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Crop water requirements

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1 Crop water requirements
SOIL – PLANT – WATER RELATIONSHIPS, Eto & Crop water requirements M. Sachin Dutt Asst. Director of Agriculture Faculty, WALAMTARI

2 WHY Soil – Plant – Water Relations ?
For designing, operating, managing efficiently any irrigation system, so as to suit different crops

3 SOIL: Soil is a natural body in which plants grow. Soil is a three phase system. The interfaces between phases exhibit phenomena such as adsorption, surface tension, adhesion, swelling & shrinking, capillarity etc. Soil is a storehouse for plant nutrients, an anchorage for plants and a reservoir that holds water needed by plants.

4 HOW SOIL HOLDS WATER ? Soil holds water in two ways, as a thin film on individual soil particles, and as water stored in the pores of the soil. Water stored as a thin film on individual soil particles is said to be in adsorption. Adsorption in simple terms is a thin film of water adhering to the outside layers of soil particles. Water stored in the pores of the soil is said to be in capillary storage.


The force or tenacity with which water is retained or held in the soil is SMT / soil moisture potential / soil moisture suction. It indicates the force per unit area that must be exerted to remove water from the soil. SMT is a result of surface tension (capillarity), adhesion & cohesion.

FIELD CAPACITY (FC): FC is upper limit of available moisture range in soil to plants. The Soil moisture tension at FC varies from -0.1 to -0.3 atmospheres (atms). PERMANENT WILTING POINT (PWP): It is the soil moisture content at which plants can no longer obtain enough moisture to meet the transpiration requirements and remain wilted under water is supplied to the soil. At PWP the plant growth stops. PWP is lower limit of available moisture range in soil to plants. The moisture tension at PWP is -15 atms. HYGROSCOPIC COEFFICIENT (HC): It is the amount of water held very tightly around soil particles. Much of the water is in non-liquid phase and can move only in vapour form. Water potential at HC is about -28 atms.

8 Permanent Wilting Point
Gravitational water Field Capacity Soil Moisture (%) Available water Permanent Wilting Point Unavailable Water Soil Moisture Potential (Atms) SOIL MOISTURE CURVE OF A LOAMY SOIL


10 Field Capacity Moisture % Permanent Wilting Point Sand Sandy Loam Silt Clay Loam Loam Increase in fineness of Soil Texture RELATION OF SOIL TEXTURE AND MOISTURE CONSTANTS

Water Constitutes 80-90% of plant cells and tissues where there is active metabolism. It is in the form of a continuous liquid phase from root hairs to leaf epidermis (Outer layer). Plant roots take up water and transfer through conducting vessels (Xylem) and then to mesophyll cells of leaves and reach Stomata (Transpiration site) in the liquid state and finally to the atmosphere through Stomata as vapour. Water acts as a solvent for carrying minerals, gases etc in the plant body and hence essential for overall growth of plants. Plant Roots develop when there is enough moisture in the soil, Mineral availability, Soil air, presence of impervious soil layer etc.


When soil and other growing conditions are favorable, crops develop well branched root system that penetrates the soil to the depth unique to that crop. This depth is referred to as Effective Root Zone Depth. Crops absorb Moisture and Nutrients from this depth. Depending on the Root Zone , Crops are classified as follows: Shallow Rooted (60 cm Depth), Eg: Rice, Onion, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Potato etc. Moderately deep rooted(90 cm), Eg: Groundnut, Castor, Tobacco, Wheat, Chillies etc. Deep rooted (120 cm), Eg: Cotton, Maize, Jowar, Bajra. Very Deep rooted (180 cm), Eg: Sugarcane, Citrus, Safflower, Coffee, Grapevine etc. The Quantity of water available in the root zone determines the irrigation interval and the quantity of water to be given at each irrigation.

Most of the feeder roots of the crops are in the upper part of the root zone (top 45 cm) and near the base of plant. Plants do not draw moisture equally from the entire root zone. Most active absorption of water occurs in plants through root hairs and zones of root elongation behind growing root tips.

The Visible stages of crop growth are: Germination & Emergence Vegetative growth Flowering Grain formation During certain stages plants are most sensitive or critical to shortage of water which are known as Moisture Sensitive periods. Moisture stress during critical stages will reduce yield and adequate provision of water and fertilizer at other stages will not help in recovering yield lost.

16 Rice : Primordial development, heading and flowering
Water shortage during Germination and early seedling stage has harmful effects because of the tenderness of leaves and roots. In the Vegetative stage, Water shortage reduces leaf area and hence subsequent growth. Moisture stress during Flowering reduces grain formation and results in shriveled grain. MOISTURE SENSITIVE STAGES OF CERTAIN CROPS (CRITICAL PERIODS) Rice : Primordial development, heading and flowering Sorghum : Booting, earing, milking Maize : Knee height, Tasseling-silking, Early grain formation Wheat : Crown root initiation, shooting, earing Groundnut : Flowering, peg penetration, seed development Sunflower : Budding, Head formation, Flowering, seed filling Safflower : Rosette, flowering Cotton : Flowering to boll formation

17 CWR = E.T/C.U + Application losses + special needs
CROP WATER REQUIREMENT: Estimation of Crop water requirement is one of the basic needs for crop planning and for planning any irrigation project. The Quantity of water required by a crop in a given period of time for its normal growth under field conditions. CWR = E.T/C.U + Application losses + special needs (land preparation, transplanting, leaching etc) IR = CWR – (ER + S) Irrigation requirement = Water requirement – (Effective rainfall + Groundwater contribution)

Transformation of water from Liquid to Vapour phase from Soil surface, Water surface, Plant surface. Evaporation from plant surface is referred as Transpiration. Consumptive Use (CU): The quantity of water used by plants for Evapotranspiration and for its metabolic activities. Since the water required for metabolic activities is negligible, the term CU is taken equivalent to E.T. Potential Evapotranspiration (P.E.T) or Reference E.T (ET0): The Concept of ET0 is to characterize the microclimate of the field in terms of the Evaporative Demand i.e., the maximum evaporation rate which the atmosphere is capable of extracting from a field.

The amount of Water required for the crop for the purpose of meeting Evaporation & Transpiration demands. It is related to ETO as follows: ETC = ETO X KC Wherein Kc is referred as Crop-Coefficient. It is dependent on the stage of growth of crop. The growth period of any crop is divided into 4 stages: Initial stage: Germination period and early growth period of the crop (<10% crop coverage) Crop development stage: Soil cover by the crop is about 70-80%. Midseason stage: Flowering, Start of maturity indicated by discoloring of leaves. Late season stage: Full maturity or harvesting.


21 Crop development stages
Kc Values of some important crops: Crop Crop development stages Total growing period Initial Crop development Midseason Late season At harvest Cotton Groundnut 0.95-1 Maize Beans Cabbage 0.9-1 Potato Rice Safflower Sorghum Soybean Sugarcane 0.7-1 Sunflower Tobacco Tomato

Different methodologies have been developed to predict the amount of water for optimal crop production based on Climatological data. The FAO scientists have recommended the following 4 empirical formulae for estimation of ETo. Modified Penman method. Radiation method. Blaney – Cridle method. Pan Evaporation method. The modified Penman method is probably the most accurate and it requires data on Temperature, Humidity, Wind and Solar Radiation. Other components are derived from these parameters.

23 ETO = C [ W . Rn + (1-W) . f(U) . (ea – ed)]
The Equation is as follows: ETO = C [ W . Rn + (1-W) . f(U) . (ea – ed)] Radiation term Aerodynamic term Wherein C = Adjustment factor to compensate the effect of day and night weather condition (Wind speed in day and night, Relative Humidity (Max), Incoming shortwave radiation (Rs). W = Temperature and altitude related weightage factor for effect of radiation. Rn = Net Radiation in equivalent evaporation (mm/day) Rn = 0.75 Rs – Rnl Rs = Incoming Short wave radiation Rs = ( n/N) Ra

24 Ra = Extra terrestrial radiation in equivalent evaporation (mm/day)
n = Actual measured bright Sunshine hours. N = Maximum possible Sunshine hours. Rnl = Net Long wave radiation (mm/day) which is a function of Temperature, Vapour pressure, Sunshine duration. Rnl = f(T) . f(ed) . f(n/N) f(U) = Wind related function (Wind velocity in Km/day at 2 mt height). f(U) = 0.27 (1+U/100), U = Mean Wind velocity in Km/day ea = Saturated vapour pressure at mean temperature (mbars) ed = Mean actual Vapour pressure of air (mbars) ed = ea x RH min/100

25 Latitude = 15 degree North in June. Altitude = 200 m
Calculate the ETO based on the following data: Latitude = 15 degree North in June. Altitude = 200 m Temp mean = 30 degree C Day Wind velocity = 15 km/hr Night Wind velocity = 12 km/hr Mean Sunshine hours (n) = 8 hr/day RH max = 60% RH min = 40%

26 S. No Item from ETo formula Calculation Value from Table Final Value
1 W - 0.78 W = 0.78 2 ea 42.4 mb ea = 42.4 mb 3 ed ed = ea x RH min/100 ed = 42.4 x 40/100 = mb ed = mb 4 Rn Rn = 0.75 Rs - Rnl Rs = [ (n/N)] Ra n = 8 (given), N = 13, Ra = 15.8 Rs = 8.81 mm/day Rnl = f(T) . f(ed) . f(n/N) f(T) = 16.7, f(ed) = 0.16, f(n/N) = 0.66 Rnl = 16.7x0.16x0.66 = 1.76 mm/day Rn = 0.75x = 4.85 mm/day Rn = 4.85 mm/day 5 f(U) f(U) = 0.27(1+U/100) U mean = (15+12/2)x24 = 324 km/day f(U) = 0.27(1+324/100) = 1.15 f(U) = 1.15 6 ea-ed = 25.44 ea-ed = mb 7 C for RH max 60%, Uday/Unight = 15/12=1, Rs = 8.81, U day in m/s = 4.16 m/s (15 km/hr) C = 0.94 8 ETo ETo = 0.94[0.78x (1-0.78) x 1.15 x 25.44] = 0.94 [ ] = 0.94 x = 9.606 ETo = 9.6 mm/ day or 9.6 x 30 = 288 mm/month of June

27 Latitude = 13 degree North in July. Altitude = 410 m
Calculate the ETO based on the following data: Latitude = 13 degree North in July. Altitude = 410 m Temp mean = 29 degree C Day Wind velocity = 20 km/hr Night Wind velocity = 10 km/hr Mean Sunshine hours (n) = 9 hr/day RH max = 80% RH min = 55%

It is the utilizable rainfall. It is that part of the total amount of rainfall which is directly or indirectly useful for crop production. Ineffective rainfall is that part of the rainfall which is lost by surface runoff, deep percolation losses etc. EMPERICAL ESTIMATION OF EFFECTIVE RAINFALL (Pe): Pe = 0.8P – 25 (When P i.e.,Rainfall is more than 75mm/month) Pe = 0.6P – 10 (when P is less than 75mm/month) In general 40-50% rainfall is considered Effective.

When to Irrigate? Only after knowing the quantity of water available for the plants in the root zone and the Evapotranspiration demand, one can judge the time to irrigate. Water availability can be quantified by many methods viz., Gravimetric method, Tensiometers, Electrical resistance, Pan method etc. For the purpose of understanding and demonstration the use of Tensiometers is dealt hereunder.

30 TENSIOMETERS: Tensiometers are simple, reliable instruments which provide a measure of the moisture status of the soil. It reads from 0 to -85 centibars (cb). Tensiometers help answer the irrigators' questions of when and how much irrigation water to apply. Maintaining proper moisture conditions is necessary for achieving optimal plant growth and quality. Monitoring the moisture status of the soil allows for timely and efficient irrigations, and for avoiding unnecessary irrigations.

31 At a typical tensiometer station, two tensiometers are installed
At a typical tensiometer station, two tensiometers are installed. One, located in the upper root zone, monitors the active root area and is used to determine when an irrigation is needed. A second tensiometer, installed near the bottom of the root zone, is used to adjust the irrigation amount or system run-time in order to ensure that sufficient water is being applied, and to avoid over-irrigation and loss of water and chemical amendments due to drainage beyond the root zone. The moisture status of the soil is monitored by reading the tensiometers periodically. When the tension readings in the upper tensiometer reach a certain level, an irrigation is needed. This tension level is determined by the irrigator, and depends upon such factors as crop type, soil condition, and root depth. The lower tensiometer is monitored to ensure that enough water has been applied to refill the root zone. When the upper unit indicates high soil suction values, irrigation is started. Irrigation is continued until the reading on the lower unit drops, indicating that the irrigation water has penetrated to that depth and the whole active root zone has been re-wetted.

Area = 2000 Ha Duration = 105 days Date of sowing = 15th October ETO values for October 5.23 mm/day with RF of 69mm ETO values for November 4.7 mm/day with RF of 24mm ETO values for December 4.05 mm/day with RF of 2mm ETO values for January 4.58 mm/day with RF of 0mm Kc values for Groundnut crop: Establishment stage – 10 days – Kc = 0.4 Vegetative phase – 25 days – Kc = 0.7 Flowering phase – 30 days – Kc = 1.0 Yield formation – 30 days – Kc = 0.75 Ripening – 10 days – Kc = 0.6

33 S. No Item October November December January TOTAL I II (1day) (16 days) (15 days) (12 days) 105 days 1 ETo 5.23 4.7 4.05 4.58 2 Kc 0.4 0.7 0.75 (for 1 day) (for 9 days) (for 15 days) (for 3 days) (for 2 days) 63 days 0.6 (for 7 days) (for 12 days) (for 13 days) (for 10 days) 42 days 3 ETc (mm/day) 2.09 3.29 3.44 3.66 4.70 3.04 2.75 4 ETc (mm/fortnt) 18.83 49.35 9.87 60.75 12.15 51.53 6.87 25.63 56.40 39.49 27.48 5 ETc Total 44.46 66.27 51.64 34.35 510.43 6 Special needs 100 50 7 Effective RF 31.4 4.4 8 NIR (mm/fortnt) 102.09 13.06 44.95 84.35 474.6

TOMATO CROP WITH THE FOLLOWING DATA: Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July ETo (mm/day) 4 5.0 5.8 6.3 6.8 7.1 6.5 Humidity medium (60%) Wind speed 3 m/sec Duration of growing period (from sowing): 150 days Planting date: 1 February (direct sowing) Initial stage days (Kc = 0.45) Dev. Stage days (Kc = 0.70) Mid-season stage days (Kc = 0.95) Late season stage days (Kc = 1.15) Harvest days (Kc = 0.85)

35 WATER REQUIREMENT OF VARIOUS CROPS: Rice: 1240 mm Groundnut: 550 mm
Water Required Rice: 1240 mm Groundnut: 550 mm Sugarcane: 2800 mm Ragi: mm Bajra: mm Maize: mm Tobacco: mm Sesame: mm Cotton: mm Castor: 500 mm Sunflower: mm Soybean: 450 mm Chillies: Banana: mm


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