IN PRODUCTION

4 4 LAND USE WATERSHED FLOOD MAPS LAND USESQUARE MILES Agriculture46 Barren Land1 Rangeland30 Transportation/Utilities18 Upland Forest512 Urban/Developed144 Water14 Wetlands278 TOTAL (NWFWMD)1,043 Total Basin Size (NWFWMD) = 543 sq. mi. [Forest/Wetlands = 790 sq. mi. (76%)]

5 5 WETLANDS 325 sq. mi. of wetlands in the basin Help attenuate flood flows Provide a significant amount of flood storage NWFWMD ERP provides wetland protection & mitigation NWFWMD dam safety regulatory program WATERSHED FLOOD MAPS

6 6 CONSERVATION LANDS WATERSHED FLOOD MAPS Most are within the Apalachicola National Forest & the St. Marks Wildlife Refuge Along with public preservation and recreation opportunities, conservation lands are a preventive measure that helps keep development out of the flood zone.

7 7 Existing gages Useful for flood warning and flood study model calibration WATERSHED FLOOD MAPS GAGE LOCATIONS MAP IN PRODUCTION

8 8 LiDAR DATA WATERSHED FLOOD MAPS NWFWMD LiDAR data base DEM for entire basin Important base data that is used throughout the district for flood mapping


10 10 Escambia County SFHA w/ Panel Scheme WATERSHED FLOOD MAPS Map Modernization – upgraded maps in Escambia County Maps revised and went effective on September 29, 2006 MAP IN PRODUCTION

11 11 Santa Rosa County SFHA with Panel Scheme WATERSHED FLOOD MAPS Map Modernization – upgraded maps in Santa Rosa County Maps revised and went effective on September 29, 2006 MAP IN PRODUCTION

12 12 Okaloosa County SFHA with Panel Scheme WATERSHED FLOOD MAPS Map Modernization – upgraded maps in Okaloosa County – Effective = December 6, 2002 Now we are working under the risk map program to further improve the flood maps. MAP IN PRODUCTION

13 13 WATERSHED FLOOD MAPS Current On-going Non- Coastal Studies

14 14 NWFWMD Flood Information Portal

15 15 NWFWMD Flood Information Portal

16 16 NWFWMD Flood Information Portal

17 17 NWFWMD Flood Information Portal

18 18 NWFWMD Flood Information Portal

19 19 NWFWMD Flood Information Portal

20 20 NWFWMD LiDAR Data Server

21 21 NWFWMD LiDAR Data Server

22 22 NWFWMD LiDAR Data Server

23 23


25 25 WATERSHED FLOOD MAPS Pensacola Bay

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