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Coral Classification Domain: Eukaryota Kingdom: Animalia

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Presentation on theme: "Coral Classification Domain: Eukaryota Kingdom: Animalia"— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 14 Part 1 Coral Reefs Classification Biology Diversity Feeding/Nutrition

2 Coral Classification Domain: Eukaryota Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Cnidaria (Hatschek, 1888) Class: Anthozoa (Ehrenberg, 1831)

3 Scleractinian Corals Calcium carbonate skeleton (CaCO3) Polyps
Symbiodinium sp. (zooxanthellae) Hermatypic – Contain Symbiodinium Reef-building Ahermatypic Most do not contain Symbiodinium Not reef-building

4 Coral Classification


6 Coral Biology coenosarc Figure Cutaway view of one of the polyps in a coral colony and of the calcium carbonate skeleton underneath.

7 Coral Biology Radial symmetry One opening (mouth)
Gastrodermis – tissue lining stomach Septum – increase stomach lining area and contain reproductive cells Basal plate - calciferous ring with 6 supporting radial ridges. The ridges grow vertically and project into the base of the polyp. This drawing depicts the basic anatomy of a hard coral polyp. Artwork Credit: NOAA/Gini Kennedy

8 Calcium Carbonate Skeletons
CO2 + H20  H2CO3 (carbonic acid – weak acid) H2CO3  H+ + HCO3- (carbonate ion) H+ ion helps to neutralize by combining with OH- to form H20 Carbonate ion will also: HCO3-  H+ + CO32- (bicarbonate ion) Ca2+ + CO32-  CaCO3 TAKES ENERGY – Where does it come from?

9 Coral Polyps Most corals are made up of hundreds to hundreds of thousands of individual coral polyps like these. The tissue is only millimeters thick. Night Day

10 Symbiodinium (zooxanthellae) are found in the gastrodermal layer of tissue in the coral at densities greater than 1 million per square inch Photoprotections are necessary for all photosynthetic organisms including Symbiodinium. There are a diverse array of ways these organisms protect themselves from excess light energy especially in shallow ocean waters. Many people here have done groundbreaking work on photoprotections in Symbiodinium and today I’m going to build on the knowledge base they have created. Porites astreoides Symbiodinium photo by S. R. Santos

11 Symbiodinium Classification
Domain: Eukaryota Kingdom: Chromalveolata Superphylum: Alveolata Phylum: Dinoflagellata Class: Dinophyceae Order: Suessiales Family: Blastodiniaceae Genus: Symbiodinium (Freudenthal, 1970)

12 Symbiodinium Endosymbionts of cnidarians and giant clams
Provide corals up to 100% of energy for survival and reef-building Corals provide wastes that Symbiodinium uses for photosynthesis. Symbiodinium provides corals products of photosynthesis for food Acquired by corals Ingestion by planula Transmission from mother to daughter colony through asexual reproduction Ingestion by coral especially after “bleaching”

13 Symbiodinium Diversity
Large culture collection, so opportunities for experiments.

14 Symbiodinium ecological diversity
LaJeunesse, 2001

15 Typical Coral Growth Forms

16 Caribbean Corals Acropora palmata – A3 Porites astereoides – A4a
Montastrea faveolata – B1 Gorgonia ventalina –B1 Porites furcata – A4, B1, C4 Siderastrea siderea – C3 or B5a

17 Acropora formosa and Porites sp.
Indo-Pacific Corals Platygyra sp. Acropora formosa and Porites sp. Acropora formosa Herpolitha limax Acropora hyacinthus Acropora humilis Acropora sp. mix Porites sp.

18 Acropora sp. in the Pacific
Reef Building Corals: Pacific

19 Coral Nutrition and Feeding

20 Coral Nutrition and Feeding
Mesenterial filaments secrete digestive enzymes, corals can also use mucus nets, or absorb DOM from the water

21 Coral Nutrition and Feeding

22 One of worst bleaching events in history
Love-Hate Relationship with Sunlight Use of sunlight Necessary for photosynthesis by Symbiodinium Must protect itself against excess sunlight to avoid “bleaching,” or more accurately, “paling” of Symbiodinium cells Coral skeleton scatters light to increase absorption when fewer pigments available (Enriquez et al. 2005) GBR One of worst bleaching events in history

23 Love-Hate Relationship with Sunlight
Protections against too much sunlight Photoprotection Pigments, pathways of photosynthesis, others Coral pigments Movement of Symbiodinium cells Diversity of Symbiodinum cells on a single colony Kemp et al 2008

24 Coral Bleaching Global climate change and coral bleaching
Warmer oceans + high light = stressed Symbiodinium and corals AND possible death of corals from loss of Symbiodinium

25 Coral bleaching video

26 Coral bleaching 42% of coral cover of GBR lost

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