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Geological Range of Plants. Archaeopteris fossil plant- Sphenophyta Progymnosperm Devonian through Mississippian Archaeopteris fossil plant- Sphenophyta.

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Presentation on theme: "Geological Range of Plants. Archaeopteris fossil plant- Sphenophyta Progymnosperm Devonian through Mississippian Archaeopteris fossil plant- Sphenophyta."— Presentation transcript:

1 Geological Range of Plants

2 Archaeopteris fossil plant- Sphenophyta Progymnosperm Devonian through Mississippian Archaeopteris fossil plant- Sphenophyta Progymnosperm Devonian through Mississippian

3 Archeapteris stump

4 Calamites - plant


6 Geological range of various phyla

7 Ediacaran Fossils- phylum Cnidaria (?), Annelida (?) Late Proterozoic (pC) Ediacaran Fossils- phylum Cnidaria (?), Annelida (?) Late Proterozoic (pC)

8 Segmented worms- Annelida- Late Precambrian to recent Burgess fauna Canadia Polychaete worm from Mazon Creek

9 Burgess Fossil- Hallucigenia sparsa originally classified as an annelid (segmented worm) recently reclassified as an Onychophoran (velvet worms)

10 Waptia- Burgess shale fauna, an Arthropod, probably a crustacean

11 Rugose Coral (Horn Coral) Cnidaria, Anthozoans, Rugosa Cambrian (?) Ordovician-Permian Rugose Coral (Horn Coral) Cnidaria, Anthozoans, Rugosa Cambrian (?) Ordovician-Permian Phylum, Class, Order

12 Branching Corals, Cnidaria, Anthozoa, Tabulata Ord to Permian

13 Scleractin Corals- Cnidaria, Anthozoa, Scleractinia Triassic to recent

14 Ord to Permian

15 Brachiopods- Brachiopoda, 6 Classes, 25 Orders Cambrian to present Brachiopods- Brachiopoda, 6 Classes, 25 Orders Cambrian to present

16 Bryozoans, Lophophorata, 3 Classes, 9 Orders Early Ordovician to present

17 Sponges- Porifera, 4 Classes, (Demospongia, Hexactinellida, Calcarea, Archeocyatha, possibly Stromatoporoids), many orders From the early Cambrian to present Sponges- Porifera, 4 Classes, (Demospongia, Hexactinellida, Calcarea, Archeocyatha, possibly Stromatoporoids), many orders From the early Cambrian to present

18 Crinoids and Sand dollar- Echinodermata, Crinodea and Echinoidea, and numerous Orders Cambrian to recent Crinoids and Sand dollar- Echinodermata, Crinodea and Echinoidea, and numerous Orders Cambrian to recent

19 Sea star and Brittle star, Echinodermata,Asteroi dea and Ophiuroidea, numerous Orders Cambrian to recent

20 Phylum Mollusca- most numerous behind arthropods Classes * Aplacophora-no shells * Monoplacophera - Chitons * Polyplacophora- 2 shelled * Scaphopoda - Tooth shells * Gastropoda - snails * Bivalvia - clams, oysters, mussels * Cephalopoda- octopus, squid

21 Ammonite Cephalopod- Mollusca, Cephalopoda, Ammonoidea Devonian to Cretaceous Nautiloid Cephalopod- Mollusca, Cephalopoda, Nautiloidea Cambrian to recent

22 “Tusk” or “Tooth” shells - Mollusca, Scaphopoda Ordovician to recent

23 Snails- Mollusca, Gastropoda Cambrian to recent

24 Belemnite Mollusk- Mollusca, Belemnoidea, Carboniferous (Mississippian) to Tertiary

25 Bivalve Mollusks- e.g., clams, oysters, scallops Mollusca (Pelecypoda), Bivalvia, and numerous Orders Cambrian to recent Bivalve Mollusks- e.g., clams, oysters, scallops Mollusca (Pelecypoda), Bivalvia, and numerous Orders Cambrian to recent

26 “Tully monster” - unknown systematics- possibly Mollusca Found only in Mazon Creek Fm, Pennsylvanian System only State Fossil! “Tully monster” - unknown systematics- possibly Mollusca Found only in Mazon Creek Fm, Pennsylvanian System only State Fossil!

27 Arthropod systematics- most abundant organisms presently four Classes with many dozens of Orders Trilobita- trilobites Chelicerata- spiders, scorpions, horseshoe crabs Crustacea- crabs, shrimp, lobsters Uniramia- insects May be several other Classes that should be added, related to organisms found in the burgess shale and other localities (e.g., China). Arthropod systematics- most abundant organisms presently four Classes with many dozens of Orders Trilobita- trilobites Chelicerata- spiders, scorpions, horseshoe crabs Crustacea- crabs, shrimp, lobsters Uniramia- insects May be several other Classes that should be added, related to organisms found in the burgess shale and other localities (e.g., China).

28 Trilobites-Arthropoda, Trilobita, and many Orders

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