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Physical Characteristics

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0 Louiza (Looza) Wise, Sam (Swaggin) Manno, Andi (Awesome) Kasper
Marshes & Swamps Louiza (Looza) Wise, Sam (Swaggin) Manno, Andi (Awesome) Kasper

1 Largest swamps/marshes: Llanos de Moxos in South America and Florida Everglades

2 Physical Characteristics
Marshes water levels change constantly shallow enough for plants to grow (depth: few inches - 1 or 2 feet) dominated by aquatic plants (grass, water lilies, duckweed) fresh and saltwater very diverse habitat (fresh) / nutrient rich soils water temp: fresh - 56 to 76 degrees, salt - 46 to 61 degrees recharge: provides water to streams and vice versa - clean polluted waters Swamps dominated by trees/shrubs fresh, brackish (somewhat salty), seawater nutrient rich soils depth: 1 to 2 feet water temp: degrees recharge: same as marshes - act as flood controllers

3 Importance Water quality improvements by filtering out pollutants before they reach the river Food and habitat for fish and wildlife Flood control and shoreline erosion control Act as a giant sponge by absorbing excess water Provide breeding grounds, protection, food, comfort, a home

4 Autotrophs, Heterotrophs and Decomposers
Autotrophs: Duckweed, arrow grass and cattails Heterotrophs: Beavers, otters, and muskrats Decomposers: Bacteria, fungi, amphipods

5 Endangered Animals About 43% of the nations endangered and threatened species rely directly or indirectly on wetlands for survival.

6 General Trends Most wetlands are located in the temperate zone (halfway between the poles and the equator) On average 18°F - 86°F inches of rainfall yearly Animals adaptations Camouflage Webbed feet or paddle like legs Plant adaptations Float (for photosynthesis) Can get oxygen through root (like a snorkel)

7 Environmental Status Decreasing area
Protection measures, elimination of some incentives for wetland drainage Suffered degradation Causes are increase in flood damages, drought damages, and the declining bird populations There are several preservations and efforts to create new wetlands

8 Problems Current problems
Air and water pollutants, runoff contamination, overfishing, tourism, construction of dams, invasive species, and more Future problems Increasing temperature, chemical and sediment contamination, continuing loss of land, loss of natural animal occupation, and more

9 Groups Trying to Help World Wildlife Foundation: WWF is working to preserve and restore wetlands. They have helped designate more than 2,000 wetlands world-wide as Wetlands of International Importance which means it is protected from pollution, drainage and development. Government Regulations: Swampbuster, part of Food Security Act, prevents farmers who convert or modify wetlands from receiving federal farm program benefits. Association of State Wetland Managers: Uses scientific research to help public and private decision-makers map, assess, regulate, and restore wetlands and also provides up-to-date wetland news.

10 Bilbiography "Swamps." Home. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Sept. 2014.
Environment 6th edition by Peter H. Raven, Linda R. Berg and David M. Hassenzahl. Earth Gauge RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Sept "Vermont Wetlands Section - Wetlands Threatened & Endangered Species Habitat." Vermont Wetlands Section - Wetlands Threatened & Endangered Species Habitat. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Sept World Wildlife Fund, n.d. Web. 14 Sept "Private Organizations." EPA. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Sept "Swamps." Home. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Sept "Marshes." Home. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Sept


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