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Kharif Review Rabi Prospects Strategies Dr. J. S. Sandhu Agriculture Commissioner Department of Agriculture & Cooperation, Ministry of Agriculture Dr.

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1 Kharif Review Rabi Prospects Strategies Dr. J. S. Sandhu Agriculture Commissioner Department of Agriculture & Cooperation, Ministry of Agriculture Dr. J. S. Sandhu Agriculture Commissioner Department of Agriculture & Cooperation, Ministry of Agriculture

2 C ROP PRODUCTION TARGETS:2013-14 Kharif weather:  Timely onset, good & fairly distributed monsoon rains;  Deficient/Scanty rains in Bihar, Jharkhand, & NE States;  Incidence of flash floods in Assam, Bihar, Eastern UP, MP, Vidarbha region of Maharashtra & WB)/cloud burst (Uttarakhand & HP);  Early withdrawal of Monsoon-Terminal heat stress in Central Parts of the country. (Million Tons/Bales) Crop Kharif*Rabi-STotal Rice 92.32 14.0 106.32 Wheat-92.592.50 Barley-1.51.50 Maize17.785.5 23.28 Millets13.213 16.21 Pulses 6.01 12.018.01 Food grains129.32128.5257.82 Oilseeds23.9610.534.46 Sugarcane--341.77 Cotton (170 Kg Bales)35.30 Jute & Mesta (180 Kg Bales)10.6 Source: DAC, GOI (* Ist Advance Estimate)

3 C UMULATIVE RAINFALL ( MM ): 2010-2013 South-West Monsoon Season Actual Normal Dep (%) 1 st June -30 th Sept-2010912.8893.22 1 st June- 30 th Sept-2011899.8886.91 1 st June -30 th Sept-2012819.5886.9-8 1 st June – 22 nd Sept-2013890.7848.15 Source: IMD.  SW Monsoon recorded +5% more rains on All India basis being highest in past 5 years.  Broad Four Geographical Regions: North West 8%, Central 19%, South Peninsula 22% higher rainfall & East & North East -28%.  Monsoon coverage: Out of 36 sub-divisions, 30 sub-divisions constituting 86% of the total area have received Excess/Normal and 6 sub-divisions constituting 14% of total area received “Deficient” rains.

4 Region 20132012 Northern Region 95%77% Eastern Region 78% 68% Western Region 77% 65% Central Region87% 86% Southern Region 82% 57% All India84% 77% Out of 85, 79 reservoirs having storage more than 80%, 2 reservoir having storage 51% to 80% & 4 reservoir having storage 31% to 50% Source: CWC, GOI. Region wise comparative live storage of water in major reservoirs in 2013 & 2012.

5 Unit: Area in Million ha Crop Kharif- 2013 Kharif- 2012 % change Rice 37.43 36.61 2 Maize 8.19 7.40 11 Millets 11.3210.1911 Coarse cereals 19.5117.5911 Total Cereals 56.9454.205 Source: SDA Comparative Area coverage of rice, maize, Total Millets, Total Coarse cereals & Cereals during Kharif-2013 & Kharif-2012

6 Unit: Area in Million ha CropKharif- 2013 Kharif- 2012 % change Arhar 3.963.6210 Black gram 2.402.381 Moong 2.291.9716 Kharif pulses 10.509.896 Source: SDAs Comparative Area coverage of Arhar, Black gram & Moong during Kharif-2013 & Kharif-2012.

7 Unit: Area in Million ha CropKharif- 2013 Kharif- 2012 % Change Groundnut 4.303.8711 Soybean 12.2210.6914 Kharif Oilseeds 19.3217.4011 Source: SDAs Area coverage of Groundnut, Soybean & Total Kharif Oilseeds during Kharif-2013 vis-à-vis Kharif-2012.

8 A REA COVERAGE OF C OTTON, J UTE & M ESTA AND S UGARCANE DURING K HARIF -2013 & K HARIF -2012. Unit: Area in Million ha CropKharif- 2013 Kharif- 2012 % change Cotton 11.3611.44 Jute & Mesta 0.830.85-2 Sugarcane 4.875.01-3 Source: SDA

9 SCHEMES & PROGRAMS o National Food Security Mission (NFSM); o ISOPOM; o TMC; o Jute Mission; o SUBAC. o Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojna (RKVY) Main; o RKVY laterals namely; o BGREI, o Crop Diversification (Punjab, Haryana & Western Uttar Pradesh); o Nutri –Farms (Nine states – 100 districts); o INSIMP; and o RADP; AFDP; VIIDP & OPAE.

10  Timely pre-positioning of agricultural Inputs; Seeds, Seed treating bio-agents/ chemicals, Soil amendments, Fertilizers, Micro-nutrients, Weedicides & Pesticides;  Timely sowing;  Focus on the districts having higher area concentration;  Moisture conservation & timely sowing in rainfed areas in view of early withdrawal of Monsoon; and  Optimum & efficient use of conserved water.  Timely pre-positioning of agricultural Inputs; Seeds, Seed treating bio-agents/ chemicals, Soil amendments, Fertilizers, Micro-nutrients, Weedicides & Pesticides;  Timely sowing;  Focus on the districts having higher area concentration;  Moisture conservation & timely sowing in rainfed areas in view of early withdrawal of Monsoon; and  Optimum & efficient use of conserved water. Strategies for Rabi-Summer: 2013-14

11 REQUIREMENT & AVAILABILITY OF SEEDS FOR R A BI: 2013-14. CropREQUIREMENT (Lakh quintal) AVAILABILITY (Lakh quintal) DEFICIT/ SURPLUS (Lakh quintal) SRR (RABI: 2012-13) Wheat112.51108.33(-) 4.1833.82% Rabi Jowar1.151.17(+) 0.0226.10% Bengal gram17.0620.09(+) 3.0321.17% Urd & Moong1.242.07(+) 0.8333.19% Lentil1.371.33(-) 0.0421.46% Rape seed & Mustard 2.092.18(+) 0.0957.13% Source: Seed Division, DAC, GOI.

12 REQUIREMENT & AVAILABILITY OF FERTILIZERS FOR R ABI : 2012-13 & RABI: 2013-14. Fertilizers Rabi: 2012-13 Rabi: 2013-14 Assessed requirement (Lakh tons) Total sales (Lakh Tons) Assessed requirement (Lakh Tons) Urea164.60 165.78171.96 DAP54.19 51.0647.26 MOP25.84 10.3619.28 NPK55.99 37.8352.53 SSP26.87 20.8842.85 Use of Bio-fertilizers- Azosprillium, Azotobacter, Rhizobium, Phosphate Solubilizing bacteria, Potash mobilizing bacteria reduce dose of N,P,K, fertilizer by 25%. Use of micronutrients based on soil health maps/ soil health analysis report. Deficiency- Sulphur 46%, Zinc 49% Boron 33%; Molybdenum 13%; magnesium 5% Copper 3 %. Source: INM & FMS, DAC, GOI

13 PROMOTION OF RESOURCE CONSERVATION TECHNOLOGIES IN RABI: 2013-14  Promotion of Zero tillage/FIRB technology;  Residue management through Happy Seeder;  Promotion of land levelling through “Lazer Land Laveller”;  Integrated Nutrient & Weed management; and  Relay cropping of wheat in cotton growing areas.  Promotion of Zero tillage/FIRB technology;  Residue management through Happy Seeder;  Promotion of land levelling through “Lazer Land Laveller”;  Integrated Nutrient & Weed management; and  Relay cropping of wheat in cotton growing areas.

14 S TRATEGY FOR R ABI -SUMMER P ULSE PRODUCTION  Full utilization of additional allocation of Rs. 450 crore for pulses under NFSM;  Timely sowing: Improved varieties/planting methods;  Seed inoculation with Rhizobium culture/ PSB/Trichoderma;  Weed Management (Pre/Post-emergence);  Promotion of inter-cropping: Rapeseed & Mustard, Linseed, Sugarcane;  Integrated Nutrient Management – sulphur, Molybdenum, Zinc, Boron & soil test based major nutrients;  Pest Surveillance and Integrated Pest Management;  Procurement : NAFED-SFAC; and  Advance planning for Summer pulses.

15 WAY FORWARD  Linkages with SAU/ICAR Institutes/KVKs for technical backstopping;  Timely crop tracking & close monitoring of weather situation; and  Timely implementation & monitoring of crop development programs.


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